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chicadelplaya's avatar

In need of ideas/suggestions of how to go about preparing a speech for my brother's wedding ceremony?

Asked by chicadelplaya (2218points) October 30th, 2011

Hi All-
My younger brother and only sibling is getting married. He and his wife-to-be have asked me to prepare a speech of my choice for the ceremony, which will be given before vows are exchanged. Prior to asking this question I checked out some videos of wedding speeches on youtube to hopefully get some ideas. I realized that just about all of these speeches were done post-ceremony at the reception, which I thought were much more relaxed and less formal than the one I need to prepare.
I feel a bit stuck and would really appreciate some ideas to get me started on a wonderful speech. Thanks so much!

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12 Answers

augustlan's avatar

I’ve seen some weddings where someone reads a poem or bible verses about love/marriage. Maybe something along those lines would do the job.

marinelife's avatar

Any fond memories of your brother from childhood would be good.

Speech about how well the couple go together and how they will each enhance the other’s life.

Ayesha's avatar

Look up a really good quote, too many will make it corny. The one should make sense and appeal to you. Otherwise what @marinelife said. You can tell one or two of your fondest memories. Give the couple your best and end it nicely.

john65pennington's avatar

You two grew up together, so write about your boyhood experiences together. It would be interesting for everyone to hear at the ceremony and make it funny, if possible.

janbb's avatar

I think the ones which are the most personal are the best. Don’t strive for humor unless it comes naturally. Ending with a poem and saying something nice about the bride would be lovely.

wundayatta's avatar

It’s kind of funny timing. I was just watching the video from my wedding last week, and we had people stand up to give speeches. It was a little loosey-goosey since we had given warning to a couple of people. A few others said something, too.

It was a bit more formal than reception speeches. Basically, they were all serious—about marriage and about relationships and how hard they are and about the bridal couple and serious positive wishes for them.

Reception speeches tend to have more jokes. People tell funny stories about one or the other of the couple, or of both, depending on how well they know them.

If I were you, I would talk about the best qualities of your brother, as you know them. I would talk about what he will bring to the marriage, and I would offer my blessing to my brother, both personally (you’re there to help him) and in general, as a a member of the community that supports the marriage and will give the help you can in order to keep the marriage together.

Marriage is a difficult thing. Often times, couples can’t do it on their own. The more support they have from the community, the better chance they have. In particular, I would promise to listen to anything and never judge my brother. Never. I believe that if people had others who would help them without judging the things they do, there would be a lot more marriages that manage to stay together. But most people are afraid to talk because there is so much shame in having a marriage that isn’t working. If you could offer that to your brother in a sincere way, I think you would be giving him a gift bigger than almost anything else he ever got from anyone.

filmfann's avatar

A speech for the ceremony? Kahlil Gibran is nice, but if this is for your brother, I am sure he wants something personal and touching.

And don’t discount the value of interpretive dance.

chicadelplaya's avatar

Thank you all so very much for your sincere responses. This really helps a lot. Also, if any of you know of a really good website/source that has great poems/readings on this topic, please pass it along. So far the ones I’ve looked at didn’t have any that really “fit”. I really appreciate it! :)

augustlan's avatar

I have no idea if this is a good bet or not, but this site seems to have a lot of info on it.

chicadelplaya's avatar

@augustlan- Thank you sooo much!! :)

augustlan's avatar

@chicadelplaya Anytime. Good luck with your speech!
It was really nice seeing you here again. :)

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