General Question

Thammuz's avatar

What's the best combiantion C++ Compiler+IDE for windows?

Asked by Thammuz (9282points) October 16th, 2011

I’ve been programming in C for about 2 years now, with the goal of moving up to C++ and eventually game programming, and i’ve finally reached the point where I feel confident enough to attempt this step, problem is that the book I bought on game programming uses DirectX, which is Windows native and not cross platform. I used to program on Ubuntu, using Geany as the GUI and gcc as the compiler, but making gcc work correctly on windows is turning out to be a pain in the ass, so I thought I could ask someone with a little more experience in programming on windows.

In short: Which GUI works best (as in formats code correctly and makes it readable at a glance without too many manual adjustments) and which compiler should I use it with?

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6 Answers

nicky's avatar

im not a 1337 c++ programmer, but my teacher had us use visual c++ express (you could use visual studio if u wanna pay) for a couple of my classes and it was pretty good as far as formatting and readability

Thammuz's avatar

@nicky Yeah, that’s what the book suggests too, but i’m unclear how the whole evaluation business works. I mean, there doesn’t seem to be any particular restriction, but i wouldn’t like to start working on it and find myself a week later having to find another program after getting accustomed to it.

nicky's avatar

express isnt exactly an evaluation version, its not going to expire or anything. Its just a little stripped down from visual studio, kinda like photoshop elements vs the full photoshop. If you don’t want to use a microsoft product, i’ve also used devC++ which i enjoyed very much too!

koanhead's avatar

Have you tried MinGW or the gcc package for Cygwin? If not, how have you gone about installing gcc to Windows? I suspect that if you are used to gcc, switching to another compiler will be a headache comparable to getting gcc to work.

Also, it’s apparently possible to run Geany under Windows. It requires that GTK+ be installed as well. If it were me I think I’d use Cygwin for this (in fact, I generally install Cygwin whenever I have to use Windows, if only because I hate PuTTY so much.)

Personally, I think that if you like Geany you should probably stick with it. I sometimes use it for PHP programming and I like it a lot (I am not a C programmer yet.) Probably there are some really great IDEs out there for Windows of which I’m unaware, but I think it’s unlikely that you’ll find one that’s enough better than what you are used to to be worth switching. If you do, I’ll be interested to hear about it!

Thammuz's avatar

@koanhead It’s just that i have gripes with forcing something that is designed for something else to work on windows. I’m unsure how well it work and i frankly don’t want to clutter up my laptop with superfluous stuff. I think i’m going to start with visual studio express and see if it works properly. I’ll keep you guys posted.

Thammuz's avatar

Just to give closure to this thread: I ended up doing as @koanhead suggested since it turned out Visual C++ Express does have an expiration date. Took me a little tinkering but, all in all, not as much as i would have feared.

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