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john65pennington's avatar

Will Shania Twain make a comeback and able to sing again? If so, what field of music should she now attempt?

Asked by john65pennington (29263points) June 17th, 2011

Shania Twain was missing from the country music scene for a while. This reportedly was because of a domestic situation. She has had a problem with her voice. Doctors state her voice has no physical reason, not to work. Question: if Shania Twain’s voice returns, in your opinion, what field of music should she return to? Country music and rock and roll appear to be fading, so what’s next for Shania Twain?

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14 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

I’d say right where she left off. She was fun to listen to and easy on the eyes!

poisonedantidote's avatar

Country music and rock and roll. I love all of Shania Twain’s songs. Usually in any album there is always one or two songs I don’t like, but never in her albums.

Also, I know what the song “Black Eyes Blue Tears” is about, could someone please take out these assholes that keep causing her problems?

@Cruiser First time I layed eyes on her, the testosterone rush caused permanent brain damage.

Scooby's avatar

So long as she keeps wearing them sexy outfits & looking as good as she does , she could mime for all I care ;-)
I’d love to see her make a come back album CD, DVD…… it’s been too long.
@Cruiser “easy on the eyes” Lol…….. you’re just a dog like me……..

JLeslie's avatar

Sure she will come back. She is beautiful and still has a great voice.

wundayatta's avatar

Industrial music, I think, would make best use of her talents.~

redfeather's avatar

sincerely hope she doesn’t make a comeback

blueiiznh's avatar

not much of a person who cared for her music. She did help pave a road for others.

Only time will tell. My gut would say doing duets with other singers.

SpatzieLover's avatar

She is returning, has a hit song and a duet w/Lionel Richie coming out. I’m not into country music at all…but I like Shania.

EDIT: Forgot to say, she’s the next headliner at Caesar’s Palace, too. So she is returning about as big as she can.

Cruiser's avatar

@poisonedantidote Did that permanent brain rush have anything at all to do with your hair—?

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I think she will and will still do country music.:)

King_Pariah's avatar

I think she could perform the silent mockingbird very well.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I agree @lucillelucillelucille. She couldn’t deal, emotionally, with her husband’s betrayal and now that she’s found love again, I think she will heal and return to singing.

_zen_'s avatar

She could always rap – even if her voice doesn’t come back.

lonelydragon's avatar

She is returning to the public eye and has appeared on a CMT commercial, so she will probably go back to country music.

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