Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

Do you have a short shelf life?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) March 9th, 2011

A couple of weeks ago, I was feeling pretty good because I had made some new friends online. I had started meeting these new people a couple of months ago. Then, in the space of a day, they have all gone back to wherever they sprang from on the net.

Just like that!

Do you have experiences where it seems like you have a short shelf life? Others might pick you off the shelf, but the day hits and suddenly you’re tossed into the dumpster. Suddenly you are yesterday’s news.

How does this happen? Do you think you play a big role in making it happen? If so, what is that role?

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6 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever had this problem. I am pretty brisk about people no longer being into me, it’s fine. I’m the same way with them.

Nullo's avatar

I’m kinda one of those other people; I’ll periodically lose interest in a person or activity after a while. But that’s usually more of an apathy problem on my part.

Of course, some people are simply boring. I kinda-sorta-but-not-really dated a girl once who didn’t talk much (or about anything) and never wanted to do anything. After a while I got tired of holding up both ends of the conversation, and we kinda stopped hanging out. The breaking point was when we went to Six Flags and she didn’t want to go on any of the rides or attend the concert that was playing there.

tranquilsea's avatar

For me, life just gets busy. I have so many things I need to do or should be doing that sometimes weeks go before I talk to my best friend even. It’s not because I think she’s boring it’s just that I’m busy. Conversely, if some of my friends don’t talk to me for a while I chalk it up to them being busy.

Joker94's avatar

Eh, it’s happened before. I know I’ve treated others this way, and I know that other people have done the same to me. It always seems kind of cyclical, though, and we usually end up talking again soon anywho.

picante's avatar

I believe I have a very long shelf-life. I have friends and colleagues whom I’ve known for decades. We fall in and out of touch over the years, but we’ve “stayed together.” In one way, Facebook and LinkedIn have abetted the cause, but my long shelf-life predates the Internet and social media.

On the other hand, I’ve had friends (and sadly someone I considered a very good friend) who have dumped me, and I think the facility brought about by the Internet, e-mail, etc. makes that sort of behavior easy, if not always easy to tolerate.

I simply don’t give people the bum’s rush like that—certanly the busyness of my life precludes me from continual intereaction, but I believe anyone who knows me well knows that I will always keep my door, my inbox and my heart open.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Nope, I’m more like dormant stuff in your system that flares up now and then, I’m always with you.

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