General Question

klaas4's avatar

Why do my pop-up windows don't show up in Safari?

Asked by klaas4 (2194points) May 8th, 2008

I just have an anchor with the onclick event like so:
onclick=“‘’, ‘What is UBB?’, ‘width=600,height=386,scrollbars=yes’); return false”

But when I click it, even with the popup blocker off, it doesn’t show up. How can that be?


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7 Answers

elchoopanebre's avatar

This is because Safari has a pop-up blocker on by default. To turn it off go to Safari->Preferences->Security->then uncheck “Block Pop-Up Windows.”

klaas4's avatar

But when I click it, even with the popup blocker off, it doesn’t show up. How can that be?

Don’t mind you didn’t saw that. :) It happens.

elchoopanebre's avatar

Try another browser like Mozilla Firefox or Opera. I have a Mac and use Opera and whever it blocks a popup a little window shows up in the top-right corner and you can click it and open the pop-up. My apologies for not reading “But when I click it, even with the popup blocker off, it doesn’t show up.”

klaas4's avatar

No, I want Safari.

elchoopanebre's avatar

I wasn’t very helpful and I didn’t read your entire message.

Sorry. :-(

klaas4's avatar

Never mind. :)

btw, who’s in that picture? isn’t that rene from allo allo?

lefteh's avatar

I’ve been having this problem also — I’ve looked around a lot, including the Apple support forums, and plenty of others have gotten stuck on this. The general consensus seems to be that it is a JavaScript update in the latest version of Safari and can’t be fixed on our end. That being said, it may still be worth it to poke around Google.

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