Social Question

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

What is your favorite thing to be complimented on?

Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir (39057points) April 4th, 2011

Do you enjoy compliments for your appearance, your talents, your intelligence, your relationships, etc. the most? And which do you actually get more often: the ones your prefer most or some other compliments?

My favorite compliments are for my parenting and for my presentations that I run on various subjects. Generally, however, I’m most complimented on my body parts.

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60 Answers

tinyfaery's avatar

I hate compliments. I usually get compliments on my looks, but when people get to know me they sometimes compliment me on my intelligence. It usually comes out like, “Damn, tinyfaery knows a lot of stuff.” Maybe that’s a compliment. I take it as one.

erichw1504's avatar

My procrastination skillz. “My Erich, you procrastinate extremely well!”

KateTheGreat's avatar

I normally don’t like compliments unless they are genuine and spontaneous. But if I do get complimented, it means the most when they are appreciating my singing, my intelligence, or my character. (I hope that didn’t sound too arrogant) Whenever someone compliments me too often, it just seems pointless.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I like it when my hubby compliments me on how I’m looking, but I also like it when he compliments me on a job well done around the house (cleaning, laundry, cooking, etc…)

SpatzieLover's avatar

My parenting skills. Usually it’s for my smile or something along those lines, though

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

My favorite ones are the compliments I have received from other artists and children.
Most compliments are nice though…even back- handed ones can be kind of funny.

Cruiser's avatar

My cooking and temper. Same adjectives for both too!

Scooby's avatar

My work…… be it at my job / place of work or simple DIY in the home or garden… I do some work for friends & family, when I have time & it’s always nice to help others out, especially if it’s something they wouldn’t dream of undertaking themselves, plus they save money into the bargain too, which is always appreciated…. :-/
I’m well known for being good with my hands ;-) Lol…..

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I like the ones I get for making someone feel good for whatever reason.
Example: Lucille that butterfly painting didn’t totally suck!

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

It depends on who is complimenting me and when. If I have gotten dressed up for a night on the town….it’s nice to be complimented on how I look at that moment…if it is someone I fancy.

But I think that my favorite compliments are on my work…my writing, my research, the things I do creatively and artistically.

bkcunningham's avatar

I know I’m very beautiful and smart. I’m also very kind. Without a doubt, I am generous to a fault. I like it when someone compliments me on my humility.

bunnygrl's avatar

I love when customers at work say to me they come to my checkout because I’m always smiling. That truly means more to me than they could ever realise, since I’ve been battling depression for so many years, and some days the biggest battle has been just to get to work at all. I smile because I love being there, I smile because I’m grateful for my daft wee minimum wage job, I smile because I’ve won a battle that day and I’m not trapped in the house. So, yes, I appreciate those customers, and they make me smile even more :-) This is a lovely question honey, thank you, now you’ve made me smile on my day off too <hugs> xx

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

The best compliments are when it is regarding something that the receivers believe to be true about themselves.

ucme's avatar

My kids, I mean that’s not directly answering the intent of your question, but it is my honest response.
Whenever a teacher, family member or whoever heaps praise on them, well let’s just say it makes my heart sing…..wild thing ;¬}

Jude's avatar


Followed by eyes, voice, and “the best tits that I’ve ever seen”.

bunnygrl's avatar

@ucme best answer ever, wish I could give you millions of lurve for it, I’ll bet you’re a brilliant Dad <hugs> xx

erichw1504's avatar

@Jude Pics or it didn’t happen.

Jude's avatar

@tinyfaery, I would compliment you on your brain, as well. Plus, your laugh. Also, I know that you’re a big mushball and have a beautiful heart.

ddude1116's avatar

I prefer compliments regarding things I put a lot of effort into, usually like my writing or something else I bleed myself into, but there are moments where an off-the-wall compliment from a certain person really makes your day, dig? Whether it’s because of the person themself or the unusually genuine, adorable way they complimented you.
Adorable people give fantastically uplifting compliments..

ucme's avatar

@bunnygrl If I wasn’t such an arrogant so & so i’d probably be blushing right now. Cheers missus :¬)

thorninmud's avatar

My cat thinks I have the best lap ever.

wundayatta's avatar

The compliment I want is a believable compliment. Those are hard to come by. Probably because I require proof beyond a reasonable doubt that I deserve that compliment.

People tell me nice things about my kids pretty often. I don’t know if that’s really a compliment on my parenting skills, since my kids are their own people and they do what they choose to do, not what I tell them to do. Well, I don’t tell them. I ask them. They are usually quite accommodating.

Sometimes people tell me I’m intelligent or smart, whatever that means. No one has ever offered any evidence to support that claim, however. I get compliments on my cooking, but everyone knows that the real compliment comes from seeing the empty plates. I tend to accomplish that from time to time.

My favorite thing to get a compliment on is probably something best not mentioned. Once someone complimented its beauty. That was several years ago, and I’m still high on that one! It was the perfect compliment, because it was purely aesthetic and could not be gainsaid, no matter how hard I tried (no way I was going to gather the evidence necessary to prove it wrong).

Kardamom's avatar

My photography, my cooking and my writing. Those are my passions, so I’m glad when someone else can appreciate what I’ve created.

DominicX's avatar

I am a fan of all compliments. If someone has something nice to say about me, whether its about appearance, personality, intelligence, etc. I love to hear it.

My favorites, however, are probably when I’m complimented on my intelligence or my friendliness, kindness, down-to-earthness (it should be a word), etc. Ones that show that people do find me an interesting and positive person to be around. And of course I don’t mind hearing that I’m “cute” either… :P

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stardust's avatar

I like when people compliment me on my character. If it’s genuine, it makes me feel warm inside. I like compliments on things that are important to me such as my writing. I love it when I receive compliments on my cooking.

creative1's avatar

The real compliments I like hearing the most is from my daughter who has alot of medical issues doctors, When her Neurologist gaves me praise for finding her seizure disorder when she was only having 3 in a cluster and they only usually see children with this seizure type until they are having 50–100 in a cluster then it makes you feel good. Considering the more in a cluster the seizures are the more brain damage that is being done. There is more but its is things like this that makes me feel like I am really making a difference to my girls.

Mariah's avatar

I’m with @DominicX, if someone has something nice to say I won’t be upset about them for not choosing the subject of optimal niceness to comment on. Although I can definitely see how it could get annoying for people to acknowledge your appearance only. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have favorite things to be complimented on. My favorite compliments to receive are on the topics that I don’t feel particularly confident on myself. Like if someone were to tell me I was brave, that would mean a lot to me because I get down on myself for my self-perceived cowardliness. People say that requiring extrinsic validation is a sign of a lack of self-confidence, and I believe it. I also like being complimented on things that I consider generally important, like my ethics, the way I treat others, the way I approach problems, and my intelligence.

etignotasanimum's avatar

I like it when I get compliments about my work—writing, photography, etc. Things that matter to me and I really work hard on. But it’s also nice to get the occasional compliment about my looks, even though that’s entirely up to genetics and I had no part in it. It’s nice to be reminded that people consider me pretty every once in a while. If it’s that type of compliment, it’s usually regarding my super long/dark eyelashes, my eyes (doe-like, apparently), or my “curvy-yet-slender” physique. I don’t see any of that, but it’s a nice confidence-booster.

cookieman's avatar

As they’re few and far between, I’ll take what I can get. I’m not picky.

I obviously prefer they be genuine. I don’t like when someone butters my bread just because they want something. This happens at work fairly often. “Ya know cprevite, you are so good at…” – “Yeah, yeah, what do you want?”

While I’ll take a real compliment from anyone, I love getting them from my wife and daughter. It’s so common to take your loved ones for granted in the hustle & bustle of everyday life – it’s really nice when they compliment me on something.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

You know, @cprevite, you are so good at writing great, intelligent answers. :P

janbb's avatar

My sense of humor and my insight.

deni's avatar

I enjoy being told how good I am at karaoke. lol. I also don’t mind compliments on my new haircut. It’s nice to be reassured.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Every so often I get asked where I am from due to the way I look. I enjoy the fact that I don’t look typically English which makes me feel like my look is interesting enough to ask questions about. I realise how superficial it is to like being complimented on the way I look.

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deni's avatar

@Leanne1986 oooh that’s a good one. Someone once told me I looked Egyptian. I about died of joy.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@noelleptc and @deni I mostly get that I look a little Spanish. My mum’s side of the family are very dark skinned and way, way back the heritage was most likely Romany, based on what we know of the family. It doesn’t prove that people find me beautiful just interesting and I like that. People are always polite and some obviously feel a bit awkward when asking, I think they think that it may come across as some sort of racism!

faye's avatar

I love being told people like to talk with me.

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OpryLeigh's avatar

@noelleptc That’s a cool mix!

tedibear's avatar

I like any compliment that is genuine and heartfelt. If the person really means it, you can feel it. If they’re just saying it to try to make me feel better, I’d rather that they not say anything.

I must ask, why in the world is it shallow to want to be complimented on how you look? Because it was a fluke of genetics and you think you don’t deserve it? Because you don’t want someone to think that you value yourself only for your looks? If you look good, you look good and there’s no shame in wanting to hear it from time to time. Not to the point of becoming big-headed or vain, but on occasion, and from someone you desire/love/fancy well, I just can’t say that it’s bad. Now if it’s the only thing you think you offer, then there’s a problem. Otherwise, you probably made some effort to look good/nice/pretty/beautiful so why shouldn’t someone say something nice about it?

Ladymia69's avatar

My “ghetto-booty”.

Probably my art, writing, and singing. When people compliment that, it makes me feel validated. Maybe that’s sad, but I don’t give a shit.

cookieman's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate: Yeah, yeah – whataya want?

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

I just like to know that I didn’t screw something up

Jude's avatar

@ladymia69 “When people compliment that, it makes me feel validated. Maybe that’s sad, but I don’t give a shit”

There’s nothing wrong with that, woman. :)

Foolaholic's avatar

I would say my favorite compliments are those that come right out of the blue, on subject I don’t expect to be complimented on. I’ll give you an example:

The first time I met this girl, my buddy and I were dropping off a 30 rack at a house party. We walk into the living room with the goods, and mutual friend starts introducing me to the people I don’t know. When we get to this girl, she stands up to shake my hand and says, “Is that your silver car in the back.” I say yes, and she replies, “Well it’s a fantastic color. It’s very nice to meet you.”

She completely blind-sided me, and it was one of the best compliments I’ve ever received.

downtide's avatar

I find it hard to deal with compliments; I always find it hard to believe that they’re genuine. I do like to be complimented on the way I dress.

tedibear's avatar

@ladymia69 – Not sad at all! To know that something you have created or performed has moved or touched someone enough that they will tell you – that’s a wonderful thing! Nothing at all wrong with it. Isn’t part of being a performer and artist to touch others and bring them joy? And how would you know that if they didn’t tell you?

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I used to love compliments for my talents (design) but mostly get them for my looks.

Vunessuh's avatar

My screenwriting or my massive tittays.

MilkyWay's avatar

My smile…

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Brian1946's avatar

I am the most humble person on this planet, so I always love it when people tell me that my humility is only surpassed by my humbleness.

MilkyWay's avatar

@SpatzieLover. I usually blush when someone says that, so I must like it I guess : )

Facade's avatar

As long as it’s genuine, I’ll take what I can get

saintDrew's avatar

The Muscular physique I’m building

mattbrowne's avatar


FutureMemory's avatar

My dick, obviously.

urbanprimate's avatar

my rebelliousness, creativity, and practicality. i especially like when people let me know there’s a method to my madness

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