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mazingerz88's avatar

In a world parallel to ours, but all animated and cartoony, how would things be different?

Asked by mazingerz88 (28951points) August 23rd, 2011

What are the fun things we could do? What are the things you would do if you live in a world governed by the laws and physics of an animated world? And this world is not made up of just one animation style but all styles combined. Traditional, digital and all sorts of other animation techniques like stop-motion.

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33 Answers

smilingheart1's avatar

I picture it a little like Fraggle Rock.

redfeather's avatar

Things would probably be the same, parallel if you will, as ours. But animated and cartoony.


sakura's avatar

@smilingheart1 hehe Fraggle Rock, baggsy being RED :)

ParaParaYukiko's avatar

Falling anvils from the sky would become the #1 cause of death.

mazingerz88's avatar

@redfeather You will be Jessica Rabbit to my Captain Smith from Pocahontas?

wundayatta's avatar

In Who Framed Roger Rabbit you can see exactly what it would look like.

ucme's avatar

Blade Runner would still be a shite movie & “fanboys” would most likely remain ubersensitive….who knew eh?

mazingerz88's avatar

@ucme WOP! BAM! FOOM! POW! To you! Lol.

ucme's avatar

Tsk, such an animated response!

ddude1116's avatar

You could do anything! Nothing that harms us would harm us! Everything depressing would be a joke or political cartoon! We’d order everything from ACME and it’d be there in seconds, delivered from a random truck! You could go anywhere in the world from a dotted line and map montage!

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

The Second Life virtual world is very much like that. You can meet people from all over the world and talk to them live, if you so desire. Everything you can do in real life can be done in SL…and more. Here is a video hosted by Drew Carey that gives a tour of what can be done there.

laineybug's avatar

Everyone would drive into cliffs where someone painted a tunnel.

mazingerz88's avatar

@laineybug Ha ha ha, nice one! A comic strip character would always end up getting beaten up since he or she can’t hide what he’s really thinking!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

We’d be able to beat each other over the head with over-sized mallets, walk off of cliffs, get run over by wolves, and tons of other ridiculous things, and we’d never die. And we’d all have perfect figures!

flutherother's avatar

It could be like this

redfeather's avatar

@mazingerz88 I’m not into blondes… sorry…

Kardamom's avatar

I would look like this

I would be watching her on TV

And drooling over him

And dancing and singing along to their music

martianspringtime's avatar

All of the writing on computer screens and in books would be illegible scribbling except headlines.

tedibear's avatar

I would look like this or this

We would all bounce back from injury immediately and have unlimited food and drink!

Berserker's avatar

Death would be a laughing matter!

wundayatta's avatar

@Symbeline and that is different from the real world….. how?

Berserker's avatar

Well, in cartoons, it isn’t disturbing, and everyone agrees!

Now I just wish someone would fuck up that bitch Tweetybird haha.

Kardamom's avatar

Ok everybody on this thread, who wants to go all cartoony for 24 hours?

This is @Kardamom by the way! Love me some Pink Panther!

Berserker's avatar

@Kardamom Haha dude, awesome! I’m totally Wile E Coyote. :D

mazingerz88's avatar

@Kardamom I was about to find a cartoony avatar when I realized I already am one!

: )

Berserker's avatar

From afar, I still say it looks like Spiderman. :D

mazingerz88's avatar

@Symbeline Ahhh, you’re just using your zombie eyes again. : )

Berserker's avatar


:D But yeah, that toy/action figure rocks. :)

mazingerz88's avatar

It should, it’s the forefather of the Transformers. : )

Joker94's avatar

Everything you’d ever need would be available in your pockets, animals could friggin’ talk, as would everything else! Not to mention, if you died, who cares?! You’ll most likely be alive in the next episode! Most of the consequences you faced would be over and done with by the next episode, to boot! Food would always sound crunchy when you eat it, spontaneous sing-a-longs would be the norm, and miserable people would be even funnier.
I’m taking part in this avatar thing, too..

mazingerz88's avatar

A lot of us would only have four fingers and others with huge eyes.

laineybug's avatar

@mazingerz88 and have very disproportionate bodies. Does my avatar count? It’s not from a cartoon, but still, I think it should count.

mazingerz88's avatar

Yes, it counts. It makes me recall that animated movie, It’s a Bug’s Life. : )

ladybug from that Pixar movie

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