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rebbel's avatar

What would you like to research in/about identical twins?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) October 28th, 2011

Last sunday we watched an interesting program on identical twins.
Lots of twins came together in, I believe, America, where a lot of tests and research was done on them, and by them some of the twins were doctors themselves and did research too.
Fields of research were: raising of twins also on twins who grew up separate from each other, sexual preference, physical- and mental health, etc.
Obviously twins are a dream for scientists from all different expertise.
What would you like to research/find out about twins?

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14 Answers

wonderingwhy's avatar

This would obviously be very unethical but twins would be of great help to study the effects of genetic manipulation.

In a more ethical (and realistic) vein, incidents and effects of disease over time, say if one twin develops alzheimer’s and the other doesn’t, could be very helpful in studying many aspects of the disease. Or if they both develop a disease, the effects of differing treatments could yield very insightful results.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Just how much what one experiences is relayed to or through the other twin.

In high school I dated/was friends with twins and in my mid 30’s I lived with twins and being involved with one is pretty close to being involved with both because they know so much about what the other feels, does and thinks.

marinelife's avatar

The incidence of ESP or knowing/feeling what is happening to the other twin in the population of twins and whether it is more common in identical rather than fraternal twins.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Hell, our twins are fraternal, and they still amaze me. My favorite “twin observation” is that they move in unison in their sleep. Identical twins are even more fascinating. I can’t pick one thing, the whole thing is pretty amazing.

Mariah's avatar

Identical twins have identical genetics so all differences are caused by their environment (or mutations). I’d be interested, therefore, in researching sexual orientation in twins, if it were a common occurrence for one twin to be gay and the other to be straight, that’d be strong evidence that homosexuality isn’t genetic, but if it’s very rare that’d be evidence for the opposite. I’m sure this has already been done to an extent… time to go to Google.

snowberry's avatar

I have identical twins. Some twins grow up hating each other. These gals are inseparable, which made for a lot of drama when one went to Japan for 8 months. They will tell you they are two halves of the same coin.

We tried an experiment with them once. We sat them at opposite ends of the dining room table. I handed one girl a deck of well shuffled playing cards. She held up the cards one at a time, and asked her twin to tell her what the card was. Her twin got it right about 80% of the time. Then we switched. Same results.

I’d love to see research on that.

Or how about when they are both dreaming, and each starts talking in her sleep about a different subject. It was the weirdest thing. Two different conversations, one speaks, the other speaks, and so on, but none of it made any sense. It went on for a half hour or so.

ratboy's avatar

Didn’t Dr. Mengele set the standard in this discipline?

Luiveton's avatar

If two parent twins are married to two parent twins, and the couple have two daughter twins, and each daughter twin, marries two brother twins, that come from twin parents married to twin parents, will their children look alike? (All identical)

snowberry's avatar

@Lurveton Not unless they had identical twins again, Then the twins would look like each other. I do remember reading about Identical siblings born a few years apart, but apparently this was invitro fertilization. Apparently the eggs split, they were separated, frozen, and used separately. Obviously these were not true fraternal siblings. There are too many variables in our genes to produce single children who are identical.

Luiveton's avatar

@snowberry Hahahha I guess somewhere deep down, my scientific side knew that was not possible. Drat.

Mariah's avatar

@Luiveton Relatedly, if two sets of identical twins marry and have kids, their kids are genetically siblings rather than cousins. Because each couple is genetically the same!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

My last SO was an identical twin. He and his brother couldn’t be separated for long, especially by long distances or else they’d get pretty mental and even physically sick. When brother twin moved out of state, my twin went downhill quick until we also moved to where brother twin was. For years they had lived in the same house with their wives and kids and as divorced men, they lived together. When I came along they insisted I move in with them rather than my guy and I getting our place. They were always most stable and happy when they could see each other at least every few days and they had to check in by phone each morning and several times through the day

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