Social Question

atlantis's avatar

Quick poll: Who is on Google+?

Asked by atlantis (1867points) July 14th, 2011

As asked.

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8 Answers

SpatzieLover's avatar

I rarely even use Google. I’m not even sure what Google+ is…sounds like something my husband uses though.

EDIT: I think poll questions are supposed to be in the “Meta” section. You may want to ask the mods to move this for you.

flutherother's avatar

I’m on the waiting list.

atlantis's avatar

@flutherother Didn’t any of your friends invite you?

flutherother's avatar

@atlantis I don’t know anyone who has it. They are all on Facebook, which I don’t much like.

atlantis's avatar

I’m on it! :D It rocks! But you do need friends because it’s on trial mode and you can’t plus one or comment and see posts. But my pics and all look much cooler on G+

flutherother's avatar

@atlantis If it’s as good as it looks I am going to wave Facebook goodbye.

atlantis's avatar

You won’t miss it.

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