Social Question

rebbel's avatar

Guys: What is something (feminine-ish) you do that you wouldn't want you male friends to know?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) July 22nd, 2011

Because you would feel slightly embarrassed if they knew.
Because you know they would go: You sissy, plucking your brows is really a girls thing…
It can be in the body hygiene department, clothing, behaviour, etc.

I lift my pinky finger while drinking tea or coffee, involuntarily, but i do, and whenever I notice it I put it down, hoping nobody saw it and make a remark about it.

Girls: If you can relate, with something quite masculine, that likewise you would feel awkward if your female friends would know, be my guest and jump in.

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61 Answers

Jude's avatar

following :)

tom_g's avatar

There is nothing I do today that I would be embarrassed to tell my friends about or seem “feminine-ish”. However, when I was younger, I remember crying in front of a good friend after seeing my sick grandfather, who was dying of cancer (my friend was with me). On the ride home, I remember thinking that my friend was going to ask me to pull over so we could buy me a nice pink dress. He never did. I don’t recall ever being afraid to cry or admit that I cry in front of a friend again. Stupid youth.

Blackberry's avatar

I pluck my eyebrows, and use facial scrub lol. I was actually thinking about soaking my feet, too.

rebbel's avatar

@Blackberry You sissy, you ;-)
Me too, I am a plucker too.

@tom_g Funny how you mentioned that pink dress!

Neurotic_David's avatar

I watched every episode of, “Gilmore Girls”

Bill_Lumbergh's avatar

I use a facial scrub with a conditioning moisturizer every day. Every couple of months I get a pedicure, but not where I might accidently run into anyone I know walking out to my car. Ok, enough with all this girly stuff, I am going to a bar to drink some beers and pick a fight!

chyna's avatar

@Bill_Lumbergh drives 3 towns over to get a pedicure.~

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I kind of like those candles my s/o spreads all over the place.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I killed a bar when I was only 3. <cue music>

YoBob's avatar

Real men are not particularly concerned with the opinions of the other guys.

(Of course if one of them makes the mistake of actually calling you a pansy, removing his testicles and hanging them over your mantel as a trophy generally keeps the other guys from making similar mistakes…)

DominicX's avatar

I don’t care about hiding things like this anymore, but when I was younger I used to hide the fact that I like musicals, gardening, baking, interior design, shopping for clothes, etc. I just don’t give a shit anymore. I do what I want :)

rebbel's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Those smelly things? Yuk :-)
@JilltheTooth A bar?

YoBob's avatar

You go @DominicX

Not much on musicals, but I love the symphony. I also garden, cook, etc…

bobbinhood's avatar

@rebbel I believe @JilltheTooth was referring to Davy Crockett, who “killed him a bar when he was only three.” With the accent, “bar” is actually “bear.”

rebbel's avatar

Thanks for that @bobbinhood!

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

The man in my life likes classical music, has no interest in sports, and cannot handle more than a glass or two of wine. He has also been brushing up on his calligraphy skills, just for the fun of it. Considering that he lives in England and has line level in a job in a blue collar town, it’s a wonder that he hasn’t been hauled down a back alley and beaten to a pulp. Fortunately, people there accept him for the eccentric person he is. He also shed a tear when he had me watch the only chick flick that he likes. But, shhhh, don’t tell anyone.

rebbel's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer Is he Stephen Fry?

DominicX's avatar

It’s funny that classical music is sometimes seen as effeminate. I can understand ballet (I love going to the ballet) and other more “dainty” dance-like pieces but I find that some classical music (especially pieces like the symphonies of Shostakovich) are much more “hardcore” than the whiny wuss rock that so many guys listen to these days…

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@rebbel LOL! No, although the SO is quite smart and mentally collects a plethora of facts. You will just have to take my word for it that he doesn’t play on the same team as Stephen Fry.

@DominicX Exactly. And yet, the stereotype does exist in some groups.

poisonedantidote's avatar

I enjoy being driven around by girls on motorbikes. I know it’s supposed to be the girl goes on the back, but I just really like holding on to a girls waist as we drive around.

rebbel's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer Funny, when I wrote his name I didn’t even think about the team he plays on, I guess it’s not an issue for me (as I am sure it isn’t for you either).:-)

poisonedantidote's avatar

chick flics and romance movies are probably among my favorite genre of film, some have been known to make me cry.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@rebbel Thank you for the clarification. I thought that is what you meant.

poisonedantidote's avatar

I some times put this on and dance around like lady with my junk tucked back between my legs.

YoBob's avatar


” going to a bar to drink some beers and pick a fight!”

There is a great scene in a movie called “Victor Victoria” where James Garner, upset at the fact that he is undeniably attracted to a character he believes to be a man (but is actually a woman playing the role of a drag queen). He goes into the roughest dive he can find along the water front (dressed in a tux no less), walks up to the bar, and orders a glass of milk.This, of course, resulted in just the kind of cathartic bar room brawl he was looking for.

TexasDude's avatar

When I was little, I wanted to be a “hair dresser.” I had a big pink stylist’s station that I would use to do my mom’s hair when I was like… 5.

I do other girly stuff now, I’m sure, that I can’t think of off the top of my head, but I don’t really care what anyone thinks of me, so it’s all good.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, my husband was a hair dresser before he raced motorcycles and sprint cars and sold industrial air compressors.

Blackberry's avatar

I never saw classical music as feminine, although I used to see it as something only classy, intelligent people listen to. Like when we would talk about going to see it in a theater, we’d feel inadequte, thinking there’d only be rich white people there lol.

I also think the Notebook is an amazing movie. The story and actors were great. I didn’t cry, but if I was capable, I would have lol.

FutureMemory's avatar

I’ve been known to cry while watching emotional flicks…I think The Color Purple can get me teary 5 or 6 times before it ends…at least.

I’m not embarrassed about it though.. fuck what anyone else thinks of me :)

TexasDude's avatar

@FutureMemory I cry from some movies too. And songs. And books.

The Lovely Bones (movie or book) or Perks of Being a Wallflower (book) will make me cry every time.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I built a deck and I fix most of my own plumbing problems. I own a basin wrench and I know how to use it.

Bellatrix's avatar

I admitted this to @Blueroses the other day, I once (only once) won a beer chugging contest. I can’t do it now. It was a brief beer chugging phase in my life following a trip downunder.

I don’t think listening to classical music is effeminate either and yay to all you REAL MEN, who are comfortable with your girly side.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Not even my 5 year old has this problem. I teach him to be above that kind of thing and he is, for now. When others yell at his about having a pony tail, he literally doesn’t hear them, looks right through them or laughs at them.

woodcutter's avatar

Tried sooo hard to put something, anything on this one but I got nothing, dammit

woodcutter's avatar

Oh, Oh Oh! I thought of one thing. I kiss my dog on the lips.

Bellatrix's avatar

Raises an eyebrow @woodcutter.

woodcutter's avatar

The dog in question is a female

FutureMemory's avatar

@woodcutter I hope you brush afterwards.

incendiary_dan's avatar

I’m pretty up front about my habits. I shave my pits, stick up my pinky while drinking (didn’t think of that as feminine, even after reading this), one of my favorite shows is Gilmore Girls, call things cute, regularly stop to inspect flowers, etc. etc. And some of my guy friends are completely sexist douchebags sometimes, so it’s not like I don’t get flack. But those ones are idiots, so I don’t much care what their opinions are.

King_Pariah's avatar

I enjoy a good romance novel or movie. One of my favorite novels is Jane Eyre, the film adaptations are completely fail imho though.

augustlan's avatar

I own all the power tools in my house, and my husband is the cook. We are not ashamed. :p

choreplay's avatar

I like chic flix. The Color Purple is my favorite movie, but then its Gladiator.
I also like musicals, but gentlemen have you ever gone to a musical on Broadway, some of the most beatiful women in the world and not much clothes.
In college I took many dance classes, like jazz, modern, tapp, and social, why you ask, because the room had forty girls in tights and two guys, and the other guy wasn’t interested in the girls. ok fine, I enjoyed dancing also.

downtide's avatar

I still shave my underarms. I hate that shit, and it’s easier to keep clean and smelling nice if its not hairy.

ucme's avatar

I don’t give a shit what anyone knows let alone thinks about me, it’s all “out there” anyway.
From personal grooming to sitting with my legs crossed, fuck, i’ve even been known to wear a little guyliner, on special occasions that is.
Although wearing the wife’s silk knickers to bed will remain my little secr…..oh fuck!!

TexasDude's avatar

I wore eyeliner as part of a costume once in highschool. A bunch of girls who normally say “you’re like a brother to me” were suddenly wrestling with the idea of banging me.

And a skater punk called me a “fag.” One of the aforementioned girls beat the shit out of him for it.

That was a great day.

cletrans2col's avatar

I enjoy watching Bravo and I am not ashamed.

incendiary_dan's avatar

Oh yea, I do 99.9% of the cooking in my house, and I garden (which some people think of as feminine; who knew?). I do the cooking because I want it done right.

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard I’ve worn eyeliner at the bequest of hobbitsubculture. Turns out, I can pull off the Robert Smith look fairly well.

cletrans2col's avatar

Also, I get very excited when I buy a new cologne.

TexasDude's avatar

@incendiary_dan me too, dude. I think I look pretty damn good in it, actually.

woodcutter's avatar

Yeah pics or it didn’t happen.

TexasDude's avatar

If I can find some eyeliner I’ll do it. My mom hasn’t worn it in ages.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@incendiary_dan My husband does most of the cooking because….he wants to eat at 10 pm! Forget that. I’m going to bed

augustlan's avatar

I am officially requesting pics of hot guys in eyeliner. Still no penises, please.

downtide's avatar

Especially for @augustlan – have some Jared Leto

Jude's avatar

I like to work on cars, DIYers, manual labor (lifting heavy objects, yard work), and I like to wear “men’s clothes”, sometimes. But, I look as feminine as can be.

augustlan's avatar

@downtide Yes, please. :)

@woodcutter Yeahhhh… that’s a tad too much makeup, methinks!

lingerieluver's avatar

I wouldn’t want my male friends knowing that underneath my clothes, I am wearing a pair of ladies lacy nylon panties and a lacy pair of nylon petti-panties.

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