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MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Stuff White People Like - what's another term for "white people"?

Asked by MyNewtBoobs (19064points) February 26th, 2011

Ah, another instance of me being idiomatically challenged. I’m trying to understand the jokes in Stuff White People Like but I get the feeling it isn’t referring to “all people of Caucasian decent that have very little pigment in their skin”. So then, who are they referring to? If you had to replace the term “white people” with another term, what term would you use?

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26 Answers

Paradox1's avatar


Paradox1's avatar

On further inspection, I would say this list reflects “yuppies”

jonsblond's avatar

Middle age American

thorninmud's avatar

Hipsters, yuppies, people who buy into a commercialized, sanitized vision of urban chic.

janbb's avatar

Bobos? (bourgeious bohemians)

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@jonsblond Is that Americans who are middle aged, or Americans from the Middle Age of America (of which I am not familiar…)?

jonsblond's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs middle aged, oops. Apparently I’m making many mistakes today. got the police after me bad.

DominicX's avatar

Farmer’s markets, sea salt, bottled water, gifted children, having two last names…it’s so true! :P

Sounds more like middle-aged soccer moms from the Bay Area to me…

markferg's avatar

What’s not to like in it?

syzygy2600's avatar

Looks more like “shit pretentious yuppies like” to me.

syzygy2600's avatar

@ragingloli a cracker is a poor white person from the Carolinas. This list is very far removed from what a cracker would like.

12Oaks's avatar

I’m fine with white guy. Saying “Yo, white guy! to get my attention is fine and dandy with me.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@thorninmud : Hipsters are different, I think. They generally like things that no one else likes, especially underground fashion, music, movies, etc.

thorninmud's avatar

@troubleinharlem Well, I’ll be the first to admit I’m no expert, but if you read this description of hipsters, it does mesh pretty nicely with the SWPL list (see especially irony).

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@thorninmud That’s a really vague description that includes lots of people that aren’t hipsters. For instance, it’s not the 2 dollar shirt you bought at a thrift store that makes you a hipster, it’s that you bought it not for the savings but to prove how much you “don’t care”, and that you pair it with a $300 dollar pair of jeans. It’s not that they listen to indie artists, it’s that they only listen to indie artists, and once anyone else find out about the artist, the experience is ruined for the hipster – which is why they’re constantly saying how they “knew them before you did” and the band on their t-shirt is just “just really obscure band – you’ve probably never heard of them”. It’s those finer points that make up the current incarnation of the hipster.

filmfann's avatar


incendiary_dan's avatar

I believe the author of the list has said himself it’s meant to poke fun primarily at the white liberal elite. Funny, since he himself fits the description. It’s a fun way to examine white privilege.

ratboy's avatar

I swear I really meant it (sincerely) when I put the pink flamingos in the yard.
If I’m not mistaken, the generic name for people of pale complexion is “white devil.”

starsofeight's avatar

white people, brown people, black people, red and yellow people – they all have the same last name.

syzygy2600's avatar

@ratboy calling someone white devil is not only blatant racism, it’s a very good way to get your ass kicked.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@syzygy2600 I don’t think he was calling anyone that – I think he was suggesting it as a possible term to help me understand the connotations the author was going for.

starsofeight's avatar

@filmfann Exactly.

What does color really mean?

My freckles are brown, my hair is red (well, used to be) my eyes are green, and the cheeks of my butt are about as white as it gets.

Time has blessed me with the inability to distinguish the differences as well as I used to. It’s all kinda blurry, now, and most folk just look like people.

augustlan's avatar

My first thought was “yuppies”, too, followed closely by “hipsters”.

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