Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

What is passion?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) August 19th, 2011

How do you know when you feel passion about a person, and how do you tell when the passion is waning? Can passion last for decades, or must it cool down? What does passion look like in your life? Who have you been passionate about? Describe what your passion caused you to do.

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10 Answers

fremen_warrior's avatar

Never let my guard down long enough to let myself feel something this deep about anyone… Must be an… interesting experience – sorry I wasn’t too helpful, just wanted to share something anyway :-)

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I can only tell you what passion is like it regards to the past since I have no SO at the moment.

I was driven to please him. I wanted his happiness above all else. I couldn’t talk to him long enough. I couldn’t touch his skin enough. I couldn’t get the scent of his cologne out of my mind.

I neglected my other relationships. I spent less time doing other things I loved. My mind was full of only him.

linguaphile's avatar

Having passion for someone is the ultimate high, especially in the beginning when all the senses are heightened (colors brighter, touch more sensitive), reactions are stronger and life feels wide awake after a long sleep. In long term relationships it ebbs and flows. I recently had a taste of this feeling, but had to shut that door, lock it up, nail it shut, and cover it with cement—because of timing.

Passion for things, ideals or jobs—that’s different. It’s something that wakes you up and gives you a life-charge, something you can talk for 24 hours straight about and still not be bored, something you will fight for and have strong beliefs about, and something you look forward to getting into- taking all the bad with the good, because the bad’s not so bad! It’s something you do or think about that is not separate from you, but part of your whole psyche. Also, when you’re doing your passion, your memory’s sharper- you remember everything! For me it’s language, writing and theater.

DrBill's avatar

Passion is when you care about someone more than yourself

When you would sacrifice your life for them.

Cruiser's avatar

Passion for someone in my book is when you love everything about this person, you look so forward to seeing them and would do almost anything for them. I have been passionate about all the women in my life and when that candle is burning it is love on fire! ;)

Blackberry's avatar

The hot sex where you don’t even take your clothes off all the way because you’re both so horny you wanna get penetrated/penetrate.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

It’s not easy to explain. Passion drives you to do things in the direction of the person that you feel passionate about. It feels like you want to burst because you love and want them so much and you get off on their intelligence, their abilities, their words, their contours. Passion, to me, can last a lifetime. When you’re no longer passionate about your partner, it’s time to go. We say this about work, why shouldn’t we say the same about relationships which, to some, are much more important than work?

Blackberry's avatar

I do think passion as a motivator is very interesting, because it seems to come out of nowhere. Why do we all end up fixating on one notion using that to fuel ourselves? What makes us wake up one day and keep saying “I love doing this, there’s nothing better than the rush from delivering the nightly news..”.

Hibernate's avatar

For you I’d give my arm. Why? Because It’s passion. Or so to speak. This is the way I hear others explaining it to me. For me passion is a different thing. Dedication, devotion, attention etc. There’s no easy way to describe it.

For passion I did a lot of stupid things and now we laugh over them when we remember them.

Porifera's avatar

Passion is a very strong emotion. I don’t particularly like strong emotions because they take over my mind and heart and make me stray from other important things. Thank God it never seems to last in my case since I don’t really like it. As @Hibernate say, it makes you do crazy things that I wouldn’t normally do. I definitely prefer less intense emotions.

As far as being passionate for my work, nahhhh…I don’t think so. I love it but no passion there at all.

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