Meta Question

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

What is more important to you? Lurve points or GA marks?

Asked by Pied_Pfeffer (28141points) August 11th, 2011

After recently learning that points stop increasing after a Jelly is given five Great Answers, I was wondering what means more to you.

Would you prefer to see a bunch of GA tic marks, or would you prefer that those of us who know we’ve maxed out on Lurve points for your account back off in order to potentially let those that haven’t increase your score? Or…do you not care at all if your score never went up and there were no more GA marks?

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27 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

Neither. I just appreciate reading honest answers…funny ones are cool too!

tranquilsea's avatar

I’m more interested in people thinking my answers are worth the time I put into them.

cockswain's avatar

GAs. If I see something has a lot of GAs, I may give it more thought since there is a general consensus that it was wise. Or maybe really funny.

AmWiser's avatar

Who knows what really goes on behind the scenes at flutherland. When I see jellies with over 20K lurve, I wonder how there score keeps going up as it would seem everyone is maxed out on them. Then I wonder how I can get 50–60 lurve points in one day and my score only moves by 5 (I have a hard time believing that many jellies have maxed out on me). Sigh! I’m so cornfused. So I’ll opt for ‘give me the lurve’, makes me feel I’m of some value around here.:-)

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

GA and the check that comes with them.

OpryLeigh's avatar

GA’s against answers. I don’t care if I get points from them or not but I like to know if I have written something that people think deserves some praise.

bob_'s avatar


incendiary_dan's avatar


Damnit, @bob_ beat me to the food related distraction.

bob_'s avatar


ucme's avatar

I quite literally couldn’t care less. Both are fairly easy to come by & thrown around liberally, so it’s not something I ever contemplate.

Mariah's avatar

GAs give me a lot more information. I love seeing that people really liked an argument or insight that I wrote. The score is just a sum subjected to some kind of arbitrary limitations (though I understand why those limitations exist), so it’s not as satisfying to me.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I don’t know that either really important to me. I agree that GAs give more information.

I like lurve parties for jellies, too.

AshLeigh's avatar

Doesn’t matter. :)
Swammiches, as @bob_ said.

downtide's avatar

I think I like GAs better, but counting points is not that important to me.

MilkyWay's avatar

GA for me. Lurve doesn’t matter.

augustlan's avatar

GAs, for sure. At this point, my lurve grows at a snails pace anyway. I’d be terribly frustrated if the lurve mattered more. ;)

AstroChuck's avatar

GA’s & GQ’s outrank lurve any day of the week.

Bellatrix's avatar

It doesn’t matter to me. I would rather people just gave me GAs when I present a GA and if I get lurve points great, if I don’t, that’s fine too.

blueberry_kid's avatar

Lurve points. Because I feel like when I get a good answer, awesome. It makes me feel smart. But, when I get higher lurve points, it makes me feel loved. Or lurved.

But seriously, I really don’t care.

Hibernate's avatar

Lurve doesn’t really mean anything while if you get great answers you can get them for just being helpful. When I look at some questions like “TJBM” and you see lots of answers marked with great answers it just makes you wonder how much time some spend posting there for the lurve.

Berserker's avatar

Eh either way it’s all good.
Also; zombies.

Bellatrix's avatar

@Hibernate a lot of those threads don’t attract much lurve at all. Can’t say I go and scroll and see who has been awarded what, but I see a whole lot of 0s when I post there and that’s fine. It is just about being silly and having fun. If someone posts something very witty or funny though, why shouldn’t they get some lurve?

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Thanks all! The responses are appreciated. After reading so many remarks on other posts that implied how important increasing their score was to them, I started wondering if I should cut back on the GA marks for the people I’ve maxed out on.

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