Social Question

creative1's avatar

Are you this Jelly? The Jelly below me_Part 26?

Asked by creative1 (12071points) October 3rd, 2011

The game rules are:

Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
The Jelly below me drinks 10 cups of coffee daily

The response might be:
False! I hate coffee or,

Then they might state:
The Jelly below me has blond hair.

There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.

Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Hopefully most all Jellies will join in.

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462 Answers

creative1's avatar

TJBM Loves playing the TJBM

KateTheGreat's avatar

Ehhh, dunno.

TJBM is going to post in this thread once and never post again, just like me! :D

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM can’t stop at just one. :)

creative1's avatar

True, I love this thread

TJBM loves to play a good game

Pandora's avatar

True, I love a good card or word game.
TJBM is going bald.

AshLeigh's avatar

False… But my brother is. :D Suckah!
TJBM loves their brother. :)

reijinni's avatar

not really because they give me a hard time.
TJBM wants to kick Grover Norquist in the nuts.

Hibernate's avatar


The Jelly Below Me had problems with their ISP lately.


No, but I’ve been having problems with my server. :(

TJBM goes to bed late every night.

GabrielsLamb's avatar

False, But sometimes I do.

TJBM Always did well in school

Pandora's avatar

@ That would be mostly true.
TJBM, speaks only one language.
sorry didn’t notice you were in the process of answering when I changed it

boxer3's avatar

False! I speak English first, some
Spanish, Mina, and I also know American Sign Language.
TJBM is always sleepy.

Berserker's avatar

@boxer3 Not always, but when I do get sleepy, it’s some hardcore business.

TJBM has super long hair.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Is a half inch long, than yes. Just got a hair cut.

TJBM has more than five musical instruments in the house.

Jay484's avatar

TJBM cant play a musical instrument to save there life

Berserker's avatar

True as shit lol.

TJBM enjoys outdoors activities.

TexasDude's avatar

Of course.

TJBM does not use facebook.

boxer3's avatar

True, I don’t even have an account!
TJBM loves the show Trailer Park Boys

dabbler's avatar

False, I have no idea who are “Trailer Park Boys”.
TJBM is The Most Interesting Man in the World.

Ela's avatar

Ummm… <checks> False! But I know who he is… ; )

TJBM is polishes their toes nails red.

Berserker's avatar

No way. I prefer gothic combat boots, thanks.

TJBM has actually seen the movie Motorhome Massacre.

smilingheart1's avatar

False but knows about trailer park tornado trauma
TJBM loves slow dancing, swaying to the music in Memphis

Ela's avatar

True, so very true indeed.

TJBM went to a dance class and knows how to waltz

perspicacious's avatar

True, many years ago. I rather jitterbug though.

TJBM has never done couple dancing. (and I don’t mean the horizontal boogie)

GabrielsLamb's avatar

False I have been to a wedding or two and have danced.

TJBM will actually do the horizontal boogie tonight?

perspicacious's avatar

It’s a no-go tonight, but I have high hopes for tomorrow.

TJBM is listening to a TV show called Sing Off. (I am; it was an accident but it’s pretty good to listen to)

AmWiser's avatar

False. 7 hours later..watching the news.

TJBM keeps up with current events

dabbler's avatar

True, radio on in the background and websites up: BBC , VOA , CSM.
TJBM thinks it’s gonna rain.

Hibernate's avatar

I only wish.

The Jelly Below Me wants to rain too.

snowberry's avatar

Eh, our area has had too much rain lately.

TJBM has had trouble with their computer lately.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM can’t speel corectly.

Ela's avatar

True. I fumble the ball on that one a lot and am always using spell check and the dictionary.

TJBM has won a spelling bee contest

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Knot ~~

TJBM has gone to more than eight skhools. Eye no dats knot write.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM has their pet’s teeth cleaned regularly.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM has massaged their cat with a vaccuum before.

AshLeigh's avatar

… What? O_____O
TJBM just woke up.

erichw1504's avatar

False, 3 hours ago. O_o

TJBM is good at using Photoshop.

reijinni's avatar

I used it once upon a time, prefer Inkscape and GIMP.
TJBM can make an Android app.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM plays COD.

erichw1504's avatar

False, I don’t play with fish.

TJBM uses Instagram.


Nope. I don’t even know what Instagram is. Lol.

TJBM loves Halloween.

blueiiznh's avatar

I like halloween. Love may be too strong of an emotion way too soon.

TJBM Loves Ding Dongs!

erichw1504's avatar

False, I prefer Zingers!

TJBM has purchased their candy for Halloween already.

Pandora's avatar

Nope, don’t plan too.
TJBM likes to cook and watch tv naked.

blueiiznh's avatar

Yes, doesn’t everyone????

TJBM has a favorite naked recipe or favorite tv show they watch naked and will share it with us.

erichw1504's avatar

True, I watch Cops naked.

TJBM has a special hobby they do naked and would like to share it with us.

Coloma's avatar

LOL…Yes, I am into extreme hot tubbing, naked is mandatory. One must stand in the cold naked, arms outstretched in a pose of universal meditation under the stars, until they can no longer stand it, then, submerge themselves again. It’s an exercise in mind/body control. :-D

TJBM wants to attain the mind and body control of a monk

blueiiznh's avatar

False, been there – done that!

TJBM is planning a PJ party in their basement

reijinni's avatar

TJBM like to drive though farmers markets?

Ela's avatar

True (partly) I like to walk through them. If I drove I’d likely plow down a farmer. heehee

TJBM has sold their produce at a farmers market.

….brrrrrr…. @Coloma I bet your neighbors like that ritual ; )

mangeons's avatar

False, but we buy from a farmer’s market stand right near our house!

TJBM likes having their picture taken.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM likes to make snow angels naked.

Hibernate's avatar

Yup. I always creep my friends out when I jump into the snow with my shirt off ^^

The Jelly Below Me likes ice cream.

reijinni's avatar

sure do
TJBM wants to have some balut or Japanese ice cream.

josrific's avatar

How is it different from American ice cream?
TJBM feels good today and has got a lot done.

Hibernate's avatar

Yeah but i missed on a lot of things.

The Jelly Below Me gives more respect than receives it.

Coloma's avatar

Most certainly not! Respect is a two way street. ;-)

TJBM is feeling disrespected by someone in their life right now

geeky_mama's avatar

False. I am feeling respected and appreciated.

TJBM will be teaching a bunch of little boys about Monty Python tonight. Having the Cub Scouts do the Ministry of Silly Walks tonight.

blueiiznh's avatar

Nope, We are the knights who say ni

tjbm is in search of shrubbery

Ela's avatar

False. Shrubbery found! Now in search of a Herring ; (

TJBM has a Herring.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I’ve got Kippers, will that work.

TJBM have their post box attached directly to their house.

Ela's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Is definitely worth a try ; ) thanks!!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Found Smoked Oysters too ! !

Ela's avatar

Now all we need is some spam!

LOL Can you tell i’m stuck tubin monty python now?

blueiiznh's avatar


TJBM is going to try to start an argument

Ela's avatar

False. But I’m ready if one breaks out thanks to my self-defense classes!

TJBM has taken a Self-Defense Class.

GabrielsLamb's avatar

False: No “class” I never needed one, I have four older brothers and I am the only girl. LOL

TJBM is in love with life, and wants the world to know it?

dabbler's avatar

WooooooHooooooooooo !! (true)
TJBM had a lucky streak today

AshLeigh's avatar

True! I got a college level score on my Writing Test. And did five Biology projects. :)
TJBM is eating a delicious sandwich! :D

mangeons's avatar

False, I had a great burger from Roy Roger’s for dinner though!

TJBM has homework to do tonight.

AshLeigh's avatar

True… I’m gonna do more Biology. XD
TJBM is going to bed early tonight.

mangeons's avatar

False, who goes to bed early???

TJBM is enjoying the cooler weather.

AshLeigh's avatar

… In Alaska? I have no choice!
TJBM is not going to bed early tonight. ;)

GabrielsLamb's avatar

True I almost never go to bed period unfortunately. I’m in another bad spell with sleep.

TJBM has trouble sleeping when they are stressed out?

creative1's avatar

Oh so true!!!

TJBM Wants a big kiss tonight

Coloma's avatar

@blueiiznh Dude! I’m impressed!

@EnchantingEla Yes, I have 6 ”neigh – bors, I gets lots of prancing and whinnying. LOL

Coloma's avatar

False. Only the cat to kiss right now haha

TJBM is anticipating something good

Hibernate's avatar

I always expect the best but I’m prepared for the worst.

The Jelly Below Me never smoked.

mangeons's avatar

True, and I don’t really plan on doing it either.

TJBM loves candy corn.

Ela's avatar

True with peanuts!

TJBM loves corn on the cob.

mangeons's avatar

I like corn, but I have mine cut off the cob.

TJBM loves Halloween!

dabbler's avatar

Quite so and have even been candy corn for Halloween twice, that was very popular.
People a block away would squeal “candy corn!”
TJBM doesn’t like machinery

Coloma's avatar

Haha..well, I like my car, and my turbo blower, but otherwise, true. Don’t ask me to drive a forklift or a backhoe, I’ll kill someone for sure.

TJBM had driven a backhoe

AshLeigh's avatar

… O.o No.
TJBM came home to an empty house. :(

blueiiznh's avatar


TJBM likes Fruits Pies

Coloma's avatar

True. I make a killer blackberry apple pie! :-D

TJBM has pie on their face

AshLeigh's avatar

TJMB hates Biology.

Ela's avatar


TJBM loves Biology.

dabbler's avatar

The science? Sure but not as much some of the others. Nature? Most definitely.
TJBM just had someone walk in on them.

GabrielsLamb's avatar

False I just walked in from my walk…

TJBM Exercises regularly?

boxer3's avatar

True. daily.
TJBM has lost power recently.

blueiiznh's avatar

Well, yes. Damned Kryptonite

TJBM skips rope

Tropical_Willie's avatar

More like “skips” exercise.

TJBM was on high school or college sport team.

Coloma's avatar

False. Remember, I don’t do balls. lol

TJBM is deathly afraid of snakes

Ela's avatar

True. They total freak me out and give me the eebee-jeebees : (

TJBM has a pet snake.

perspicacious's avatar

Heck no!!!

TJBM would drink a chocolate shake if someone would make it for them.


No, sorry, I wouldn’t. I’m very lactose intolerant, and drinking a chocolate milkshake would give me a humongous tummy-ache! Lol.

TJBM is self-conscious in public, often wondering what other people think of him/her when he/she’s out in public.

Hibernate's avatar

Never. I give a crap about what others think of me.

The Jelly Below Me visits IMDB every day.

perspicacious's avatar

I don’t even know why anyone would visit there every day.

TJBM spends a lot of time alone.


With two small children always vying for my time and attention? Nope! Lol.

TJBM loves the oldies more than the songs of today.

Hibernate's avatar

Some old school music yes but I prefer todays music.

The Jelly Below Me needs to take a break and eat.

reijinni's avatar

Nope, but will eat breakfast in a couple of hours.
TJBM thinks that churches should lose their tax exempt status.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM just made a huge mess. Mine is in the kitchen. Where’s yours?

GabrielsLamb's avatar

False. *I’m sorry… I’d help if I could but here’s some Luver for ya! ♥ Have a better day my dear.

TJBM anticipates a better day ahead for all jellies! *Make a wish for Snowberry too!

blueiiznh's avatar

Absolutely! wishing nowberry didn’t make such a mess!

TJBM came home with only one shoe. Last night was epic!

GabrielsLamb's avatar

@blueiiznh LOL, I betchya she is too?

False: I stayed in…

TJBM Doesn’t drink.

boxer3's avatar

True, if you’re talking about alcohol.
But I definitly drink my share of black coffee.
TJBM got enough hours of sleep last night.

Ela's avatar

False. I function best on 8 hrs and only got about 6 : (

TJBM slept like a baby last night.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I did sleep well.

TJBM has recently eaten some fresh bread.

Coloma's avatar

False. But, I would like to! Note to self to go by local bakery

TJBM has made home made pet treats

AshLeigh's avatar

True. A few times. :D
TJBM loves mint tea in the morning! :)
I’m having mint tea. ;)

Coloma's avatar

False. Coffee whore here. :-)

TJBM woke up to rain

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM is an avid web surfer.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM eats out often.

Coloma's avatar

True. I go through cycles. I’ll shop and cook for 2 weeks, then live mostly on take out for 2 weeks. Works for me!

TJBM likes visiting big aquariums like Monterey Bay

snowberry's avatar


TJBM likes to experiment with makeup.

boxer3's avatar

True-ish. I love(d) MAC makeup forever but, I don’t wear more than a liittle masscarra and blush on the average day anymore….
TJBM has a soft spot in their heart for mac n cheese with ketchup

snowberry's avatar


TJBM is a nurse.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM eats in often.


True. My family and I eat in most of the time. Not only does it save money, but we get to spend more time together as a family. A little more work for the wiffy, however.

TJBM has a stressful job.

erichw1504's avatar

False, laid back.

TJBM Fluthers at work.


Unfortunately, no. My job involves high security——Fluthering would get me fired! Erg.

TJBM hates it when parents allow their children free rein in a public place.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM has to hire a house sitter when they go on vacation.


Well, sort of. We ask relatives to look after our house and doggy, but we don’t really hire them. In other words, they don’t get paid.

TJBM has a different appearance (the way they dress, groom) at work as opposed to his/her appearance on off days.

snowberry's avatar

Sometimes. Depends on the job. If I’m cleaning something, I’m not going to wear good clothes.

TJBM takes a prescription medicine.


No, I don’t take anything except vitamins and supplements. Not for now, at least. Lol.

TJBM is looking forward to the weekend.

erichw1504's avatar


tJbm cApitalizes tHe sEcond lEtter oF eVery wOrd.

snowberry's avatar

uM, sUre!

TJBM has twins.

erichw1504's avatar



reijinni's avatar

TJBM will miss The Simpson.

snowberry's avatar

Sounds like a good idea.

TJBM thinks “The Simpson” is stupid.

Coloma's avatar

I think it’s beyond stupid, I think it should be banned forever!~ lol sorry Simpson fans

TJBM hates adult cartoons of any kind

AshLeigh's avatar

False. :o
TJBM has a headache. :/

Coloma's avatar

Almost true. I just ate before the hunger headache set all the way in.

TJBM is eating

Bluefreedom's avatar

False but he’s certainly thinking about eating. His stomach is grumbling.

TJBM likes to receive flowers as a gift only on their birthday or Valentine’s Day.

AshLeigh's avatar

False. I don’t like flowers.
TJBM loves cheese. :D

GabrielsLamb's avatar

True: But not all kinds my favorite is good Greek Feta

TJBM Loves Greek Food?

Coloma's avatar

I rarely have it, but, I did date a guy that was greek once and he made killer Baklava. lol

TJBM is dreaming of a vacation

AshLeigh's avatar

False. I don’t like leaving my house. :)
TJBM has a bad back. O.o

Coloma's avatar

False. A bad shoulder from a horse wreck years ago.

TJBM has had a bad fall from a horse


Nope. But when I was 10 years-old, a horse nearly bucked me off a cliff. We were on a trail with a tour guide in the Rockies, and the old horse I was on had a fit and starting bucking as we rounded a rocky cliff. Luckily for me, I held on tight and didn’t fall off.

TJBM had a bad accident as a kid.

AshLeigh's avatar

Several. ;)
TJBM is going to wear heels tomorrow, and regret it halfway through the day. I know I am.

Coloma's avatar

False, But, I have 3 pairs of high heel boots that I’ll be working through the foot trauma again soon. lol

TJBM is going to bed—zzzz—-


True, I’ll be heading off to bed in about 15 minutes. Nighty-night! Say hello to Sandman!

TJBM likes old re-runs of “Gilligan’s Island”.

snowberry's avatar

Yes, but not too much TV, or I go crazy.

TJBM loves to eat vegetables.

Coloma's avatar


Nighty night to you, and thanks heaps, now I am going to be hearing the Gilligans Island song in my head while falling asleep.

True! I especially love cabbage!

TJBM has a comfy bed

snowberry's avatar

It’s not so comfy when I can’t sleep, like now.

TJBM is a cat lady


No, I’m Black Panther. Lol.

TJBM is tired and sleepy right now.

snowberry's avatar

I wish.

TJBM has to lose weight, but is having a hard time doing it.

erichw1504's avatar

False. Quite the opposite actually.

TJBM is drinking coffee.

blueiiznh's avatar


TJBM has peeked in someones window before for their own benefit.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM has walked in on someone doing something embarrassing before.

blueiiznh's avatar


TJBM has been embarrassed by someone walking in on them.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM had been stuck outside naked before.

AshLeigh's avatar

Not stuck… I was just bored. >.<
TJBM has written a song, and actually liked it. :)

reijinni's avatar

TJBm is wearing a turtleneck in memory of their hero.

erichw1504's avatar

False, but I would if I had one.

TJBM is streaming music online.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM is hungry, but has to leave soon! D:

snowberry's avatar

No, I should leave soon, not has to.

TJBM has not yet had breakfast.

reijinni's avatar

false, already ate.
TJBM is trying to imagine what would Bill Gates’ funeral would be like.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM makes green smoothies.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM has watched a video on YouTube today.

snowberry's avatar


TJBM watches Animal Planet.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Often. I love it.

TJBM is a fan of David Attenborough.

erichw1504's avatar

False, don’t know who he is.

TJBM is a fan of David Copperfield.

Ela's avatar

True. He’s so cute!

TJBM has performed magic tricks at a child’s b-day party.

Coloma's avatar

False. No magic tricks up my sleeve, but, I could pull a goose out of my hat. lol

TJBM thinks naked mole rats are cute look ‘em up if you don’t know what they are

josrific's avatar

Ehhh, they’re ok.
TJBM has snow right now (it stopped here finally).

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM was once caught in the buff at someone else’s house.

Hibernate's avatar

Nope but I came close.

The Jelly Below Me forgives easy.

Ela's avatar

True. I forgive too easily : (

TJBM seldom forgives.

Hibernate's avatar

Not true. I do it all the time.

The Jelly Below Me wants a second childhood.

Ela's avatar

False. I’m still enjoying my first one ; )

TJBM wants to go scuba-ing-ing of the coast of Hawaii-ii-ii

blueiiznh's avatar

but of course. looking for flights to Hawaii-ii-ii

TJBM has met Steve Jobs (RIP).

reijinni's avatar

TJBM has met somebody famous.

blueiiznh's avatar

True, Steve Jobs

TJBM burnt their cookies again

Coloma's avatar

False, but I always burn the garlic bread. :-(

TJBM needs assisted living

Ela's avatar

You volunteering? ; ) Otherwise that’s a bigo false!

TJBM wants to host an under the sea party for all the jellies!

Coloma's avatar

True. Where can we find a yellow submarine for rent?

TJBM lives in a yellow submarine

Ela's avatar

laughs and waits for a volunteer from the audience ; )

Bluefreedom's avatar

False. I used to live in one but I moved out. I couldn’t take it any longer living in an object that was long, hard, and full of seamen.~

TJBM would like to visit the continent of Africa someday.

boxer3's avatar

YESSSSS… Togo. with my best friend and her family :]
TJBM would rather be doing something other than what they’re doing right now. (besides fluther)

Ela's avatar

False. I’m pretty content at the moment : ) ask again in 15 mins ; )

TJBM eats ice cream from the carton

Coloma's avatar

Yes, if there isn’t much left. Ice cream is dangerous for me, it’s one of my weaknesses. lol

TJBM has a tree house

Ela's avatar

@Coloma have you ever tried Kemps smooth & creamy frozen yogurt? very nummy imo. i also love, love, looooove Life Savers sherbet o…m…g… so delish

GabrielsLamb's avatar

@Coloma Bryers has a chocolate half fat low sugar ice cream that is HEAVENLY

I don’t have any right now to give you the literal name, but it has an odd color to the package, some kind of blueish color and the ice cream itself is almost black.

It is DELISH… and you can enjoy more than you would a fat free version and a little less than half a pint of full fat. It’s the perfect middle.

AshLeigh's avatar

No. I don’t have a tree house. :P
TJBM hates high pitched beeping noises. :(

GabrielsLamb's avatar

True I indeedy do hate such noises immensely!

TJBM Can’t sleep when there is noise of any kind.

josrific's avatar

Mostly true. My husband’s C-pap lulls me to sleep.
TJBM is having soup this chilly evening.

blueiiznh's avatar

Nope, had lasagna

TJBM plays an organized sport

AshLeigh's avatar

False. XD
TJBM dyes their hair. O.o

creative1's avatar


TJBM eats fish once a week

blueiiznh's avatar

Yes, at least

TJBM catches their own fish to eat

AshLeigh's avatar

No… I live in Alaska, and I have never been fishing… Weird right? I don’t even like fish.
TJBM thinks that’s weird.

blueiiznh's avatar

Nah, living in Alaska is not weird.

TJBM lives in their own private idaho

Coloma's avatar

True. I live in my own private Coloma.

TJBM has been to Idaho

Coloma's avatar


@GabrielsLamb you are baaaad, baaad, girls!, I love sherbet and I’ll look for that Dreyers.

Bluefreedom's avatar

True. I’ve traveled through that state and onto further destinations.

TJBM likes eating out more than they like home cooking.

AshLeigh's avatar

True. :P
TJBM is singing.

blueiiznh's avatar

I suppose it is called that in some circles.

TJBM is having a spot of tea.

Coloma's avatar

False. I am not drinking anything at the moment.

TJBM is thirsty

Ela's avatar

False. I just had a big glass of ice cold milk.

TJBM loves milk.

AshLeigh's avatar

True! :)
TJBM doesn’t believe in liquids. O.o

creative1's avatar


TJBM would like some liquor right now

Ela's avatar

LOL @Coloma! try it… you’ll like it ; )

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM has noticed that @EnchantingEla keeps forgetting to keep the game going. :O

Ela's avatar

@AshLeigh i sorz. i will psht now : (

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM doesn’t know what psht means, and they’re not sure they want @EnchantingEla to do it. D:

blueiiznh's avatar

@Enchantingela i love when you psht

Dutchess_III's avatar

Actually, I definitely want @EnchantingEla to do ‘psht’ as her punishment! I do not know what it means but it should be interesting (better not have anything to do with Nakky Dances tho!!!)
( an aside) @EnchantingEla isn’t the first person to forget TJBM! I won’t name any names ahem dutchess_123! but there are others who have forgotten.

TJBM votes for ‘psht’ as the punishment for forgetting ‘TJBM’ part! (It doesn’t have anything to do with a Naky Dance, does it???!!!) Oh, and, @blueiiznh is our first prisoner!

Ela's avatar

heehee @blueiiznh datz cuz i iz so gud ad it ; p
psht… what you got against Nakky Dancin @Dutchess_III????

True on the vote and the prisoner ; )

TJBM has been in prison

AshLeigh's avatar

Not yet. ;)
TJBM has been to Canada.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Psht! Is that cheating? I work in a prison!
Nakky Dances are EVIL! Auggie did a nakky dance once. I was scarred for life!

TJBM has never taken their clothes off, ever.

Dutchess_III's avatar

O wait. I get two.
False. I have never been to Canada.

TJBM has never been to Kansas.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Don’t forget TJBM, @blueiiznah!

blueiiznh's avatar

yes, wow @Dutchess_III a 3-fer

TJBM knows where my orange prison pants are

blueiiznh's avatar

@Dutchess_III psht! i won’t forget my tjbm

AshLeigh's avatar

I have organge prison pants…
TJBM can borrow them. ;)

Dutchess_III's avatar

You forgot @blueiiznh! Psht on you!
If I see anyone on the outside, or who belongs on the outside, in orange I will freak out!

TJBM has stepped on a tooth pick before.

Coloma's avatar

False. But..I did just stab myself under the fingernail with one the other day. Ow! kiss my fingy and make it all better?

TJBM sees the TJAM typing Ela…baaad Ela ;-D

Ela's avatar

False. I don’t know where she went lol :)

TJBM thinks @Dutchess_III is off Nakky Dancin

lol @AshLeigh
@blueiiznh said TJBM knows where my orange prison pants are
i was gonna guess around your ankles? lmao

AshLeigh's avatar

Of course. ;)
TJBM is having a nekked party. ;)

blueiiznh's avatar

@EnchantingEla if they were there, my head would have bumped them. psht!

blueiiznh's avatar

true, the pancakes are almost done too

TJBM likes syrup on their nekked pancakes

AshLeigh's avatar

I hate Syrup, and pancakes… Also, the syrup would make the pancakes not nekked…
TJBM skips breakfast! D:

Ela's avatar

Falsish, sometimes I just have it later in the day ; )

TJBM gets the eaties for their Wheaties!

@blueiiznh haha!

reijinni's avatar

haven’t eaten wheaties in ages.
TJBM likes to dance in the middle of a mine field.

blueiiznh's avatar

@AshLeigh you are so logical. psht..

Dutchess_III's avatar

I can never eat pancakes again.
Hey! We just made an offer on 5 acres in the middle of fields…farm fields! And the land is MINE! Yeah…I’ll dance in MINE field! I just might do a nakky dance to boot! And you caaan’t see me!

TJBM lives in the city/town, but wishes they lived in the country. Like me.

AshLeigh's avatar

I live just outside of a very small down.
TJBM loves small towns.

Ela's avatar

True as long as there is a big city near by : )

TJBM lives in a log cabin

@Dutchess_III psht! i iz movin in nex tor soz i can seez you wit ma binockies

reijinni's avatar

TJBM dances naked with their cat.

Ela's avatar

False! I swear it wasn’t me in those pictures!!

TJBM is a shutterbug

josrific's avatar

True! I love taking pictures!
TJBM’s ex is REALLY bothersome.

blueiiznh's avatar

@AshLeigh you live outside very small down? Who lives in the down? Ducking

blueiiznh's avatar

I thought she was Irish? psht!

TJBM loves down pillows!

Ela's avatar

I don’t know, I’ve never had one : ) I do love lots of pillows though, and really fat comforters on a cold winter’s morning.

TJBM loves winter.

blueiiznh's avatar

true…...mmmmm snow soon :)

TJBM hates winter

Coloma's avatar

False. I like winter, until about March, then I want summer again.
TJBM knows that Coloma is disapointed with @blueiiznh for even mentioning down pillows Psht!

Ela's avatar

omg! @AshLeigh just pshtd @blueiiznh? LOL

love a good psht! haha <dances>

blueiiznh's avatar

@Coloma knows the @blueiiznh was making a play on works because of a previous typeo. my sincere apologies.

TJBM notices know the new variation of pshtd.

Coloma's avatar

@blueiiznh Teasing you—- ;-)

It sounds like an STD now, lets change it to PFFFFFFT!

TJBM thinks my jumping spider eyes are really cute

AshLeigh's avatar

@blueiiznh… Alaska talk, I guess. That just means “Barely there town” where I’m from…
... No. A giant spider tried to kill me in Biology today, while I was working on a project. I had to have Jeff (the teacher) kill him for me. XD
TJMB feels bad if they kill a spider, so they make other people do it for them. ;)

blueiiznh's avatar

I feel bad yes. I have to dispose of them for my daughter (i use a dirt devil)

TJBM disposed of a spider today

Ela's avatar

True. He was in my car. I smooshed him with my hand. gas, grass, or ass… no one rides for free ya know ; )

TJBM needs to Dirt Devil their car out

blueiiznh's avatar

@EnchantingEla how poetic…foot on the gas, fingers wrapping the grass, hand on the ass

Dutchess_III's avatar

No kidding. Dirt Devil inside and out!

TJBM doesn’t REALLY know how to fold a shirt psht!

Ela's avatar

@blueiiznh heehee i’m glad i could inspire your poetic side ; ) in his defense, he was willing to put help out but he was blonde and so not my type : (

blueiiznh's avatar

@EnchantingEla a blonde spider or you smooshed a blonde with your hand. eitherway it is truly inspiring

Ela's avatar

I know how to fold a shirt. psht… I just don’t want to ; )

TJBM doesn’t pair their socks up : (

@blueiiznh it was a blonde spider, no kidding. not a bottle blonde but a dishwater blonde : ) still blonde non the less

blueiiznh's avatar

I do pair them up… I think

TJBM knows how to (NSFW) fold a shirt

AshLeigh's avatar

O.o I’m not allowed to view this, because I’m not 18 or older. ;)
TJBM likes to hang out with their thang out. ;)

blueiiznh's avatar

@AshLeigh trust me, it was folded the same way, only different

Ela's avatar

psst @AshLeigh what if it just falls out accidentally sometimes and ya kinda don’t mind it or bother to put it back in…. does that count as “liking to hang with it out”? ~just wondering : )

AshLeigh's avatar

Yes. Yes it does.

blueiiznh's avatar

Nope…..Is that what the kids are calling it now?

TJBM calls that “bait casting”

Coloma's avatar

I’m not sure.

I’m waaay outta the teen slang loop these days, I do love the word fucktard thoguh. lol

TJBM has a favorite swear word

blueiiznh's avatar

Yes, my new one, PSHT!

TJBM knows a party is about to start

Coloma's avatar

False. Where? Hawaii…you have the lear jet?

TJBM likes my Halloween avatar

blueiiznh's avatar

Love it….don’t take it down…..ooops i said down again…

TJBM lost their lear jet privs

Dutchess_III's avatar

Leer Jet? Nooo. I never done THAT! Ever.

Some avatars freak TJBM OUT!

Ela's avatar

So true!! Freaks out!

TJBM loves to freak out!

Coloma's avatar

Well yes, sometimes, in a good way, on heroin or acid. lol

TJBM wants to know what @EnchantingEla ‘s definition of “freakout” means

Coloma's avatar

Wait…I meant NOT on heroin or acid hahaha

Coloma's avatar

Oh forget it…you can tell by my avatar I have zero credibility

Coloma's avatar

Look! I have all my little duckies in a row now lol

Ela's avatar

LMAO @Coloma a 4-be? there has to be a name for that!!

blueiiznh's avatar

@Coloma just had a 4-tres…wow…I need a smoke

i think 5 is a freakout

Ela's avatar

@Coloma False. This jelly knows what Ela’s definition of “freak out” is lol ; )

TJBM found themselves singing with that song!

blueiiznh's avatar

how did you know?????

TJBM should prefers coming in through the bathroom window

Ela's avatar

False! Again I say… that was not me in those pictures!!

TJBM has snuck out of the house to meet someone special

@blueiiznh that’s just one of them songs you sing with before you know you’re singing with it and stop :p

blueiiznh's avatar

Dag nabit, you must have a hidden webcam….

the jelly that is below me has the original for all “those pictures”

Ela's avatar

bets it’s @Coloma

blueiiznh's avatar

PSHT, now I know how she had a 3-fer and a 4-tres so quick

Ela's avatar

@Dutchess_III had the 3-fer LOL psht… they are both probably pretty tuckered out ; )
hides from @AshLeigh for not keeping the game going…

AshLeigh's avatar

Seeks out @EnchantingEla and forces her to keep the game going. >:)

Ela's avatar

@AshLeigh not my fault, honest ingine… psht!! @blueiiznh did it

hmmm…. TJBM…. is a covers hog


Sometimes, because it’s rather cool in my house, and I sleep in the raw, so I need to pull more than my share away from her. Lol. ;)

TJBM snores.

AshLeigh's avatar

False. I walk, yell, kick, roll around, and talk, but I do not snore. :D
TJBM looooooooooves sleep! :D

Coloma's avatar


You’re an active little sleeper, do you have bed rails or a crib? lol

Yes, I do, and, I am blowing my bedtime by one hour right now

TJBM knows it’s 2 minutes til Wapner

perspicacious's avatar

No. I don’t know what Wapner is.

TJBM likes the Indie Channel.

Hibernate's avatar

Not so much.

The Jelly Below Me likes ducks.

Ela's avatar

True. Quack, quack, waddle, waddle…

TJBM likes porcupines

geeky_mama's avatar

Er, only from a safe distance or in photos.

TJBM is procrastinating at the moment.

Ela's avatar

I’m so busted : ( True going to get busy now ; )

TJBM TsGIsF (thanks god it’s friday!)

AshLeigh's avatar

@Coloma all of the above. ;)
Yes! True! So true!!!
TJBM wants to tell me what color their socks are! :O

reijinni's avatar

TJBm either has a dick and/or is a dick.

AshLeigh's avatar

All of the above. ;)
TJBM likes to be awkward. :D

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM likes to be sarcastic.

Coloma's avatar

Occasionally yes. ;-)

TJBM is over 16 but under 30


False. I’m in my early 30s.

TJBM wears a ring (not including his/her wedding ring), on one of his/her hands.

reijinni's avatar

never bought a ring, not even a class ring
TJBM thinks that @MRSHINYSHOES knows his pasta.

Coloma's avatar

True. He’s a pastafarian.

TJBM had dreadlocks

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM had corn rows.

Coloma's avatar

Maybe in a previous life. ;-)

TJBM is meeting someone for dinner

blueiiznh's avatar

not yet, PSHT!

TJBM is enjoying their sunglasses today

Coloma's avatar

I will be soon when I hit the road in about 45 minutes.

TJBM bleaches their teeth

Ela's avatar

False. Why? Do you think I need to? <cheeky grin>

TJBM has no teeth to bleach

HAPPY 5K @AshLeigh!!! w00-h00!!!

reijinni's avatar

I still have teeth, don’t bleach
TJBM wants to be Jeremy Clarkson.

AshLeigh's avatar

Who dat?
TJBM has worn those “Roo” (kangaroo!) shoes with the pockets on the sides. ;)
I have a pair, and had no idea they were an old thing, until my Biology teacher was like “Love the vintage shoes! :)” and I was like Whaaaaaaaa? :D
Oh, and thank you!

mangeons's avatar

False, I have no idea what those are!

It’s TJBM’s birthday today. :-)

AshLeigh's avatar

It’s TJAM’s birthday today? :)
TJBM showered today.

mangeons's avatar

How’d you know?? ;)

True, I’m all squeaky clean now!

TJBM hasn’t showered in a week or more.

AshLeigh's avatar

Gross. False. XD I just got out of the shower.
TJBM is AWESOME. :D:D:D Who could it be, who could it be?!?!?

Coloma's avatar

:-D Quack!

TJBM has a relative that is 100 years old

AshLeigh's avatar

Not that I know of… Great Grandpa was 98 when he died. :(
TJBM is singing! :)

Ela's avatar

False but I could if you wanted me to ; )

TJBM is dancing!

AshLeigh's avatar

<—Always dances. And I do want you to sing. Come be in my band, as my background singer. ;)
TJBM is writing a song right now, like me! :)

Ela's avatar

doo-wop, doo-wap, doo-oo-oo-oo do wap…. why do fo-ols falls in love. why do birds si-ing sooo gay…lovers awake at the break of day (for breakfast “rolls”).....teehee

AshLeigh's avatar

You’re hired! :)

Ela's avatar

yay! I am so quiting my day job!! <scribbles “cananda or bust” on my suitcase>

Ela's avatar

False. I don’t write songs, but I do write poetry : )

TJBM writes songs like @AshLeigh who is btw 5k+!!! <happy dances>

blueiiznh's avatar

False, I write poetry

TJBM typed PSHT today

Coloma's avatar

PSHT! Now I have

TJBM made their 1st cup of hot chocolate of the season tonight Mmmm

Ela's avatar

Heck no @Coloma it was in the 80’s today! psht!! ; )
Sundresses, sandals and hot coco just don’t mesh.

TJBM wore shorts today.

blueiiznh's avatar

YAHTZEE!!!! A beach weekend for certain!

TJBM is traveling this Holiday weekend

Coloma's avatar

False. There’s a holiday this weekend? WTF? lol

TJBM knows of this mysterious holiday

blueiiznh's avatar

yes I do. US Columbus Day, Canada Thanksgiving

TJBM loves pickles

Coloma's avatar

True! Bread and butter pickles are my fav. Oh, well, being self employed I never know the holidays, haha

TJBM has made homemade pickles

blueiiznh's avatar

True….mmmm homemade garlic

TJBM has no clue what a pickle is

Ela's avatar

Hey! I know what a pickle is… LOL
Why would I make them when I buy perfectly good ones?!
Silly peeps ; )

TJBM had a bountiful garden this year


Bountiful with flowers, not so much with the fruit and vegetables. The trees in my garden are coloring beautifully right now——the scarlett red and orange of my sugar maple, and the bright gold of my big larch. Just spectacular!

TJBM uses shoe polish.

Coloma's avatar

Ya know, I need some brown shoe polish, just broke out my Durangos and wore them today, they could use a touch up.

TJBM knows TJAM likes his shoes shiney Ela, Ela? lol

Ela's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES post some pics of them on the autumn picture thread : )

Ela's avatar

True, otherwise he would be called MRDULLYDOCKERS? : (

TJBM has worn Mary Janes to school

Coloma's avatar

True. I was a little girl in the 60’s, all bows and ink dresses and patent leather Mary Janes. :-)

TJBM knows there is a movie called “Ella Enchanted” it is so cute!

mangeons's avatar

True, I was just thinking about watching it yesterday! I decided on Princess Diaries instead.

TJBM is so glad it’s Friday!

blueiiznh's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES post some pics of your autumn colors reflected in those shinyshoes

please say yes. i will have a lobster or two in your honor here in Maine if you do.


LOL. When @EnchantingEla said to post “some pics of them” on the autumn thread, I thought she meant my shiny shoes!!

My sugar maple looks like this tree——

And my big larch looks like this tree——

As for my shiny shoes, they look like this (lol-lol)——

But at the moment, I’m wearing these——

Coloma's avatar


Damn man, hot trees, hot shoes, hot turtle neck, I need a cold shower. lolol

Ela's avatar

oh my stars… now i want a pink tree! thank you for sharing your pics and your shiney shoes ; )@MRSHINYSHOES!!

@Coloma… LOL

Ela's avatar

True but Friday is almost over for me @mangeons : )
Soon it’s tgis!

TJBM needs a cold shower (like @Coloma lol)

Coloma's avatar

I’m opting for the hot tub here in about 5 minutes, then, the land of zzzzzzz’s

TJBM has a hot tub

AshLeigh's avatar

I write poetry too. :P I even have one in “My story” to prove it. I write anything!
TJBM wants a hot tub!

Ela's avatar

@AshLeigh you missed the mucka, mucka time! @blueiiznh and @MRSHINYSHOES got us way off topic game : (

Ela's avatar

False I’d pick a pool over a hot tub any day

TJBM wants a hot tub!


@EnchantingEla Sorry, my shoes always have that effect on people. LOL. ;)

False! I don’t like hot water. As a matter of fact, and this is true, I like to shower and bathe in cool to cold water. It’s great for my health.

TJBM would rather stay home than go out on a Saturday night.

AshLeigh's avatar

True, most of the time. But if there’s a rave, I’m so there! Going to one tomorrow, for my friends 18th birthday! :)
TJBM has been to a Rave.

blueiiznh's avatar

@EnchantingEla dont forget that @EnchantingEla and @Coloma joined in the mucka mucka time too. we didn’t have to take cold showers either.


TJBM knows the real definition of “mucka mucka time”

Ela's avatar

@blueiiznh we are trained muckaers… we must join a mucka mucka if one occurs ; )

True I do know the def of mucka mucka time LOL

TJBM loves when it is mucka mucka time!!!

Ela's avatar


AshLeigh's avatar

Sure. It’s totally tubular. ;)
TJBM likes to say “Totally Tubular” :D

blueiiznh's avatar

@EnchantingEla I bow to you as the muckaers you have become. are there 3 muckaers?

Totally Tru To Totally Tubular

TJBM IS Totally Tubular

Ela's avatar

@blueiiznh I didn’t take a cold shower, @Coloma did LOL I like it hot! ; )

AshLeigh's avatar

TRUE! :)
<—So tubular.
TJBM likes “old” word.

Ela's avatar

True but I like adding my own little spice to them sometimes ; )

TJBM likes spices


Very true. Chilli, tumeric, curry, paprika are among my favs. The hotter, the better.

@AshLeigh I like the word “tubular”. Like my shirt. lol

TJBM thinks that the majority of parents nowadays are too lax with their kids.

Ela's avatar

oops… that may have been a bit inappropriate. iz sorz

AshLeigh's avatar

True. My mother was a hardass, and I’m a good kid, compared to other kids my age.. :)
TJBM is a good kid.

Ela's avatar

True halo -> 0: )

TJBM is a bad kid

AshLeigh's avatar

Depends on who you ask… My mother would say “She’s the least trouble, of my kids.” my father would say “YES. She’s evil.”... Opinions, opinions. :)
TJBM has an opinion.

blueiiznh's avatar

@EnchantingEla yes,that would be totally tubular.

yes, its free and worth every cent

TJBM knows how i can get muckaers training

Ela's avatar

True! lmoa You do have to have a k-nack for it though….

TJBM thinks @AshLeigh is a great kid! <nods>



TJBM thinks I’ve had a little too much to drink tonight.

AshLeigh's avatar

Always. ;)
Also, thank you both! :)
TJBM is thirsty, like me!

Ela's avatar

False… I think
admires @MRSHINYSHOES shiney shoes… You have any tenny runners? I think tennies are sexy ; )

TJBM thinks tenny runners are sexy

AshLeigh's avatar

… Nope. Haha.
TJBM thinks Batman is sexy. ;)

Coloma's avatar

Maybe, never thought of it. lol

TJBM has mustard on their face

blueiiznh's avatar


TJBM is looking for a bigger hammer

Ela's avatar

False? Should I be?

TJBM knows what the bigger hammer is for

@Coloma of course Batman is sexy! It’s the mask!!

blueiiznh's avatar

yes, and how to use it

TJBM owns a mask

Ela's avatar

False? True? Maybe?

TJBM knows how to use a mask and a hammer


True. I’m thinking about going as The Dark Knight this Halloween, and arming myself with ‘my weapon’.

TJBM thinks most of the actors and actresses in Hollywood are spoiled and overpaid brats.

Coloma's avatar

Absolutely. Hollywood does nothing for me.

TJBM has a memory foam bed nite peeps..zzzzzz


True. I have the Tempur Pedic bed.

TJBM wears little to bed.

Ela's avatar

True but I’m not saying how little (or exactly what bits n pieces are concealed lol)

TJBM wears socks to bed

OpryLeigh's avatar


TJBM will be partying tonight.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM has a pet pee on their bed


Yeech. No.

TJBM thinks the song “Give Peace A Chance” is terribly overrated.

AshLeigh's avatar

True. XD
TJBM thinks @MRSHINYSHOES is a smart man for saying that!

Coloma's avatar

Mr. Shineyshoes is a very bright guy, yes!

TJBM thinks having a good sense of humor and a playful attitude is really important in life

AshLeigh's avatar

You know it, playa. :)
Why am I awake at 8:30 am? It’s Saturday!
TJBM is awake too early…

Ela's avatar

True. Up at 5am.

TJBM just got up

Hibernate's avatar

You were close enough.

The Jelly Below Me always feeds the ducks in the park [if any].

Ela's avatar

False. I pinch ‘em cuz they peckle me!
I’m kidding!! TRUE, I go to the day old bread store, buy them some grub and take it out to the lake.

TJBM got dressed in the dark and accidentally put their underwear on inside out ; )

AshLeigh's avatar

False. XD
TJBM has a busy day ahead of them! :)

Ela's avatar

Never too busy for Fluther ; )

TJBM is just too damn busy! : (

GabrielsLamb's avatar

Both True and False Sometimes I am TOO busy and sometimes I have absolutely nothing better to do but this.

TJBM Manages their time very well?

Ela's avatar

Oh heck no! Sometimes but more not then often : )
i’m too random and impulsive… plus i get sidetracked easily

TJBM is baking goodies and will share!

reijinni's avatar

TJBM knows someone who is a diabetic.

creative1's avatar


TJBM is enjoying the the long weekend

Ela's avatar

TJBM does not have a 3-day weekend

Bluefreedom's avatar

True. This jelly will be working on Monday on Columbus Day but the base should be pretty quiet. It will be an easy day.

TJBM doesn’t like carving pumpkins for Halloween.

Coloma's avatar

False. I make the cutest cat o’ lantern pumpkins

TJBM has made a cat face pumpkin before


True! I made a cat face pumpkin one year with my little kids. We put it out on the steps along with some other pumpkins, and the next morning found them smashed on the street. Vandals. And we live in a supposedly good neighbourhood. lol

TJBM shopped at Wal-Mart today.

AshLeigh's avatar

I did! :)
TJBM is cutting in line!

geeky_mama's avatar

No, but my husband did. He went to get worms to feed our daughter’s snake.

TJBM is @AshLeigh

Ela's avatar

LOL False. It’s just me! <twirls>

TJBM is @AshLeigh?!


Nope, it’s me, Mr. Shiny Shoes.

TJBM is about to have dinner like me.

Ela's avatar

False. Watching football and having snacks!

TJBM is watching football and having snacks toooooo

@Dutchess_III and I are having s’mores and singing in the hijack thread…. we jacked the jacked thread lol

GabrielsLamb's avatar

Wrong I am eating snacks though, Tropical trail mix (I watch Rugby and Hockey)

TJBM Holds season tickets to any sporting event of their choice?


No, I don’t hold any season tickets to any sporting event. I don’t have the time to go. :(

TJBM has potted houseplants in his/her house.

snowberry's avatar

Quite a few, actually.

TJBM has a bad habit.


True. My bad habit is that I almost always go to bed too late. I’m trying to change that, but it’s hard. I always joke that I must have been a night watchman in my past life.

TJBM knows all the words to an ABBA song.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I know all the words to plenty of Abba songs. I’m a fan.

TJBM spent last night in a bar.

creative1's avatar

False at home with my daughters and new puppy

TJBM is going out to brunch

Coloma's avatar

False. But..a friend is coming over at 9 am and we are hanging out and doing a dvd exchange, then going to a local, annual, huge community barn sale at a historic house down the road. :-)

TJBM is going to a pumpkin patch today

Ela's avatar

False. Maybe next weekend : )

TJBM is going on a picnic today

That sounds like great fun @Coloma!!!
I’m taking in some autumn today. (a scenic, drive, hike and picnic – it will be almost 80! yay!!)

creative1's avatar

kind of…we eating outside with the girls at my moms

TJBM loves the nice weather we are getting this weekend

Ela's avatar

TRUE! Fall is probably my favorite season, I love everything about it
(It’s tied with Christmas)

TJBM’s favorite season is Fall

I’m having puppy envy @creative1 LOL I love puppies and want one soooo badly!

AshLeigh's avatar

False. Summer. No school. No snow. :)
TJBM hates snow.

Ela's avatar

FALSE! I love going sledding, having snowball fights and even shoveling! tis true!! ; )

TJBM hates shoveling snow : (

did you have fun at your Rave @AshLeigh?

AshLeigh's avatar

I’ve been to better ones, but it was alright.
TJBM is going to church today.

dabbler's avatar

Er, not technically. I walked past Trinity Church, St Paul’s Chapel and Our Lady of Victory while on a stroll to see the current state of OccupyWallSt. I pray for the congregations of all four of those assemblies.
TJBM likes jazz !

AshLeigh's avatar

True. :)
TJBM has black hair.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM wants to moon a banker.

AshLeigh's avatar

Absolutely! :)
TJBM is wearing mismatched socks, like me! :)

mangeons's avatar

False, I’m not wearing any socks!

TJBM likes Mondays.

Coloma's avatar

True. Mondays are just another day. :-)

TJBM thniks this years clothing scene sucks

Coloma's avatar

“Thniks” ? lol


True. I think most clothing these days and in the last few years suck overall. No style. Shoes (men’s shoes) clunky and chunky, lousy cut suits, etc. Yuck.

TJBM has a fish as a pet.

Coloma's avatar

Not anymore, but I used to.

TJBM had fish for dinner

mangeons's avatar

False, I don’t eat fish.

TJBM watched one or more good movies this weekend.

AmWiser's avatar


TJBM has pet turtles.

mangeons's avatar

False, but I think they’re pretty cute!

TJBM is tired.

reijinni's avatar

not yet
TJBM used pet fish for sushi.

AshLeigh's avatar

… False.
TJBM doesn’t want it to be Monday tomorrow. :/

Coloma's avatar

False. I don;t have work or anything big to do…woo hoo. :-)

TJBM will tell us what they did today

creative1's avatar

Played with our new puppy and went to my mom’s for dinner

TJBM will follow me to Part 27

Ela's avatar

<skips around the empty thread> la la la la laaaaaa….. la la la la

erichw1504's avatar

<peeks from behind the curtain>

Ela's avatar


blueiiznh's avatar

<pays no attention to the curtain>

Ela's avatar


Ela's avatar


blueiiznh's avatar

<arm extended>

Ela's avatar

<blushes… steps close and whispers>
I don’t know how to dance proper…
<hangs head>

blueiiznh's avatar

<whispers back>
just step on my feet and take a ride


@blueiiznh Don’t step on my feet though. ;)

blueiiznh's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES sorry, this dance is taken. And you can’t ride without whispering anywayz

Ela's avatar

<grins and whispers back> okay…

Ela's avatar

you can have the next dance if his card is not filled @MRSHINYSHOES <winks>


@blueiiznh Sorry I stepped on your toes. lol

Ela's avatar

i love gene kelly, that song and that movie…


Mr. Shiny Shoes steals a dance from @blueiiznh while he’s not watching. lol…

erichw1504's avatar


MilkyWay's avatar

… emsiEMSIISMEisme.
TJBM is a fast runner

Ela's avatar

False. Not even if zombies were chasing me. I’d throw myself at them and pray the killed me quickly.

tjbm has been chased by a zombie

creative1's avatar

Nope not that I know of

TJBM has drinken a Zombie before

blueiiznh's avatar


Tjbm follow the French open

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM follows Euro Cup 2012

blueiiznh's avatar


Tjbm follows the leader

Ela's avatar

True. well… it depends on the leader and the view ; )

tjbm shot some hoops today. whoop there it is!

Dutchess_III's avatar

In my mind. Trying to figure out how to ‘splain to one of my students (throwing waste paper balls at the trash can) how you need both hands, really. One to throw (right), one to guide (left.) You need BOTH HANDS to get the ball where it needs to go!

TJBM realizes that they are in TJBM Part 26, when there is TJBM part 40 floating around!

blueiiznh's avatar


tjbm has answered all tjbm questions

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM loves keeping the older threads going

creative1's avatar


TJBM uses sewing thread for floss

blueiiznh's avatar

in a pinch, yes
tjbm has an alternate toothbush also

Ela's avatar

Yeppers. I have my finger and gum as alternate teethbrushers. <cheesy grin>

tjbm never, ever, ever, ever brushes their teeths and will post a pic to prove it

creative1's avatar

FALSE!!! How icky

TJBM has recently been to the dentist

Ela's avatar

True. Like last week recent : )

tjbm is a side timer taxidermist

blueiiznh's avatar

Yes, just the right side.

Tjbm likes stuffed peppers over stuffed animals.

creative1's avatar

Yummy are you cooking @blueiiznh

TJBM has stuffed a chicken recently

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