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Facade's avatar

When was the last time you prayed?

Asked by Facade (22937points) April 29th, 2011

What did you pray for?
Did God (or whomever) grant your request? Say wait? Say no?

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56 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Never in my entire 305 earth year life.

ucme's avatar

At school, we were kind of forced to en masse in morning assembly. I just lip synched my way through.

crisw's avatar

When I was about 9. I doubt it very much.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

My god, must have been over 15 years ago. I didn’t hear anything back yet.

dxs's avatar

Few seconds ago. Wasn’t a petition prayer, just the Lord’s Prayer.

missingbite's avatar

Last night. I don’t really pray for requests that could easily be shown an answer. I thanked God that my family in Tuscaloosa was shaken but not hurt and prayed for the families that were impacted. Hard to see God’s answer but I know it is there.

wundayatta's avatar

It’s not a prayer to anyone. It’s just a kind of wishing in my mind. Two or three weeks ago. It did give me the peace I sought.

Facade's avatar

I guess I’ll answer: I tend to talk to God throughout the day. My mother does it, and I guess I picked up the habit.

dxs's avatar

What type of Christian are you?

Facade's avatar

@dxs I don’t understand what you mean

Aster's avatar

I also tend to thank God throughout the day and ask Him for blessings to those fighting in war to the flood victims in Hollister, Missouri and just a lot of different supplications. I had a major prayer request answered very favorably last month for a relative and I hope all of your prayers are answered too. It is so interesting how they can be answered in ways you never would have guessed. (:
To those who do not believe in prayer because so many are not answered I say yes, it is certainly a huge mystery that we won’t be able to solve in this life. I can well understand how you can feel about it the way that you do.

bkcunningham's avatar

This morning on the tee box on the 8th hole. The wind was blowing. There was a sand bunker on the right of the green and water on the left. I was playing with three women. The youngest was 80 and they were kicking my ass. Please dear God…

Ron_C's avatar

I would guess that it was at leasst 30 years ago. I don’t remember the request so it either wasn’t important or I didn’t get an answer. Either way, it’s a useless excercise.

Saying that, I think prayer is useful to help you focus on what you really want and if you think about the subject hard enough, you are likely to come up with a solution. I also know, for a fact, that the prayer “God please don’t let this hurt” isn’t much good when the brakes fail on your mountain bike. I also learned that you can get a pretty good infection from a barbed wire fence when you hit it at 15 mph.

zenvelo's avatar

Last night, concerned about my kids.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Uhhhh…. it has been at least 15 years. I think. I don’t know. In 28 years, the first half of which were spent as a believer, I never got a reply.

rts486's avatar


Scooby's avatar

The line went dead a long, long time ago…… I just talk to myself now :-/

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

This week I said a little prayer to the test god’s for Chocolate’s daughter. That’s as far as I go in asking for anything.

Dutchess_III's avatar

All the time.

@Facade I think maybe @dxs was maybe saying you’re the wrong kind of Christian. Or something! Who knows!

Blackberry's avatar

When I was 8 or 9. I think I prayed that I have a good life or something.

lemming's avatar

Last night.

snowberry's avatar

Every day, through out the day, and yes, I have seen many prayers answered. It’s a relationship, and there is give and take, but it’s not like a human relationship.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Last night. I always pray for the safety of my family and friends, and also that all of our homes and vehicles remain in excellent condition. I also pray for the homeless each night, that they be given a place to sleep and a meal, and I pray for specific people who have requested it.

Some of you jellies have even been in my prayers, a few of you quite recently. =0)

@Adirondackwannabe Awww, thank you sweetie; it’s much appreciated!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I used to pray for my animals, dead and alive, every night thusly: “God bless PutterChipperChipDivitDufferDriverBogeyFairwayMulliganFourBallsaaaaaand (Deep breath) Little Cat.”

Winters's avatar

October 19, 2009 part of me’s final scream before I fully accepted Nihilism

Ron_C's avatar

@Winters what happened on 10/29/09?

dxs's avatar

@Facade What religion are you? you don’t have to answer

Winters's avatar

@Ron_C the 29th? Pre-Halloween sex. the 19th? I don’t feel like sharing.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@dxs Well, I’m thinking she’s of the Christian religion. Same as me. I’m sure she wouldn’t have a problem answering. We just feel that it’s kind of an odd question. I, too, talk to God throughout the day and in different ways and at different times. I don’t pray for ponies only at bed time.

dxs's avatar

@Dutchess_III I just wanted to know so that I can put it into perspective of my religion, Catholicism.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well. Ok. How would you put my answer into your perspective? I don’t claim to belong to any particular offshoot of Christianity.

Facade's avatar

@dxs Christian… If you’re asking what denomination I belong to, I don’t belong to one.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Facade Hey! We belong to the same nondenominational church! How come I never see you there? PS…thank you for the word! For the life of me it wasn’t coming to me!

Brian1946's avatar

I guess sometime in 1958.

Perhaps I prayed that I’d never be forced to go to church again.

My parents decided that remodeling the house was more important than attending masses, so we never went back.

I don’t think that there is a deity, but if one exists and my consequent freedom from forced church attendance was that prayer being answered, then that was surprisingly mature of him/her/it.

dxs's avatar

But you are not Catholic? Do you go to Mass or believe in the bible? I don’t know if you can just consider yourself Christian based on if you pray or not etc. I shoud end here, since I really haven’t heard your feedback.

Dutchess_III's avatar

She just told you @dxs…she doesn’t subscribe to any particular denomination. Many people don’t. Just guessing that she feels like I do….rituals and rules aren’t what it’s all about.

dxs's avatar

But I don’t understand fully. If people just say that they believe in God, but don’t do anything to help it, I don’t see how that can hold through.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What do you consider “helping” it? You don’t have to belong to a certain denomination to be a witness or an example for what you believe in.

dxs's avatar

I think I may be talking too Catholic…I just don’t know how a set of certain beliefs are put down as just a “christian”

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, there is wisdom to be found in ALL religions, and not just Christian ones. There is wisdom in Islam, in Hindu, in the sayings of Confucius. We have the brains to pick the wisdom out of whatever we’re exposed to, and hopefully the wisdom to disregard the foolish and useless.

Harold's avatar

Last night. Always for my children. Can’t help but worry when they’re big enough to leave home. It is one of those prayers that you don’t know if it is answered or not, but just trust that God will do what is best.

etignotasanimum's avatar

Six years ago, when my great grandfather was in the hospital. I prayed for him to be able to make it, and he died a few days later. I’m pretty sure that I haven’t prayed since then…

Dutchess_III's avatar

@etignotasanimum Did you really expect God to allow your GREAT grandfather to live forever? If he was your great, then he had to be in his 80’s or 90’s….

etignotasanimum's avatar

Well, no, of course not. But I hadn’t seen him for several years and did not get a chance to say goodbye to him. I wanted a chance to do that, and that was what I had prayed for.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m sorry. I didn’t get a chance to say good bye to my Mom….it’s bad.

snowberry's avatar

We tend to think “If I pray and God does thus and so, I’ll believe in God. And if God doesn’t show up, He must not exist.”

If God answers a prayer, we think, “Yaay! God’s on my side! He must love me!”

I have found that what works is to find out what God’s about and get on God’s side. This means I must be willing to do whatever God wants regardless if He ever answers my prayers!. When I did that, that’s when I began to see answered prayer.

In other words, it’s not about me. It’s not my agenda, but God’s.

etignotasanimum's avatar

@Dutchess_III yeah, it wasn’t that great. But I figure that he knew that I loved him, and that’s what matters in the end. I have memories of being with him, so he’s not truly gone and all. I’m sorry about your mom, though.

Ladymia69's avatar

I am agnostic, but I do pray. To whom? I don’t know. I was brought up Christian (not anymore), so the habit sort of stuck. Mostly I pray for protection for me and my loved ones. I went through a pagan/wiccan phase, so if I address anyone, it is usually “Mother” or “Goddess”.

KateTheGreat's avatar

Never in my life have I prayed and I don’t plan to in the future.

Pandora's avatar

I pray everyday. I always pray for my love ones to be healthy and happy and safe.

OpryLeigh's avatar

5 minutes ago. I pray several times a day, not on my knees with my hands together but I am always asking for guidance.

Ron_C's avatar

@Winters o.k., I really don’t want to know about your sex life.

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