Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

Who or what is (or was) your "baby?" Whose baby are (or were) you?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) September 6th, 2011

Excluding literal babies, is your “baby” a person, or a pet, or what? Why is your “baby” your baby? What makes them your baby? How do you feel about using that term?

Are you someone else’s “baby?” How do you feel about that?

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40 Answers

Ayesha's avatar

“Are you someone else’s Baby?”
My “babies” are my two cute kitties, Sam and Sammy.

Cruiser's avatar

My 7 month old puppy Sadie is my baby!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

My husband and I call each other “baby” on a regular basis. I like being his “baby”. =0)

Also, my cats are my precious little furbabies.

zenvelo's avatar

I watched Dirty Dancing over the weekend. Calling a grown girl “Baby” all the time was almost sickening.

I can’t stand that term, I didn’t even call my kids baby when they were infants.

beccagolling's avatar

Well, I have two. One My puppy Lucy and the other my rat Lin. ♥
I am also my fiances baby…it makes me feel so special when he calls me that! :D

Londongirl's avatar

My beautiful cat is my baby… :) I love her as if my own daughter!!!! only a bit more furry…

christine215's avatar

You mean OTHER than my kids??

My cat with no real name who we took in off the street…I just love her! (she’s not a cuddler either which saddens me, but we have an understanding. I don’t try to pick her up or put her on my lap and she will let me know when she wants some lovins)

Blackberry's avatar

I don’t really have a baby, but I’m my mom’s baby. Don’t make fun of me. >.>

Sunny2's avatar

I’m nobody’s baby and nobody’s mine. Never have been; never will be. (except for my two real babies, who haven’t been babies for many years. Infantilizing is not my cup of tea.

woodcutter's avatar

<—-My baby girl

Jude's avatar

My partner.

KateTheGreat's avatar

My new hairless kitten is my baby.

She’s only 10 weeks old and she’s the feistiest little creature alive.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@KateTheGreat Oooh, awesome! I LOVE hairless cats!!

stardust's avatar

I am nobodies baby, nor do I have a baby. I don’t like the term “baby” unless we’re talking about an actual baby..shudder

tranquilsea's avatar

My youngest son is sometimes my “baby” but I use the term less and less the older he gets.

My hubby calls me baby sometimes but in a much different connotation than I do with my son.

kamikaze's avatar

I am the youngest son and I am my mama’s baby. AND @KateTheGreat, I hate hairless kittens, what’s wrong with you!!!!!

KateTheGreat's avatar

@kamikaze What’s wrong with me? Oh boy…..there’s a long list.

kamikaze's avatar

The problem is little hairless kittens to me is just an issue. Hairless kittens look like they have had their hair shaved off at the moment they flew out of the sky(no babys don’t fly out of the sky) and get stuffed in their mama cat’s belly. _

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WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’m noticing that a lot of jellies have major hangups with the words “baby” and “love”...

Being somebody’s “baby” doesn’t have to be degrading or creepy or whatever else, and “loving” friends doesn’t have to mean that “special” kind of love. Sheesh, people, eat some of Coloma’s happy brownies and loosen up!

AshLeigh's avatar

Chaos, my cat, is my baby:D
Nick and I used to call each other “baby” or “babe”... I’m not anyone’s baby anymore.


My youngest daughter, who is 5 years-old. I still call her my “baby”. Like “Hi baby.” “How’s my baby today?” “Come and give Daddy a kiss baby.” ;)

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

My youngest sister. She is and always will be my baby.
I use this concept a lot, really. I refer to my pets this way, my kids, my nieces and nephews… there seems to be far more to it than just calling them “baby.” I think, for me, it is more about my relationship with someone that I feel a need to protect and nurture. My sister takes the #1 spot, though, for whatever reason. I have an interesting relationship with my siblings after having lost one at a young age. I’m like a mama lion with them, but especially the youngest.

I don’t think that I am anyone’s baby. I have never been my parents’ favorite, and my husband isn’t the type to baby anyone. I don’t have any older siblings. I think I was my late grandmother’s baby, though. We just had a very special bond. I think part of it was that I was the first grandchild on that side of the family, and I think that sometimes seals a unique dynamic within the family, especially because I was an only grandchild for 7 years.

kamikaze's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES , “ok daddy” >kiss<

PS: >.>


@kamikaze ((((((KISS))))))

kamikaze's avatar

Oh, god, no helllllp, no this is not right. “Daddy you’re breath stinks!!!!”

laineybug's avatar

Well, my mom’s cat is my baby, and I know it’s kind of weird but my clarinet is my baby. I was very upset when my dad dropped it on the hardwood floor and I get very worried if something’s not working right. I’m the youngest of three daughters and I’m my dad’s baby.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@laineybug I’m still my daddy’s “baby girl”, and I’m 32, lol.

Berserker's avatar

My kitties are my babies. :D

Only138's avatar

Baby is a badass killer from the Devil’s Rejects. I would totally be her love slave. :)

Berserker's avatar

@Only138 Ha, yeah. It all fuckin’ mind power, man. :D

Only138's avatar

@Symbeline Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees…..look at these! LMAO

Berserker's avatar

I’m a married man! Lol. XD

Only138's avatar

@Symbeline Go ahead, shoot me. Shoot me right on the ass! :)

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athenasgriffin's avatar

My car is my biggest baby. I think she breaks down less when I give her affection. But other than that, my cat is my most important baby. He is just the right size for cuddling and he also likes vast amounts of affection.

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ucme's avatar

The wife has never called me baby, she does however sometimes refer to me as her “Love albatross.”

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