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desiree333's avatar

What can I expect in University this fall?

Asked by desiree333 (3241points) August 14th, 2011

I am starting University in September and am taking the HBA Psychology program. I am not nervous at all, just excited but I don’t know what to expect. What were your experiences with your first year in uni? I just want to hear all about what it is really like.

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13 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

I had a fantastic time! I loved living in the dorms. I did not know anyone at my university when I first arrived. I quickly made friends and there is always someone around to hang out with. My university was very large, something like 45,000 students, and is known as a party school. I was apprehensive because I don’t drink, toke or smoke, but it was not a problem at all. We had a little downtown area adjacent to campus with stores and restaurants, but campus itself was like it’s own little city since it was so large, and something like 70% of students live on campus. Some students had a lot of trouble their first semester with their studies and grades, I didn’t have that problem, but beware of the possibility, make sure you focus on your classes.

Will you be living on campus?

desiree333's avatar

@JLeslie Wow! My school is not that big, and it is in my hometown. No, I am living with my family until I finish my HBA (4 years). Then I want to transfer to York University in Toronto to finish school and maybe stay there permanently. I love Toronto!

I noticed that I have a 4 hour gap between classes twice a week. What did you do to kill time between classes? I think I might work out at the gym, study at the library and maybe hang out with friends outside. There is a lake on campus and lots of trails etc.

JLeslie's avatar

Does your campus have dorms? Once you make some friends you can maybe crash with them from time to time during that 4 hour gap. Have lunch (assuming it is around lunch time) and then watch some TV pr take a nap. I took a lot of naps in college LOL. Walking accross the tundra can really take it out of you (I went to school in Michigan) plus stayinf up with friends late, and having to wake for class in the morning. Library and exercise both sound good too. Can you take an exericise class for credit? If I had 4+ hours between classes I would have gone back to my dorm usually, so my situation was different. Maybe hang out at the student union if there is one on campus every so often.

What city are you currently in? I think you told me, but I don’t remember.

desiree333's avatar

@JLeslie Those are all great suggestions. I am in Thunder Bay, so I’ll be going to Lakehead. That would be cool having sleepovers to study with friends who live in dorms to get a break from home. I’ll probably end up exercising twice a week during that 4 hour gap when there’s not too much homework. Apparently we no longer have a pool, I would have loved that. :(

JLeslie's avatar

Oh, I meant nap in the middle of the day, during the 4 hour gap. Hahaha. But, I am sure you will sleep over also.

JLeslie's avatar

Is Thunder Bay in Ontario? You meantioned a lake, so I am wondering if it is frozen over in the winter? Maybe you can skate?

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Papers, everywhere.

wundayatta's avatar

I expect that mostly you’ll be studying. Perhaps with others. Perhaps at the library. Perhaps wherever you are, if all the materials are available online. But I wouldn’t count on having too much free time to work out, unless this is not a serious school.

Psychology should be a fairly intense program, so I would think you’ll be studying. Most first year students are surprised at how much more work there is in college then there was in high school.

By the way, what is an HBA?

desiree333's avatar

@JLeslie Well I don’t know where I could nap as I don’t own a car of my own and do not have enough time to take the bus back home, lol. Yes, it’s in Ontario, and no way I can’t skate for my life.

@wundayatta Your probably right, I don’t think I will have much time to work out, but maybe on some days I won’t have too much homework. An HBA is Honours Bachelor of Arts.

JLeslie's avatar

@desiree333 At your friends dorm. My friend from across the hall used to come over, watch some tv and we fell asleep half the time, because we were finally warm and had woke up early for class. Maybe you just are not a napper. In colege I was a pro at it.

desiree333's avatar

@JLeslie Oh no, I love naps but I feel anxiety when I try because my mum has always said napping=laziness. Because of always getting a lecture on it, I feel stressed when I lay down during the day. I was only allowed to nap if I was sick…

JLeslie's avatar

@desiree333 Well, I disagree with your mom. I think lack of sleep is bad for the body. But, everyone is different anyway, some people just need less sleep. I almost never nap npw, but in my teens I did it a lot. Anyway, have fun! And focus on your studies. Good luck with everything.

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