Social Question

john65pennington's avatar

Did anyone really like the song Rhinestone Cowboy?

Asked by john65pennington (29263points) August 24th, 2011

It’s no secret that I am not a fan of country music. Even worse, I dislike fake anything. One song in particular was Rhinestone Cowboy by Glenn Campbell. I am not knocking Glenn Campbell, just the song he sang about fraud cowboys and their fraud cowboy hats. Question: when will country music finally fade into the sunset?

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9 Answers

King_Pariah's avatar

Hopefully… Never. :P

But as to rhinestone cowboy, it’s not one I particularly enjoy.

Blueroses's avatar

wait, wait, wait! This is as confusing to me as the concept of time travel. Your dislike of the song about fake cowboys would seem to indicate you prefer songs about real cowboys but you state your dislike for that… logic error; reset

you don’t like cowboy songs but you don’t like the song that mocks fake cowboys:::: logic error; reset

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. but it was easy to sing. AND I understood all the words. This was during a time when you couldn’t understand most of the words to a song!

_zen_'s avatar

I was in Virginia when it came on the radio – I liked it – catchy, breezy – easy chorus…

I think he has a certain depth to his voice – and the song is more a lament, a satiric look at the life of modern-day rodeo-cowboys – alluding to, nay, an allegory to the shallow lifestyles reflecting the glow of yore – a hollow shell of what once was glorious, faded like his jeans – the subway token taking him to nowhere special anymore.

quiddidyquestions's avatar

I like the song. It was actually my ringtone for a while. :(

_zen_'s avatar

^ So you really don’t mind the rain?

quiddidyquestions's avatar

@zen Maybe I just like offers coming over the phone.

_zen_'s avatar

Look inside your shoe.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I like it. I enjoy a certain amount of Country music so I hope that it doesn’t fade away. Be careful now, someone could easily have the same wish for the music you love so much!

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