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rebbel's avatar

You think you went to heaven, but instead you ended up in hell; what do you say to Mr. Devil?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) October 31st, 2011

As stated above.

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28 Answers

picante's avatar

I’d ask, “What’s another word for ‘synonym’?” That should get him to turn me around at the gate. Or, “How in hell did I get here?”

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

“Look, she told me she was 18.”

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Move over. You’re sitting in my seat.

flutherother's avatar

I’m going to raise Hell.

dappled_leaves's avatar

“Oh good, this is where all the interesting people are!”

Coloma's avatar

Considering my ex will be there for sure, well…it just ain’t gonna be my destination.
Note to self: Ramp up your good karma today girl. lol

bluejay's avatar

Oh what the hell?????????? Hi Lucifer.

poisonedantidote's avatar

Hi there satan, short time believer but oddly long time fan, hows it going. I hope everything is going well for you today, or bad, whatever you preffer.

Anyway, it’s just a question I was wondering if you could clear up. Am I correct in thinking that I will come out unharmed from any fucked up things that happen to me down here, seeing as I’m here forever? and if so, how does this come in to play when it comes to weird fucked up sex acts? you know… the pineapple thing you guys do down here, and the whipping, cause you know, hehe, I have always been interested with playing around with the whole bdsm thing back on earth, but dungeons dont come cheap, and seeing as you guys have all the stuff down here, I was, like, kind of wondering, if I could maybe take a couple of whores, hitler, and a bunch of fire demons and go get my freak on. I was an atheist back on earth, I probably got you a few souls allong the line, I think you owe it to me to cut me some slack. So big red, what you say?

Sunny2's avatar

Oh. I was afraid of this. . . .but obviously not afraid enough.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I would never expect to end up in heaven in the first place. I would probably ask something along the lines of: so, would you please point me toward the rest of my friends and family and other heathens that I knew and loved and life who inevitably also ended up here?

flutherother's avatar

I’m sorry, I think I took a wrong turning somewhere.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

What’s for lunch?

Coloma's avatar


haha..yeah, put the positive spin on it, all you can eat BBQ for eternity. But…no napkins. lol

Some_Ghost's avatar

In life, my heart was filled with love and joy, and if you don’t like it, you can sit on a tack!

Coloma's avatar

BOO! If you haunt me I’ll goose you! ;-D

Some_Ghost's avatar

Worry not, I don’t do the ’‘haunting thing’’. At least, not intentionally…

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Geez, sorry I’m late. I got lost in Heaven, what a nightmare!

Adagio's avatar

you might enjoy Rowan Atkinson as The Devil

woodcutter's avatar

Oh, you looked bigger in the movies.

boxer3's avatar

When I die fuck it,
I wanna go to hell, cuz I’m a piece of shit
it ain’t hard to fuckin’ tell.
It don’t make sens going to heaven with the goody goodies
dressed in white, I like black timbs and black hoodies…...

oh wait.

That was the Notorious B.I.G that said that….

anartist's avatar

Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name

InkyAnn's avatar

Yup, knew this was coming, alright lets get started.
1. Can you show me where my ex is? Theres a few things I’d like to do to him that I couldnt get away with back on earth.
2. Your not going to be a sore loser when I take over this bitch are you?
And 3. Hows the wifi down here? I still have some Fluthering to do.

rojo's avatar

” I think there has been some mistake…..........”

Ayesha's avatar

So what position you wanna do it in this time?

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