Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

Did you bring it on yourself?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) June 18th, 2011

Sometimes there’s no one to blame but yourself. You can try to fool yourself that it’s the other person’s fault, but when you look clearly, you have to admit that you started it; you were the one who made this thing happen that resulted in crap flying in your face.

What did you bring on yourself?

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11 Answers

tinyfaery's avatar

According to the description, everything.

bkcunningham's avatar

Speaking my mind when I’ve had a couple too many or when I’m fed up and decide that if you really want to know what I think; I’ll tell you.

sakura's avatar

All the time! I am the worlds worst for blaming bad things on other people when really I should take responsibilty!! Like today for instance I will blame fluther for being tired later and spoiling my day, when it wasn’t them that made me wake up and switchin on my phone!!

Berserker's avatar

I’ve brought a lot of stuff on to myself, and had to deal with it, and still do. I can admit that. But some of it I didn’t bring it on myself.
So it’s like, I just keep blaming environment, experiences that which could simply not be helped, at least as decreed by whatever passes for logic in me noggin’, potential mind fuckery, and things I don’t understand for everything I’ve brought on myself. Like it’s/I’m a byproduct of actual, legit shit I couldn’t help.
I think. It’s like blaming your Viking ancestor for being conquered after you didn’t make enough profit selling Volkswagen buggies.
It’s so easy for me to just blame and point the finger, and it also makes me feel better, even if it’s based on stuff that happened eons ago and prolly shouldn’t matter anymore. The problem with that shit is, stuff keeps on happening. I don’t have a Psycho syndrome. I just don’t know how to put stuff in order, although I do it in a biased way.
What did I bring on to myself. Burned bridges and alcoholism. And I should count myself lucky, as I was still accepted in school, and maybe I’m broke, but I’m a lot richer than a shitload of peeps, ya? Maybe I just like complaining. :D

But in a way, I may not be so wrong. If I’m so weak as to give in to such illusions and self justification bullshit and actually believe it, or at least, feel comfortable enough with it to consider it to be true…I may very well easily be susceptible to that which I firstly accuse of being/doing something I have no power over to begin with.

Deep stuff makes no sense to me a lot of the time, and shit’s on fire yo.

’‘points towards a burning house’’

Also, even if my castle’s all crumbled, I still have my wall to hide behind, and not care about outer percussion lol.

Hibernate's avatar

Most of the times it;s my fault so I let others to blame it on me [ and this because I do not feel bad at all about it ].

broughtlow's avatar

Ha! So true of my last question!! i got insults! I did as i do and abandon my side, my part of the bull.

graynett's avatar

God I got married all by myself. Pointing the finger seems futile, In my defence nobody advised me against it.

Cruiser's avatar

Anything that happens to me after I get up out of bed is all my doing.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I brought my happiness on myself.;)

ucme's avatar

Ultimately everything comes down to the individual & how we react to life’s up’s & down’s.
In other words, don’t worry, be happy….

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