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MyNewtBoobs's avatar

(NSFW) I need some good examples of historical erotica? (details!)

Asked by MyNewtBoobs (19064points) April 11th, 2011

Ok, I’m trying to convince a friend to give historical erotica a chance. But she says she doesn’t like it because she “usually get(s) caught up in limits of the times and lack of outward vulgarity.”

We need to prove her wrong. So what I need is basically the dirtiest, most vulgar erotica you can point me in the direction of.

Thank you, and please, get yourself a towel and a cigarette before getting too far into this search ;)

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18 Answers

Seelix's avatar

120 Days of Sodom by the Marquis de Sade is pretty vulgar.
There’s a lot of vulgar sex in Boccaccio’s Decameron.

laureth's avatar

Is artwork okay?

Not at all safe for work: The Dream of the Fisherman’s Wife

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@laureth Absolutely! And nothing on this thread is safe for work. Or the weak of heart.

Basically, I’m looking to prove as much as possible that this notion that our generation somehow invented kinky, dirty, vulgar sex is total and complete crapola, and we couldn’t come up with something new if we tried.

aprilsimnel's avatar

From 1929. “Erotica”. HA!

It was made for a birthday party of the cartoonist who created Gertie the Dinosaur, Winsor McCay. When I first saw it I was shocked. Now I think it’s funny.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@aprilsimnel LMAO, that was absolutely hilarious!

ETpro's avatar

As far back as the 14th Century, Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales dealt with the baudiness of the day and the hipocrisy of the church. Certainly, Voltaire’s Candide is certainly sizzling. The modern spoof of it, Candy is an easier read and quite sexy to boot.

fundevogel's avatar

Make her read James Joyce’s dirty letters. So long as we’re unapologetically NSFW:

“You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her.”

I’ve got some older erotica on my to read list, but I haven’t gotten to it yet so I can’t vouch for it. They are overwhelmingly French with the exception of Fanny Hill (which is totally on my ipad).

Fanny Hill – (1748) most banned book EVAR, apparently it’s really explicit
The Story of the Eye – (1928) sexual grotesquery
The Story of O – (1954) story of a willing sex slave
The Eleven Thousand Rods – (1907) about a count that goes out and explores the gamut of sexual activity
The Delta of Venus – (written in the 40’s published in the 70’s) shorts stories by Anais Nin, she’s supposed to be quite good

On the visual art side check out Aubrey Beardsley, Egon Schiele and Johann Geiger.

@aprilsimnel That doesn’t look like Winsor McCay’s style. Wikipedia says it was made in honor of him according to legend. Still very cool though.

ucme's avatar

I have pics of Ronald Reagan humping Nancy in the oral orifice, make that oval office, but it’ll cost ya! Well, I gotta protect my investment source now don’t I? XD

aprilsimnel's avatar

@fundevogel – Yeah, I know, that’s why I said ”for the birthday party of”.

I read Fanny Hill online years ago. It is raunchy. Heavens, is it ever raunchy! There’s got to be an unexpurgated copy to read online somewhere.

Seelix's avatar

Fanny Hill for free. Project Gutenberg has tons of free ebooks – stuff whose copyright has lapsed.

Buttonstc's avatar

Let’s not forget the good ol’ Kama Sutra. More positions than anyone’s imagination could think of.

answerjill's avatar

Casanova’s History of my Life has some hot stuff.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Something of a little more recent vintage, say, 1973.

fundevogel's avatar

@aprilsimnel whoops I read that wrong.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@fundevogel – ‘S all right. Here. Have some raunchy double-entendres.

fundevogel's avatar

@aprilsimnel Furniture pron for you! Also, Oedipus in 8 minutes preformed by vegetables. Hot incestuous potato on tomato action!

choreplay's avatar

Anais Nins Delta Venus is ok. Best stuff I know of is more recent, anything by Nancy Friday.

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