Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

What do you say on your application to the harem recruiter?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) February 28th, 2011

I’ve been trying to help a friend apply for a job in the harem of one of those neo-potentates. But to tell the truth, I’m kind of at a loss about what to suggest. The whole thing really takes me aback, but she says she’s serious and she thinks the job would be “a hoot.” Whatever.

What should I tell her?

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9 Answers

cockswain's avatar

She could say she was Mormon for a time, but left because she was way too into sex with multiple partners too.

Edit: Oh wait, I thought you were saying she was applying to be a harem recruiter. Couldn’t you just say you really, really like lots of sex with lots and lots of people?

Nullo's avatar

Truly, there are not words enough in the world to express the sheer weirdness of this question.
Push off, mods, this post is in Social. Yes, I can see you eyeing that button.

Ladymia69's avatar

And you were picking on me for asking about shaving?

abaraxadac's avatar

tell her she needs to sell herself as completely submissive, doesn’t have any interest in running her own life, and is willing to put up with anything at all that anyone wants to do to her body, as long as she is taken care of and never has to worry about basic, physical necessities ever again.
That is the only damned reason I can think of for someone wanting to do it. And find out how much she would be getting paid. If it is high enough, maybe I can find out if they need any 6’4 32 y/o army dudes in there….

wundayatta's avatar

I think she is thinking more of Scheherazade than submission.

abaraxadac's avatar

Scheheranade who-de-what-se? I have absolutely no idea what that is, sorry:(

zenvelo's avatar

@abaraxadac Scheherazade told the tales of 1,001 Arabian Nights. Every day the shah would marry a virgin. The next day she would be beheaded, and he would choose another virgin. Sheherazade was chosen and the first night she told most of a story. The shah wanted to know the ending, but had to wait until the next night to hear it. Over the 1,001 nights, the shah fell in love with her, and spared her life.

zenvelo's avatar

Rather than saying she is a sex fiend, she should say she only likes sex once very two weeks, but when she has sex she is insatiable and can keep a man from climaxing for hours.

Earthgirl's avatar

Tell her to read this book first Some Girls

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