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Neizvestnaya's avatar

Does pain make your b.o. different, worse?

Asked by Neizvestnaya (22667points) September 25th, 2011

I bathe the same, wear the same deodorant, eat the same foods, drink the same amount of water and perspire in the usual amount but I swear my b.o. is so strong after just a few hours when my back is acting up. Even my dog gave me a snort/sniff while we were snuggling.

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9 Answers

DrBill's avatar

It can, But not always

Facade's avatar

I think it’s the stress and negative mood that pain causes me that does it, rather than the pain itself.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

So our discomfort and crankiness changes our smell? I wonder you know, they say animals can smell fear and sickness but what about farking misery?~

Gingerlaurie's avatar

I haven’t notice that myself, Neiz, but as for the dog? Yep! I have severe back pain, and when it’s rearing its ugly head, both of my Yorkies are glued to me for the day. =). Kinda nice…humans tend not to want to hear about it. LOL!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@Gingerlaurie: I noticed that. My little guy wants to be right where I am and he’s usually not clingy. Now, if had some healing powers…

Gingerlaurie's avatar

…....then you would have to share those healing powers with others! Cough cough…me…cough cough. =)

filmfann's avatar

Could it be that your smell isn’t changing when your back hurts, but your sense of smell?
A few years ago, I had a tooth removed, and for about 3 weeks I had a hyper-sensative sense of smell. I actually started tearing open walls to track down mold smells, that I thought just appeared.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@filmfann: Maybe but I’d think adjusting and trying to regulate body pain would dull my other senses. I’m totally paranoid here at work thinking I’m all ripe :(

Gingerlaurie's avatar

Ahhhhh!! What an interesting point, filfann!! Never thought of that!! =)

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