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wundayatta's avatar

Why do yellow things, when baked, begin to bounce?

Asked by wundayatta (58727points) October 26th, 2011

Assume the premise is true. Answer apocalyptically.

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29 Answers

john65pennington's avatar

Are we referring to mainly popcorn?

I did bake an egg in a convection oven and it did bounce and then it exploded !

LuckyGuy's avatar

Because yellow is mellow. There’s a whole song about it.
Quite Rightly.

zenvelo's avatar

Yellow seeks the light. It fights the darkness. It bounces because of the eternal struggle.

Either that, or heating loosens (but doesn’t eliminate) yellow gravity.

cazzie's avatar

this looks fun
The colour yellow looks innocent enough, but we shouldn’t be fooled. Items assuming the colour are simply cloaking themselves in ‘friendliness’ to lull us into a false sense of security.

Any heat, be it the baking of the sun on a yellow VW Beetle auto or the baking of an innocent lemon and poppy seed muffin in your very own oven, have no doubt, bounce they will!

Yellow objects have no care for the damage they leave behind. They care even less for themselves. In their bouncing, they will lose all regard for their own welfare and simply crash and crumble, leaving nothing but dents and crumbs in their wake.

Beware the baked yellow thing. They care not for whom the bounce tolls.

Mantralantis's avatar

Yellow, huh? Because they’re gay and happy…and move with excitement?

King_Pariah's avatar

Well let’s see… I’m asian (half) thus yellow… High thus baked… laughing thus bouncing

downtide's avatar

They’re trying to attract your attention, but they’d have better luck if they just yell “ow!”

wundayatta's avatar

Oh @downtide. Priceless! Oops. I read “Ow” as “Owl!” It’s much more hysterical as owl. Is it too late to change?

@cazzie Loved it! “They care not for whom the bounce tolls!”

@King_Pariah That’s very zen of you!

@worriedguy I met Donovan once… or rather sat in a class with him. He was a terrible teacher and deserves to bounce!

@john65pennington that sounds terribly exciting! Your life is full of excitement, isn’t it?

@zenvelo How epic!

@Mantralantis So is this about gay yellow things? Sounds very bright and full of energy. Do I need sunglasses?

thorninmud's avatar

The Law of the Conservation of Maize states that yellow can be neither created nor destroyed. The thermal energy supplied by the oven will attempt to shift the color of the object away from the yellow wavelengths toward higher energy wavelengths. Because yellow cannot be destroyed, that thermal energy is converted to kinetic energy in the form of an upward “bounce”. That energy having been discharged, the object falls back to the oven rack, but the process begins again as the object continues to heat. At temperatures in excess of 475F, a continuous oscillation, or “dribble”, can be observed, sometimes reaching 8 cycles/sec (depending on the mass of the object).

ucme's avatar

Sounds like Homer Simpson’s been in the sun too long.

wundayatta's avatar

Kudos, @thorninmud Your answer almost makes my question make sense!

@ucme I’m confused. If Homer Simpson were in the sun too long, he’d be red. I don’t see the sun bouncing. Help me out. That answer is a bit too Dadaist for me.

ucme's avatar

@wundayatta You are wrong sir! Red & yellow make orange, as in orange tree. You of all people should know that, now come on!

wundayatta's avatar

Doh! @ucme Of course! Now why didn’t I see that the first time????

rebbel's avatar

In a room with ten walls, when playing the Beatles song Yellow Submarine, the soundwaves will follow a pentagrammatical pattern which results in the hi-fi bouncing of the table, into the pool.

lillycoyote's avatar

If they were green they would go, if they were red they would stop, but since they’re yellow, they are in that space between going and stopping, hence the bouncing. I’m certain that’s what causes the bouncing. And because yellow things are in a liminal state between going and stopping they can really only be half-baked, very much like this theory.

Blondesjon's avatar

Perhaps you should ask a stoned Asian acrobat?

Sunny2's avatar

One of the 6 properties of yellow is buoyancy. It is also cheerful, happy, bright, sunny, and perky. The buoyancy is enhanced by heating. This is not a well-known fact, but you must have noticed people wearing yellow in the warm sun bouncing along the beach. They look like they are playing volleyball, but notice the bounce in their steps. If the volley ball was yellow too, they would probably elevate every time they batted the ball. Wait! I’ve seen that too! It’s called a serve. Watch for it next time.

King_Pariah's avatar

@Sunny2 you forgot the 7th, jaundice.

creative1's avatar

I have cooked many yellow peppers and they have yet to bounce for me

HungryGuy's avatar

@creative1 – Then you’re not cooking them correctly :-p

King_Pariah's avatar

@HungryGuy @creative1‘s peppers probably get hard and are too busy thinking about “bouncing” to actually get around to bouncing

creative1's avatar

hmmm my yellow peppers are always very soft after being cooked….

King_Pariah's avatar

@creative1 maybe they’re premature and go flaccid?

rebbel's avatar

I know it now.
If you throw the Yellow Pages from a twenty story building and it hits the pavement, it…...ah, shit, it doesn’t bounce either…...

Berserker's avatar

Apocalyptically, huh? Well see, this is actually just a saying. Yellow things don’t bounce when baked. At least not most yellow things. It originates from the zombie apocalypse three weeks ago.
Some guy got really drunk and swallowed a bunch of pills just as an outbreak started. He was unaware of the new born zombie problem. In his altered state, the zombies seemed to have no interest in him, because of what the alcohol and pills did to his body. He wasn’t recognized as meat. So he survived the carnage, passed out on the floor while everyone was being eaten and turned into zombies. About 12 hours later though, the effects of the alcohol and pills had worn off. He was no longer immune to the zombie bite, and he woke up to a desolate place, although he soon figured out what went on, and proceeded to do his best to survive.

The sentence, yellow things bounce when baked, is a sort of metaphor used as an expression in zombie apocalypses when something either ironic, really sad or kinda stupid happens. It’s making light of the situation, mocking and making fun by being absurdly sarcastic. That saying is the complete opposite of what happened to the survivor. He wasn’t yellow, and when baked, that is, put into the situation which saved him, he didn’t bounce…he fell down. But he bounced back to life…or rather, painfully woke up to a bad hangover. We also use yellow things, because eye witnesses say the pills he swallowed were yellow. There is no confirmation.
This is its origin, and is now used for many zombie situations of the type.

Especially if it carries the ’‘by default’’ theme. Like saving someone while trying to escape from a zombie, but tripping and slamming the zombie down on impact as it was about to take a bite out of some poor sucker you weren’t even trying to help. Or like our friend, who managed to survive the apex of a zombie invasion by doing absolutely nothing at all ecxept lying there, drunk and stoned.
If, while exploring a cottage, you shut the door after entering in order to prevent zombies getting in, but then get fucked up by a zombie that was inside and you couldn’t get out because the door jammed as you closed it…we’d say; aaah…poor Wundy…’‘yellow things sure bounced when baked’’ for him.

Thank you, Dead Island, for allowing me to feel better about all the mistakes I kept doing in that game, but that still didn’t kill me, or if it did, it presumably saved someone around me, or netted me some extra weapons or random Red Bulls that were just lying around and that I wasn’t looking for but needed.

I’m not entirely sure yet, but I do believe I’ve yellow bounce baked myself just now!

zenvelo's avatar

I would remind people that yellow only bounces on planets with a yellow sun.

When Jor-El was doing his research on Krypton, he discovered that red bounced under the red sun, which is why he wrapped his son in a red and blue blanket.

everephebe's avatar

To disclose and reveal:
It’s do to the Coriolis Effect. But also it has to do with the wavelength of yellow, like the light from our sun. Naturally it is indicative of future cataclysmic solar flares.
Don’t know which definition of apocalypse you where looking for so I tried covering all the bases.

Jeruba's avatar

Because the wavelength of yellow in the light spectrum hits the resonant frequency of the heat radiation in a standard oven, causing excessive vibration. If this is done all over the earth at the same time, the planet will shake itself to pieces. Keep those Peeps out of the oven.

Even the pink and purple ones.

[ Fear response in Peeps ]

everephebe's avatar

Wait is this question really a racist stereotype involving smoking of pot?~
Google “yellow people.” Yikes.

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