Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

Have you seen anyone do something you think goes counter to their own self interest?

Asked by wundayatta (58727points) August 22nd, 2011

It’s kind of perverse, isn’t it, if someone does something that goes counter to their apparent best interests? Have you seen anyone behave this way? What did they do? How do you explain this behavior?

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9 Answers

WestRiverrat's avatar

On several occasions I have seen soldiers and marines dash out into the open to carry their wounded buddy to safety. Most didn’t wait to be ordered to do it, they would have been safer staying behind the wall or in their foxhole providing covering fire for the troops that had to go out.

Why other people do it, you will have to ask them. I did it because it was my job.

Jeruba's avatar

I couldn’t begin to count the times. Here’s just one: an alcoholic in recovery picks up a drink.

augustlan's avatar

Well, sure. I smoke. I have asthma. I am an idiot. Almost all of us are, about one thing or another.

chewhorse's avatar

Almost all the time you can see this in others especially those closest to you.. I see it constantly but refuse to comment because that’s what they want to do whether I agree or not.

YARNLADY's avatar

Reckless drivers
inebriated drivers
Race car drivers

Your_Majesty's avatar

Employees that work in low-wages jobs. i.e. Manual dishwasher employees don’t want to stick in dirty kitchen to wash dirty dishes, most of them don’t like it, and are forced to do it for the money.

Hibernate's avatar

Yes. I can’t explain why he did it. One example is when he was getting along so fine with the fiance and the decided to break it off… like he always said he was happy and all and yet he decided to end it. [he wanted to get married all his life and always talked about it… and he broke off with her with no reason].

smilingheart1's avatar

We all do, all the time. I myself have a habit of giving people an “Out.” My husband once used an abstract scenario – he said that if we were given a five minute chat spree with a world leader that after just two minutes I would say “Oh, your excellency (or whatever fits), we are taking up your valuable time” and effectively end the audience time they gave us. Sad, but I bet it is true.

SuperMouse's avatar

I have a step-daughter who continues to see a man who cheats on her regularly without remorse and has children with no fewer than six other women. I know an alcoholic who was sober for over a year, hit the bottle after a boyfriend broke up with her, and has been off the wagon since. I think that some people do have a tendency toward self-destruction.

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