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FluffyChicken's avatar

What kind of inexpensive paint is good to use on an art car?

Asked by FluffyChicken (5521points) June 1st, 2011

I’ve seen a lot of cool art cars, but I’ve also noticed that on the ones that use acrylic paints or house paint, it tends to not look so awesome after a while. I intend to paint a car in the near future, and would like to know what kind of paint will resist fading and stay bright and shiny on the road. It should be something I can use with a brush. Also, does anyone know what Janis Joplin had her car painted with because that was done a long time ago and it still looks awesome.

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7 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Here is the best.

Judi's avatar

I think you get what you pay for.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Read this, I think it will give you a very good ideal on how to paint a car by brush roller in this case, ands avoid spraying.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The last I looked auto paint can cost $150 per gallon and you would need several coats and SEVERAL gallons. Awesome paint costs awesome prices.

Oh those are for spray on paints!

FluffyChicken's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central Wow! This is exactly what I wanted to know. It looks like this stuff will work excellently freehand as well, which is my intention. (Basically, I’m getting a camper van, and hippie-fying it.)

majorrich's avatar

Go to a farm store and get farm implement paint. It is old fashioned enamel and has a very high solids ratio. It is usually very inexpensive compared to modern water-based auto paint, and should last at least as long.

FluffyChicken's avatar

Also an awesome idea! Thanks @majorrich

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