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rebbel's avatar

(NSFW) When were other positions than the missionary position 'invented'?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) May 22nd, 2011

Sometimes the thought comes to my mind about how the first people that roamed the Earth had sex.
Obviously they must have been excited and probably enjoyed sex just as we do now.
But do you think they already used different positions or only one?
One that was convenient to produce offspring.
When in history did people got more enthusiastic about sexing and started to experiment with other positions and techniques?
Or is all this Kama Sutra stuff something of the last (one or two) centuries?

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24 Answers

incendiary_dan's avatar

Some versions of the Bible talk about Adam’s first wife being exiled basically because she wanted to face him as equals or be on top or something.

From what I’ve gathered in my research of hunting and gathering peoples, a full variety of sexual practices have probably always been around.

rebbel's avatar

How we call those things? Stances?

everephebe's avatar

Pretty much anything you can imagine, has probably been done thousands of years ago.
In bed.

incendiary_dan's avatar

Also, Christopher Ryan, in his book Sex at Dawn argues that sex in early foraging humans was not specifically about reproduction, but more about tightening and maintaining social bonds. So again, lots of doing whatever happened to be fun.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@rebbel I call them assumptions XD

rebbel's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille It is too late for me to edit, so i keep it to positions.

JLeslie's avatar

I would think back in the day they had sex in whatever creative, feel good way, the couple wanted to. The missionary position seems to be a Christian, maybe Judeo-Christian thing? I don’t know enough about the bible. If we were more animal like in caveman days, well, animals do not usually use a missionary position. When was the Kama Sutra written I wonder?

JLeslie's avatar

In fact, just thinking out loud, the Christians seem keen to separate human being from animals, so I wonder if they even did this with sex?

creative1's avatar

Taking the bible out of things, I would think even cavemen explored sexually, especially if the cavewoman was pregnant and wanted it in a different way

rebbel's avatar

Now that we are in the thread and i can safely put it here instead of in the question title:
there must have been a caveman or -woman that once had the idea that maybe also other orifices could be used?
That’s intriguing to me.

incendiary_dan's avatar

@rebbel I can’t remember what culture it was, but I’ve definitely heard of oral sex in foraging societies.

perspicacious's avatar

What other positions?

rebbel's avatar

I only know two positions myself @perspicacious but apparently there are several more….

marinelife's avatar

Other positions have been with us from the beginning. In fact, missionary position is probably newer than some others.

creative1's avatar

@rebbel Heres a link with some positions, I love getting more creative than just with the basic….. but my favorite is a form of the missionary which gives you a good pounding….but thats just my personal choice

incendiary_dan's avatar

Oh yea, can’t believe I didn’t mention this, but numerous indigenous societies have openly accepted and often venerated homosexuals. Clearly, homosexuals won’t be having missionary sex.

creative1's avatar

@incendiary_dan Clearly that is true!!! Doggie style all the way there…

King_Pariah's avatar

well, I’m pretty sure that Doggy style was first anyhow.

JLeslie's avatar

I wonder if kissing came after sex? Kissing means it is more likely to be facing each other.

Cruiser's avatar

When the Saber Tooth Tiger went extinct the Missionary position was invented. ;)

mazingerz88's avatar

I have a feeling a great variety of positions have been done by pre-historical humans it’s just that they did not draw them on cave walls. Either the Greeks or the Romans had brothel rooms with drawings on its walls showing which position the prostitute occupying that room has mastered. Then came the drawings of the Kama Sutra and also there were some from Japan. But I have no doubt other records have existed even before then that did not get discovered or preserved.

wundayatta's avatar

Sex is actually a relatively recent invention, but the invention of sexual positions actually predates sex by a few decades. For a while, antebellum humanity was contorting themselves into all kinds of pretzel shapes without actually knowing what they were doing.

ucme's avatar

Well Jesus was “fucked from behind” by Pontius Pilate was he not? So it goes way back, probably to when Moses was a lad.

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