General Question

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Can I use notebook adapter on a desktop computer to connect to my wireless router?

Asked by MyNewtBoobs (19064points) May 4th, 2011

I have a Cisco-Linksys router, and I need to get an adapter for my desktop to connect to it wirelessly. Notebook adapters are $10–30 cheaper than desktop adapters, so do I have to use a desktop one or can I go the cheaper route? What are the benefits of a desktop adapter over a notebook one?

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6 Answers

BhacSsylan's avatar

Well, what kind of adapter are you looking at? If it’s a PCMCIA, you probably don’t have the right port on your desktop. If it’s a USB adapter, you’ll be fine. I use one that I bought when I bought my desktop (I already planned on having a wireless network set up and decided to cut down on the wires) and I’ve never had any issues.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@BhacSsylan Perfect, it is a USB.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@BhacSsylan Do you know if I can use any Cisco-Linksys Wireless-N adapter (because my router is wireless-n), or does it have to be one made specifically for the router I have?

BhacSsylan's avatar

Hmm, i’m not the best with specifics, so another opinion may be good, but I believe any adapter will work with that router, or should. I know manufacturer doesn’t matter, but if you get an adapter that is, say, wireless G or B you may have some problems. probably not, but I can’t be sure.

That said, if you stick to a wireless N adapter (and your really should if you have a wireless N router, you lose all the benefits of N otherwise), the brand doesn’t matter at all well, besides just crappy quality vs good quality. Again, for reference, I have a Gigabyte adapter and D-Link router, they play just fine.

jrpowell's avatar

Just be aware that those little USB ones that look like thumb drives don’t really work that that well unless you are really close to the router. I have one of these and I get a really good signal. But if you get one make sure to read the reviews. Getting it working can be a bit of a chore and avoid if you have a Mac.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@johnpowell What the eff is going on with your username/account? Cool, ok then if I don’t have to stick to the same manufacturer I’ll get a cheaper PC adapter.

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