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atlantis's avatar

Have recent events this year furthered the "world government" cause? If you believe in the conspiracy?

Asked by atlantis (1867points) August 7th, 2011

Eurozone conflict over bailing out troubled members, Arab Spring, African droughts and civil wars, calls for a new currency in light of first ever American downgrade in a century. What do you see for the brave new world?

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15 Answers

laureth's avatar

In the United States, recent events have proven that folks are willing to take crackpots seriously. This bodes well for the spread of the One World Government conspiracy, whether or not it’s true (and no, I don’t think it is). Why do you believe that such events as the Eurozone bailouts, Arab Spring revolutions, and droughts (!) would affect a OWG?

atlantis's avatar

Why do you believe that such events as the Eurozone bailouts, Arab Spring revolutions, and droughts (!) would affect a OWG?

Because that’s the kind of socio-econo-political collage which is predicted to occur just before the establishment of one. I don’t believe in the “conspiracy” either. It’s already here. Just read Superclass
We’ve probably been living in a OWG since the collapse of USSR.

janbb's avatar

We can’t even govern one country, how could there ever be a world government?

plethora's avatar

@janbb So right!!!
@atlantis Checked the contents of the book. You swallow this stuff? How old are you?

Cruiser's avatar

Pure fantasy and nothing more than Oprah book of the month club novel story lines. The world is just too big a place for one country or one government to have complete control over. Though a good argument could be made the US already has this position being the US dollar for now is the preferred currency in oil trading.

incendiary_dan's avatar

Those in power spend too much time arguing about how to run their empires to ever come together for one big one.

atlantis's avatar

@plethora what is your theory for the deeply entrenched inequality across the world? It’s all post-colonial undercurrents which serve the interest of the few at the expense of the many.

plethora's avatar

@atlantis It’s all post-colonial undercurrents which serve the interest of the few at the expense of the many

Maybe you’d like to decipher the sentence above.

Then you could tell me if you are at all familiar with the condition of all of mankind prior to the industrial revolution.

atlantis's avatar

condition of all of mankind prior to the industrial revolution.

That is irrelevant. The so called “golden age” was fraught with gold wars between the European monarchies, ushering in slavery and child labor.

The history that ultimately mattered is witness to the fact that now a majority of non-whites live in conditions akin to the European dark ages instead of Caucasians.

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