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intrepidium's avatar

What's the wildest Halloween costume you'd wear if you dared to?

Asked by intrepidium (1235points) July 15th, 2011

It may not be too early to start thinking about Halloween costumes esp. if you’re planning to make your own. My costumes have been pretty tame since my colleagues and bosses tended to be at the same party/parties I go to, which kinda cramps my style. I was wondering what I’d wear if I TRULY dared to let go and go crazy this year… what about you?

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19 Answers

MilkyWay's avatar

A jellyfish.
Or Lady Gaga.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

When I was in college a woman came to the Halloween party as a dominatrix, wearing a leather thong and a bustier. Her date was on a dog leash with a pair of leather tiny shorts crawling on the ground behind her. Just for the view as she walked in front of him I’d do it.

Mariah's avatar

I haven’t done this, not because “I don’t dare,” but because I’m not sure how I’d make it. I’ve been wanting to pull together a Team Rocket costume for years, haha. I’d be Jessie and I’d wrangle one of my dorky guy friends into being James. I go to a college so nerdy that this costume would probably be admired.

redfeather's avatar

If I had the guts, I’d do the dominatrix thing

TexasDude's avatar

I always go all out for Halloween. It’s never a question of if.

In 2008, I was a wounded soldier.
In 2009, I was a splicer from Bioshock.
And last year, I was an explorer.

I think that this year, I’m probably going to be Unknown Hinson. Or a dead duelist. I have considered going as pyramid head from Silent Hill before, but I ran out of time to make the costume. I guess that would have been my most wild costume.

TexasDude's avatar

@Mariah one of my best friends made a dozen team rocket grunt outfits for us to wear around campus (when it wasn’t halloween). I don’t have any pictures, but my entire friend group wore black shirts with red “R” on the front, bandit masks, black pants, cabbie hats, and we carried around toy pokeballs. It’s no wonder the administration at my school thinks my friends and I are a gang.

Mariah's avatar

Ohh, also! My college is a rival of MIT, but I have an MIT shirt from visiting there when I was applying for college. I’m considering, at some point, wearing the shirt, plus doing whatever I can to make myself look like an enormous dweeb, and going as a very loserish MIT student. Making myself look that dorky wouldn’t even be hard.

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Tropical_Willie's avatar

Went to Halloween party one of the guys showed up with a green raincoat and not much else. He had three pairs of pantyhose and a cardboard sign on a rope around around his neck under the coat

. Sign read “I’m a Flasher”

redfeather's avatar

^^^ that’s hilarious

WestRiverrat's avatar

Had one guy show up to a holloween dance dressed as a tumbleweed. He had stapled and duct taped a real tumble weed to his shorts.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@redfeather Bob was from a different planet, he retired from “the company”. Was in southeast Asia, where had a white suit and hat, received his pay from Washington D.C. Ya the real CIA.

redfeather's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I wanna befriend Bob.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Just don’t wake him up from a sound sleep by shaking him. You may find his hand around your throat.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@ucme Why do you find that to be amusing?

Sunny2's avatar

I’d go as Botticelli’s Venus on the half shell, with nothing on but a long blond wig and a large scallop shell to stand on. But it would have to be a very warm Halloween, so chances are I won’t really do it. If you live in Florida you can use my idea with my blessing.

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