Social Question

rebbel's avatar

How would you fill one evening of television [details inside]?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) August 28th, 2011

You have the chance to fill one evening on television.
It will be broadcast on one channel in all countries of the world.
What kind of programs would you like to put there, knowing that you will have an audience of hundreds of millions.
Are you going to amuse them, educate them, spiritualize them, convert them?
For the sake of the question, you get six hours of air time.
What does your listing read like?
I will add my list in due time, I want to put some more thought to it.

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17 Answers

mithical's avatar

Doctor Who. It’s all people need.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Arrested Development.

ucme's avatar

6:00pm An Hour With Fanny : Comedy frolics with part time calendar girl Fanny Flaps.
7:00pm International Football : England v Holland (subsequent programming may run late due to extra time)
9:30pm Inglorious Basterds : Enjoyable nazi romp.
11:45pm Bible reading with Pee Wee : Affable fool recites genesis.
12:00am Closedown : Hope you’ve locked your doors…....BOO!!

gailcalled's avatar

Alternating Nova, Nature, and Masterpiece Classics.

the100thmonkey's avatar

BBC Horizon x4.

Either that or “Why Don’t You?” – a British teen TV show of days gone by that enjoined its viewers to “switch off the television set and go out and do something less boring instead”. Sage words.

TV is shit.

Seaofclouds's avatar

6 hours of cooking shows from all over the world.

WestRiverrat's avatar

6:00 – Happy Days
6:30 – Flintstones
7:00 – Hill Street Blues
8:00 – Dallas
9:00 – All In The Family
9:30 – One Day at a Time
10:00 – Fame the 82–87 version.
11:00 – Twilight Zone
11:30 – Star Trek

incendiary_dan's avatar

What a Way to Go: Life at the End of Empire
The Future of Food
Food Inc.
One of the documentaries about Blackwater USA.
Then every episode of Survivorman and Dual Survival.

gasman's avatar

A few episodes of the Ken Burns Jazz series.

incendiary_dan's avatar

Oh, and I’d add Toby Hemenway’s talk entitled Why Permaculture Can Save the Earth and Humanity, but not Civilization.

Dutchess_III's avatar


poisonedantidote's avatar

6:00pm – A Monty Python Episode
6:25pm – Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot
6:30pm – Top Gear
7:00pm – Star Trek The Voyage Home
8:30pm – Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot
8:35pm – Re-Run of Hitler Speaches
8:55pm – Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot
9:00pm – 3 hours of porn

deni's avatar

Something like Through the Wormhole which actually makes people use their mushy brains.

efritz's avatar

TV fuzz. Mwahahahahaha.

Or I’d do a mix of 30 Rock, Alias, Daria, and Arrested Development, for my own selfish viewing pleasure.


Good engaging family dramas and dramedies (drama and comedy) that serve a moral didactic purpose. That’s what the world needs today.

The Waltons

Little House On the Prairie

Family Affair

Dutchess_III's avatar

The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. : ) How you spell that?

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