Meta Question

rebbel's avatar

If Fluther had a Team Speak option, would you make use of it?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) September 2nd, 2011

“TeamSpeak is a proprietary Voice over IP software that allows users to speak on a chat channel with other users, much like a telephone conference call.” Wiki
Would you like to chat with your fellow Jellies, while Fluthering?
Do you think this could be something to implement in the site (if possible)?

Edit: Or any other VoIP software of course.
There is Ventrilo too and I guess there are more.

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18 Answers

syz's avatar

Well, practically nobody uses chat. I don’t see it happening.

KateTheGreat's avatar

I’d love it.

augustlan's avatar

Some of the jellies use Skype to video chat with each other. Or at least they used to, I’m not sure whether it still happens or not.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Maybe. Maybe not.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Dispatcher: Troll thread at nine ‘o clock!
Me: I’m on it! * hops into the MH mobile and speeds away *
A few minutes later
* tires screech *
Me: * pulls up to the troll * Sir, do you know that you’re being an asshat?

Jeruba's avatar

No, I wouldn’t. I don’t even like talking to one person on the phone, apart from a few family members.

Buttonstc's avatar

I’m always using iPhone so I’m assuming both of those would require that I use the computer.

So, No for me.

DeanV's avatar

Sure, but I was always under the impression Teamspeak was mostly for games/gaming. And seeing how nobody uses Fluther chat anyhoo, I’m not sure if it would be worth renting a server.

I use Ventrilo with plenty of people I’ve never met before, but like I said, that’s mostly for games. I think it might be a little odd here.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

No. Speaking to people via the internet one-on-one is preferable. Chat rooms are one thing when the name of the speaker is posted. The times that I’ve been a public forum where I can hear multiple members is utterly confusing.

gailcalled's avatar

I would not be interested either.

linguaphile's avatar

I hope not! I would have to quit!! :( :(

jonsblond's avatar

No. I’m much like @Jeruba. I avoid most phone calls, I certainly wouldn’t want to chat when I use the computer. I’m just not a chatty kind of gal.

Lightlyseared's avatar

There are some jellies I wouldn’t mind talking to.

ucme's avatar


downtide's avatar

No. For one thing, there is never a time when there aren’t other people around in the house, so everything I say can be heard by someone else. This also means annoying background noises for the person listening.

Second, I have low bandwith and a poor internet connection, and when I’ve tried other forms of VOIP I find that the quality of sound is so poor that I can’t hear what anyone is saying and I have to keep asking people “can you please type what you just said, I didn’t hear you.”

Finally but most important, my voice hasn’t broken yet, and I still sound like a girl.

Seelix's avatar

Maybe. I used Vent a lot when I played World of Warcraft, and it can be a bitch to get it to work properly.

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