Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

What kind of fun are blondes supposed to have more of?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) August 17th, 2011

There’s that saying about blondes having more fun, but nobody ever defines the term “fun.” What the hell is it that blondes call fun that they have more of? Is it fencing? Glass blowing? Ant racing? What?

Also, why do they have more of this fun? Who did they pay off? Why hasn’t there been an investigation? Where are Woodward and Bernstein when we need them?

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21 Answers

King_Pariah's avatar

Around where I live, blondes tend to get attention from the guys more so than brunettes or redheads… but in bed, I’ve had a couple brunettes and redheads who were way more wicked than any blonde I’ve had.

JilltheTooth's avatar

You know, @wundayatta , in my youth I was pretty damned blonde and I always wondered that as well.

lloydbird's avatar

With dark hair dye.

FutureMemory's avatar

I think the deal is that they’re (supposedly) desired more by men, so they have more opportunities for fun since they’re so sought after.

Blackberry's avatar

The kind with dirty sex.

efritz's avatar

Blondes are less intelligent, therefore more easily amused.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Oh, I guess that all explains it. Thanks.

wundayatta's avatar

@JilltheTooth Feel free to add some pithy little explanations about why cookies taste good. Or something.

Also feel free to make up something about how much fun you had and why it was fun, and just generally rub it in.

@efritz had a happy face potato fries avatar at the time this comment was written.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I actually did have a lot of fun, but damn betcha I’m not telling!

efritz's avatar

@JilltheTooth – smart girl :)

@wundayatta – they’re smiley face potato-fries. Zing!

Aethelflaed's avatar

The kind that starts out all Beach Blanket Bingo and ends up all Debbie Does Dallas.

flutherother's avatar

Ant racing? Have I missing out on something?

DominicX's avatar

People give them more attention because blond hair, blue eyes, and light skin are coveted by all :)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Blondes are supposedly more sexually playful and uninhibited.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Yeah, what she ^ ^ ^ said!

bob_'s avatar


TexasDude's avatar

The penis kind.

I prefer brunettes and redheads myself.

josie's avatar

More nights out on the town with somebody who will pay the tab.

casheroo's avatar

I feel hotter with blonde hair. But sexier with dark hair. Blonde makes me flirtier.

bob_'s avatar

@casheroo Pics or it never happened.

cheebdragon's avatar

1. Blonde is a lot easier to dye hot pink, purple, blue, teal, red, black or neon green.

2. People with blonde hair usually have blonde body hair, making it far less noticeable. Ever seen a chick with dark peach fuzz on her arms, lower back, or legs…its scary shit.

3. All potential mistakes I make can be easily written off because of my hair color (natural color, anyway), but if a person with dark hair makes a mistake, there just isn’t a good excuse….
: p

Other than that, it’s really not any more fun, if it were, I probably wouldnt have pink hair right now…

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