Meta Question

bob_'s avatar

Do you think that the Jellies who choose not to show their responses in their profiles have something to hide?

Asked by bob_ (21898points) March 11th, 2011

Or do you view it as a legitimate way to protect one’s privacy? What are your thoughts?

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56 Answers

Seelix's avatar

I just changed my settings yesterday because I learned how. I don’t really care one way or the other.

iamthemob's avatar

I think Jellies who don’t have a picture of themselves as their avatars have something to hide. ;-)

No but seriously – for me, it would be about deciding that since I say stupid things sometimes, or don’t want someone to get an opinion about what I think about one question by looking at others, OR, and this is the most powerful actual reason I can think of, I don’t want someone to see advice that I gave in one situation and take it in theirs when that would be very, very wrong.

Cruiser's avatar

Just a big ol’ Neener @bob_ XD

wilma's avatar

No. I think that they are probably protecting their privacy.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I don’t know, are you hiding something bob_?

JilltheTooth's avatar

I think it’s a deliberate conspiracy to keep me confused. It’s succeeding.

Coloma's avatar

I have nothing to hide and I pay no attention. People can and, more importantly, WILL think what they think.
I have zero desire to defend myself.
I feel my overall exemplary conduct here speaks for itself. :-)

bob_'s avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate Oh, I’m hiding something—in my pants.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Damn, @bob_ , now I want to make a rude remark about it being too well-hidden. But I won’t.

Coloma's avatar


Is it a puppy, a loaf of bread, a rolled up newspaper?

bob_'s avatar

@Coloma It’s a cobra.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Oooh! A puppy! I hope it’s a puppy!

JilltheTooth's avatar

not a puppy? damn.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Cobras spit, you know…

JilltheTooth's avatar

puppies are not known for spitting. Just sayin’

JilltheTooth's avatar

Oh, and @bob_ , more girls want to play with puppies than cobras.

ucme's avatar

Maybe, but then maybe not. Personally, i’ve never given it a seconds thought….until just now, whoosh….it’s gone again.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@JilltheTooth Maybe if it had a cute name? My sister in law had a python named Fluffy.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Nope. But a puppy named Fluffy…

bob_'s avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate @JilltheTooth Yo, ain’t nothing fluffy here.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

You shave? Bob_… that’s so… hot.

privacy_bomb's avatar

Small chunks of info spread out over a long time don’t mean much. But when you have a way to consolidate a lot of info in one place it makes it easier to find out about you. Sure, the info is out there it is just a lot harder to piece together.

Really, most people here have told what city they live in, what their name is, and tons of other stuff that would make it easy to find them. But when it is spread out over 1+ million entries you have to be really fucked in the head to collect it.

Scooby's avatar

I didn’t know you could hide them! are mine hidden? how do you know? I’m not really bothered either myself…... who cares.. so what.. so there…......... ;-)

wilma's avatar

Yo @bob_ can I pet your puppy? ... er don’t know if I want to pet the cobra.

Jude's avatar

Protecting my privacy, Robert.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

No clue. Never gave it a thought.

janbb's avatar

@bob_ Sure it’s not a hero sandwich?

Don’t know if mine are hidden or visible or what. Who cares?

JilltheTooth's avatar

I like to check sometimes to see if certain people are currently posting so that I can maybe PM them and get an immediate response. I also like to see if the people that I’m interested in have maybe posted on a question I might not have otherwise been interested in.

Jeruba's avatar

how would it not be legitimate? i can’t imagine how withholding anything on fluther could be an illegitimate act.

i am certainly all for protecting one’s right to privacy. if you want privacy, you don’t post on the internet; but there are degrees, and some of us are more comfortable with a limited openness. no one should have to justify this.

here’s a little background on this display option. at the time that histories were added, there were several threads about it that could probably be found with some digging.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Well, when I notice a person has hidden their questions or answers (or however it works, since I noted the option at the time it was presented, decided I had no need, and then promptly forgot how it worked), yes, I wonder if they have something to hide. Or maybe, perhaps, more specifically, what it is they are hiding and why.

I respect the privacy of others and I like that a person can choose to display things as they feel most comfortable, but I will admit that I do find it the teeniest bit irksome when I’ve gone to stalk someone, only to find they’ve hidden what I seek.

Coloma's avatar

Okay fine, I’ll fess up. I moonlight as a madam and run an opium cartel.
I plan on a cross country jaunt to populate the U.S. with opium poppies.
Coloma Poppyseed. People will be picking my poppies for generations to come, and, just like in Asia, some of the happiest cows on earth are chest high in blooming fields of heroin.
I think the California cows could be happier, and well, it’d make for some mellow milk. lololol

jonsblond's avatar

Maybe some have something to hide, maybe some don’t want to be stalked, and everything @privacy_bomb said.

Axemusica's avatar

lol I just hide the congratulatory answers, because I feel that those shouldn’t be part of my Greatest Answers. Other than that (& I’ve probably said this before) I’ve got nothing to hide.

seazen_'s avatar

Privacy, in the era of facebook and twitter and linking fluther to both or either, is ridiculous. Having said that, I choose to change nicknames all the time… So I’m going with the latter so as not be hypocritical…

Axemusica's avatar

One day @seazen_ you will be assimilated!

seazen_'s avatar

I’m so assimilated my gills are green.

cockswain's avatar

I hide my responses because, yes, I do have something to hide. There are people I don’t want to find me on the internet that might be able to figure out who I am from keyword searches based on things I’ve written. Should they find a response or two, I can live with that. If they can review everything I’ve written, I would not like that.

MissAnthrope's avatar

@cockswain – But you realize they can find you via search engines anyway, right? Google searches using keywords will pull up the actual threads, which show your posts, and then the jig is up.

chyna's avatar

@iamthemob Maybe we aren’t all as pretty as you. :-)

Coloma's avatar

Okay, break out the disguises.

cockswain's avatar

@MissAnthrope I do realize that, but the people I don’t want to find me are also dumb and lazy. If I add another step that makes it harder for them to find ALL my posts, then I’m satisfied.

Ladymia69's avatar

As you all know, I completely agree with @bob_ and @iamthemob .

And what is in @bob_ ‘s pants? Nothin’ but a warm olive loaf sammich.

and the mayonnaise has gone all gooey.

seazen_'s avatar

@cockswain But you are such a nice, 45 year old divorcee with three kids and a second mortgage who hates his old boss and is currently unemployed in New Mexico, planning a trip to LA and can be reached on Mobile phone at 309–776-9807

jonsblond's avatar

@seazen_ wow, that’s my area code. o.O


Bellatrix's avatar

I have to say I haven’t chosen to hide my responses but as @privacy_bomb said, if you went through and looked at all my responses, you would know quite a bit about me and my past. Not something I really want. I am not ashamed of anything I post but I am not posting with the thought that someone could read all I write here and piece it together to work out who I am. I don’t really want those I work with or people in some realms of my life knowing about some of the things I might post here.

augustlan's avatar

Different people probably have different reasons for not revealing all of their questions/answers in one place. I don’t really think anything about it, one way or the other.

cookieman's avatar

I figure they work for the CIA.

janbb's avatar


cockswain's avatar

Dammit @seazen_ ! Now it’s all in one place!

JilltheTooth's avatar

@cockswain : and the forces of Darkness are closing in….

Axemusica's avatar

It’s ok though, since they have an unlimited supply of cookies.

Berserker's avatar

I didn’t know that was a feature, but now that you mention it I think I remember it from a while back. Well, lots of users here, I can’t tell what goes on in the heads of those who hide stuff, and why. Maybe just privacy. Maybe they’re fucking freaks. Maybe they’re shy. Maybe they’re dramatic. Some of us might be ghosts. Online can be bizarre. As for me, I’ve nothing to hide, besides a bunch of dead bodies and drugs.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’ve got nothing to hide. You can reach me at this number.

Axemusica's avatar

mmmmmmm Jenny

AnonymousWoman's avatar

I prefer hiding stuff on my profile. I don’t like it when I’m trying to discuss something current and someone goes into my activity and decides to pull something in another question or answer of mine out and use that to explain his or her opinion about something I said. If it’s on my main profile, that’s one thing.. but if it’s in a question or answer… that’s another. When I found out this feature existed, I was quite happy about it. I’ve wished for a feature like that on another site I use. Why does it matter anyway?

Yes, I have something to hide. I don’t want where I live showing on my profile, but I still want to talk about it freely. I also feel that my opinion might change from time to time and I find it easier to have everything hidden just in case that happens. I feel freer to talk more openly about sex and bi-curiosity and stuff like that now. Oh, and there is just something about having a clean profile that I like. :)

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