Social Question

GabrielsLamb's avatar

How many good people do you know in your life that offset the affects of the bad?

Asked by GabrielsLamb (6186points) October 14th, 2011

Here is a place where you can thank them, and tell us how they make your life a better experience for their influence.

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6 Answers

Response moderated
Blackberry's avatar

To be honest, I don’t know. I already pretty much stopped associating with “bad people”. Now I just know varying degrees of good people.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Awwww!!! :)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

My love and kids and my best friend and some other friends and a couple of other people offset all the bad in the world.

Ela's avatar

As far as good people I know in my life… All of them.
They are the only kind of people I allow in my life : )

@GabrielsLamb I read your reply before it was moderated, and I thank you. I consider it an honor to be considered amongst your good peeps : )

OpryLeigh's avatar

I don’t choose to mix with bad people so the people that I know well enough to call them, at least, aquaintances, and at best, friends are all good people. Some may be annoying or not share the same ethics/morals/beliefs as I do but they are not bad people.

There is only one person that I have to mix with on a regular basis that I really, really don’t like. I don’t think she is a bad person (she doesn’t deliberately harm people as far as I am aware) but she is incredibly pathetic, work shy and self centered. She appears to be oblivious of how her actions affect others and, because of that, as much as I don’t like her, I don’t consider her to be bad.

All the people that I call friends are genuine people. They try to be good (even if they get it wrong from time to time) and that is the important thing.

As Dolly Parton once said “we are all just a little to good to be bad but a little to bad to be good”.

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