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Heroworks's avatar

Spring Break adventures?

Asked by Heroworks (130points) February 25th, 2011

Hey guys. My buddy and I were trying to rack our brains to figure out a plan for spring break. We are both going to school in the Austin, TX area. I was hoping you guys could give me some awesome spring break locations and ideas. I am totally open to road trips, partying, and just about anything else. I guess I’m just looking for an adventure.


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8 Answers

Nullo's avatar

Best one of these that I’ve ever heard of involved a cross-country road trip, on surface roads, in a Model T Ford.

Drive someplace and camp for a week.

KateTheGreat's avatar

Ahh. The best spring break of my life was last year. I was 16 and I went with my two best friends on a road trip to Canada. We didn’t tell anyone, not even our parents. We basically lived in a car for a week. If you want to go to a really beautiful place, try Colorado. Hiking, rafting, skiing, and camping are the best things to do there. The place is truly beautiful.

tedd's avatar

I went on two spring break trips while in college, so I’ll just detail those and if its for you go for it.

My Junior year me and 12 friends (including my g/f at the time) rented a house on Mexico City beach (Florida pan handle). It’s about an hour or so east of Panama City (which is a huge Spring Break destination). We were on a peninsula in the gulf of Mexico, and there were tons of vacation houses there (probably 20 in our “block/suburb” alone), but hardly anyone was there. This was great for us since we brought 12 of us to begin with, not to mention tons of alcohol. About a half a mile down the beach there was a similar sized group from another large school (we were Ohio State, they were Oklahoma State, oddly enough the two OSU’s), and a bit further from them another group from Maryland. My g/f and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole trip and had a ton of fun. The single people in our group got a bit restless, but I mean we had a beach largely to ourselves, had a couple beach bon fires…. and we even drove to Panama City for one night to experience the full on Spring Break madness.

My Senior year it was me (single this time) and 10 friends. We went to Tybee Island Georgia. This was a lot less secluded, but more family oriented (in fact our “landlord” lady made it very explicit this wasn’t a typical spring break hang out and if we got out of hand she would kick us out). That said, there were many more groups of students than the year before, not to mention people in general. We didn’t have the seclusion but it was still fun, though Atlantic water is cold. Also on the plus Tybee is like 15 minutes from Savannah, which is by far and away the most beautiful city I’ve ever been to in my life. We spent a whole day there walking around and checking out shops and eating and stuff. We also built a potato cannon from parts at the ACE hardware on Tybee, and fired it into the ocean.

marinelife's avatar

Orlando is the hottest spring break destination.

The_Idler's avatar


Hamburg is also a good night out(!)

zenvelo's avatar

Into skiing? Try a road trip to Telluride and/or Taos.

Load mountain bikes onto the car, head for Moab for some slickrock riding.

boomdiada's avatar

It addition to the great places mentioned above, Daytona, Cabo san Lucas, and San Carlos to mention just a few are all fun. When you decide, write something up to share with others at Have fun and be safe.

jgrissett's avatar

check out and see if you can crash on some random peoples’ couches across the nation for the week

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