Social Question

rebbel's avatar

Has your face ever been on television?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) June 9th, 2011

Were you in a television quiz show ever?
In a movie, maybe?
Or walking by when a news team were interviewing some big shot?
Were you the interviewee yourself? Or the interviewer?
Any other appearances?
I was in a game show once, some eighteen years ago, and in a news item about the safety of the factory I was working.

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41 Answers

TexasDude's avatar

There’s footage of me out there somewhere running around in my dad’s backyard on some home and garden show back in 1995.

WestRiverrat's avatar

I was on the Bozo the clown show many years ago.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Face in the crowd at News interview.

One dance program in the 1950’s in Los Angeles.

deni's avatar

I was in the audience of Price is Right twice. I didn’t get picked to be a contestant either times, but I did have good seats both times so you could see me for most of the show.

JilltheTooth's avatar

A local news station in Seattle interviewed me when KatawaGrey was little about trusting the sperm bank. Not a very exciting event.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Not that I’m aware of. There are some youtube videos of concerts where you can see the back of my head.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I think twice. Both times I was at a protest.

FutureMemory's avatar

Local news station did a story about the community college I attended/worked at. I wasn’t interviewed, but I was in the background for a bit.

filmfann's avatar

Several times. Once on CNN during Firestorm, another time I gave a movie review of Indiana Jones 3.

Plucky's avatar

Yes, I was on the News. One time was Canada-wide. The other was more local.

SuperMouse's avatar

You betcha! Back in the 80’s I went to a taping of the Phil Donoahue Show and I got to ask a question! The show was about an emerging and very frightening disease called AIDS. Donna Mills and Stephen Stucker who died of AIDS shortly thereafter were on the panel. I was also in the audience of a taping of Dr. Phil and my group of mommy buddies and I were featured in a couple of audience shots. The folks who seat the audience on that show purposely pick the best dressed people to sit closest to the stage and since we were a bunch of stay-at-home moms on an outing in Hollywood we were dressed to the nines!

marinelife's avatar

Some friends saw me in an audience shot at a sporting event.

poisonedantidote's avatar

As far as I know, 3 times, when I was 7, then 8, then 9. We used to have a TV crew come to my school once a year, so we could tell them jokes, and they would then use them on TV.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I was I interviewed while at the beach by a German or Dutch tv crew.About what,I wish I could tell ya! XD

wilma's avatar

Yes a few times.
Mostly news stories, and no I wasn’t in trouble or anything like that.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Yes, I was on a discussion panel as part of a two day Oprah show on TV violence.

thorninmud's avatar

Several years ago, I was a judge at a national pastry competition. The Food Network covered the event and, apparently, kept showing that footage for years. I never saw it, but people were constantly telling me that they had just seen me on the Food Network.

YARNLADY's avatar

Yes, I did a children’s show with my trained dog, and showed off his tricks. I have been on TV twice in connection with my volunteer work, and most recently as a user.

dabbler's avatar

Sheriff John had a kids’ TV show in LA when I was a tot and I must have been three or so when my sisters and I were in the little group he had on every day. I didn’t have grey hair then so you’d never recognize me.

tranquilsea's avatar

I’ve been interviewed twice. I was the main story that went national once…

Zaku's avatar

Once that I know of. I was asking a question of someone from the government, at a school visit. It was interesting because in person, I thought most of the audience didn’t understand my question or the man’s answer (both were complex), but the massive editing for TV I thought actually reduced both to a core that had some truth to it, which was kind of cool, but also amazed me at how dumbed down it was, how much content was missing, and how much power the TV people had to make anything they show contain only the info they choose. If immoral, they could make it look like they had video evidence of just about anything.

syz's avatar

I was press liaison for the conservation organization that I worked for, so I got interviewed a lot.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Once, but it didn’t help them catch me. ~

DJoy83's avatar

Yes… Just recently as a matter of fact; I was in the audience for a taping of the Maury Show.

Also, several years ago I was walking through Times Square with two of my girlfriends when we were approached by Al Shearer (probably best known as an actor on MTV’s Punk’d) and were featured on the comedy show he hosted, Hits From The Streets, that aired on BET.

stardust's avatar

Yes, I was an extra in a movie called Green Freedom when I was 14/15.

dabbler's avatar

I was interviewed by French correspondents outside the polling place on Wall Street, after I had voted in the 2008 November elections.

But I never saw any evidence they used that footage, or made a story with the interviews.
By the time they talked with me, they’d invterviewed several people and seemed to be baffled and maybe disappointed that they did not see a trend they had in mind – the story probably got canned.

Pele's avatar

Almost, I was an extra in a deleted scene from Tropic Thunder. It was a party scene. Four nights of shooting long hours. My feet were killing me in the shoes they made me wear and it was cut out of the film.

Your_Majesty's avatar

There was once when my college was engulfed in chaos (principal election scandal) where many reporters from different TV medias came to catch the action. Some of them got pass me when I was just in front of them! (I was hoping that they’ll interview me).

I’ve tried my best to get their attention, I pretend to react as panic as I could, Talk loudly, act like I know everything about the situation while talking to my friends, etc anything to be the center of attention but they ignore me! In the end they interviewed some lecturer and other people.

I think that was so unfair (I also have told my entire family that I’ll be on TV. Oh! I can’t bare the embarrassment!). I still think they’re racists since I’m from minority race and many people are racists in my country. I can’t believe my irresistible charm and attractiveness have failed me at that time.

In fact I even ask how to get their attention in fluther. In the end I moved on, knowing that I’m far too good to be interviewed by a bunch of local reporters from some silly channels (narcissism is better than disappointment anyway), and hoping that someday I have a chance to appear on TV again, for real.

AmWiser's avatar

I was in the audience of “Let’s Make a Deal” (January, 2010). I think it was episode #180 and yes, the camera caught me several times. I didn’t get picked as a contestant and was highly upset.:<(

Jeruba's avatar

I’ve been a volunteer for several pledge drives on our local PBS (public television) station. I was in the group shots, and at least once I was the volunteer in the second row who was visible right beside and behind the on-camera announcer while he went through the pledge pitch.

I was also interviewed once by a TV news crew covering a conference, but my footage was cut from the report. It was just as well; I babbled nonsense, as usual.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Jeruba I totally agree with you – - – Yaba taba DOO. Public speaking gets me talking—-FuNnY

See I talk a ba baba .

JLeslie's avatar

Yes, I was on Wonderama. And, I have been in the background a couple times on other stuff. Once interviewed for a news thing.

Haleth's avatar

This weekend I was in Philadelphia and we went to a philly cheesesteak place to get lunch. Food Network was filming there, so the group just had to have cheesesteaks at that place. I was hung over, grumpy, and tired and the only table had the camera pointing right at us. And having a camera in my face while eating a sloppy, greasy food= the most attractive thing ever, pretty much! So you might see me chowing down in the background on Man vs. Food or whatever in a few months. D:

aprilsimnel's avatar

Yeah, my face was on a show back in the 90s, 2 or 3x as an extra. I got interviewed on local TV back in the 70s as a child, as well.

I avoid cameras now.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

Twice (that I’m aware of). The first time, I was on the news because I was the first born in the county on January 1st. And once when my girl scout troop went on a local tv kid’s show.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I was a team member on a game show between local high schools. I was drawn from the audience to participate in a game on an American daytime talk show. I have appeared on the local news while participating in marches and demonstrations.

ucme's avatar

I spotted myself once on Match of the Day. I was one of many screaming loons behind the goal. My team had just won & scored a penalty.

meiosis's avatar

@ucme I was shown celebrating in the crowd after England had beaten Spain on penalties at Wembley in the Euro ‘96 Quarter-Final. The clip was then used in the video for Three Lions they showed on Top of the Pops. Blink and you’d missed it, however.

ucme's avatar

@meiosis Yes, actual proof that England did win on penalties once!!

OpryLeigh's avatar

I was interviewed on the local news with my brother when I was about 8 years old. It was about a travel company that had gone bust a few weeks before we were supposed to be flying to Cyprus. My brother and I were the “Awwww” factor in that story.

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