Meta Question

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Do you ever dish out mercy lurve?

Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies (30954points) June 25th, 2011

Is it bad to give lurve to lonely comments that seems like no one has read? Even if they are trite and meaningless, sometimes I can’t let that poor little comment stand alone.

They’re the little tiny comments that get lost in giant threads. They sit there for all eternity crying for someone to notice and acknowledge them. I get so sad thinking about it. I want to let them know, “I’ve seen you. Your life was not without companionship”.

Sometimes while you all are fluthering away on the current surface, I’ll be found lurking in the dark fluther past, searching for these lonely forgotten sentences. They’re short and cute, most of them. They almost squeak when I lurve them, as if thanking me for noticing when all others passed them by.

Yes, I must admit, even if I disagree with the little buggar, I may very well give it a click just to make it feel like someone cares.

Do you ever dish out mercy lurve to some of the cute little less than adequate forgotten comments? If not, I ask that you consider them next time. And in your moment of strength, consider sharing some lurve with the less fortunate comments among us.

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19 Answers

lillycoyote's avatar

I do sometimes. Particularly if it’s a new person who’s made an effort to participate and has given a GEA (a good enough answer) and it’s not too trite or too stupid, and some of the regulars have already gotten 2 or 3 GAs. I might even give one to someone who I disagree with but not to an answer that is offensive, close to being racist or homophobic, for example. I feel sorry for the lonely orphans too.

And the GQ I just gave you was pure mercy lurve, nothing more.

Coloma's avatar

I parrot @lillycoyote

I do like to spread the lurve with the new peeps, unless they are completely retarded in their expressions. :-D

chyna's avatar

I do. If I see a thread where everyone else got lurve but this one little answer, I will click it.

Cruiser's avatar

I shower the Newbies and my friends with lot’s of Lurve and the best part is they don’t even know it was me!! ;)

_zen_'s avatar

I always lurve everyone around me, then scroll up and lurve like hell – especially looking for zeros as they are sad to see. I lurve – going out of my way – when it’s a n00b – I know how much it means to them to see their score go up and get those first little awards.

Okey doke – who wants my 5k and awards? They’ll be available soon anyway… I’m just wondering whether to go zen_glitterpants or zen_bitch.

Berserker's avatar

lonely little comment

dappled_leaves's avatar

Shameless. I love it.

Bellatrix's avatar


bkcunningham's avatar

I second @zen bait.

bkcunningham's avatar

Oh, and to the original question. Well, it depends on who it is that wrote the question. Some, I’m not saying who – you know who you are – write questions that always go the way of the tiny tot Oliver Twist route…if ya’ know what I mean. I’ve answered a few of those and given lurve. Questions weren’t that bad. Just lonely.

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bkcunningham's avatar

@lazydaisy pity lurve is better than no lurve. Right?

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