General Question

AstroChuck's avatar

What is the smallest muscle in the human body?

Asked by AstroChuck (37624points) May 3rd, 2008 from iPhone

I know that the gluteus maximus(butt) is the largest and the satorius(waist to knee), the longest. But what’s the smallest. I can’t find this info anywhere.

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5 Answers

chris's avatar

According to this, it’s the Stapedius.

AstroChuck's avatar

Wow. Thanks. My daughter asked me this and I guess I didn’t look well enough.
It makes sense that it would have a relation with the stapes (I think that’s the name of the smallest bone- one of the 3 found in the ear), being the smallest and all.

gooch's avatar

arrector pyloris is the muscle that causes goosebumps by making each hair on your arm stand erect. I learned in my A & P class that it was the smallest muscle in the human body. Either way it is a pretty small muscle.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Another way to spell that is erectores pilorum or erector pili

(the pyloris is the sphincter between the stomach and the small bowel)

gailcalled's avatar

@Astro; the stapes is, indeed, the smallest bone in the human body. I took a bad fall several years ago and broke mine. After three unsuccessful stapedectomies (inserting a titanium prothesis in the ear to replace stapes and increase conductivity,) I have to wear a hearing aid in that ear.

Considering its size, the stapes does a big job. I miss mine.

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