Social Question

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

What are subjects one should not discuss during mealtime?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) November 5th, 2011

I know many of you will be unimagined and go for the low fruit and say religion first, then politics second, I hope (big laugh) that you will be more imagined and think along the area of bowel abstraction, your root canal, that backed up cesspool, maybe your dad’s colonoscopy, etc. something that will kill of an appetite. On those lines what should no be breeched when people are eating? Are those types of subjects OK with family, if so, just your immediate family or is it OK to go there when aunt so-and-so is visiting from West Virginia?

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34 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

Israel-Palestine Conflict, abortion, virulent christianity in America etc.

Also: relationships.

whitetigress's avatar

Divorce, death.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Blackberry virulent christianity[sic] in America Really? You could not stay away from the low hanging fruit of politics and religion, really? (crinkle face) Death as @whitetigress came up with alluded you? Religion….you are better than that. Your arms can reach higher, I have seen it before. :-|

jrpowell's avatar

H_C.. You are the last person that should ever give anyone shit over going after low hanging fruit.

Blackberry's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central I’m not getting into it. You will live, so don’t worry. Your beliefs are still intact.

Lightlyseared's avatar

The fact that eating large quantaties of black pudding will make you pass meleana.

flutherother's avatar

This question.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Honestly, in my family, anything goes. It’s a running joke that when we sit down to dinner (not with guests, but just as a family) that’s the best time to talk about politics, religion…. or farting. :)

FutureMemory's avatar

Past family gatherings.

Death as @whitetigress came up with alluded you?

Eluded, not Alluded. Different words with different meanings.


Tbag's avatar

Discussing how did they cut the meat/chicken you’re eating? :(

zensky's avatar

Anything scatological, or the recent Bones episode – which may be redundant.

mazingerz88's avatar

Nothing pretty much turns me off during a meal. But I understand most people dislike discussing disease, toilet activities and smarmy moist creatures like worms. As a matter of fact, I tend to challenge myself by imagining swallowing what that disgusting thing a friend of mine mentions as I bring that spoon to my mouth. So far I haven’t had a puking incident…yet.

I think this question begs for a flip over In another post asking what topics people specifically enjoy talking about during a meal. I’m guessing gossip and sex? Lol.

john65pennington's avatar

The cowball, you bit down on in the meatloaf last night, at Cracker Barrel.

blueberry_kid's avatar

Sex. been there, done that. Urrrgh.

blueberry_kid's avatar

Also, never religion when your step father is muslim.

(food will be thrown)

gailcalled's avatar

many of you will be unimagined What does this mean?
_ that you will be more imagined_ What does this mean.

Are you looking for the words imaginative or unimaginative?

What should be not breeched This also makes no sense, if you are using English and trying to be logical (or even coherent.)

It doesn’t take much imagination to sense what is an unpalatable topic at table, my aunt from Virginia notwithstanding.

Sunny2's avatar

Diarrhea, vomiting, bloody accidents, skin rashes, protruding bones, hairballs, torture, drowning, what’s clogging your sink, overflowing toilets, athlete’s foot, gangrene, abscesses. I have to go now. I’m feeling sick.

HungryGuy's avatar

The latest Human Centipede movie :-p

jazmina88's avatar

Poop, guts, maggots, hairballs….cleaning the house

Kardamom's avatar

My Grandpa’s second wife, told the story of how her first husband was found demised on the potty at one of our Thanksgiving meals. She had been telling this lovely story about how she and her first husband ran a diner for 30 years in Northern California, when she got to the end of the story, many jaws dropped. But that woman could make killer pies!

Most of my relatives finally stopped asking “When is Kardamom going to get married? Why doesn’t Kardamom want to have children? Why is Kardamom a vegetarian?

Most of my relatives are Lefty Liberal Agnostic School Teachers, but one of my cousins considers herself to be a Wiccan Tea Party Homeschooling Mom (even though she never quite finished high school and we’ve never seen any evidence of school books or homework or learning assignments in their home) So when she comes over, we mostly talk about food.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

In mixed company, I don’t want to hear about anyone’s personal physical/mental afflictions or those of their pets or children.

If I’m the host then I appreciate any company to not preach/pander if they are religious. This is different than discussing religion/s.

In mixed company I also don’t want anyone to take advantage of that time to passive aggressively attack or put down their partners in front of the rest of us. A captive audience trying to be polite is totally unfair and a guarantee those people won’t be asked over again.

Kardamom's avatar

@Neizvestnaya Ha Ha Ha : ) You wouldn’t be able to tolerate any of our family parties. We’re like one big giant slow moving glacier of physical ailments!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@Kardamom: We save those grody but fun conversations for strictly family meals but don’t want to frighten the guests.

ucme's avatar

I asked the wife if she would pass me a hammer & chisel when she cooked, cremated her latest “burnt offering.”
That comment, in common with the meal, didn’t go down well :¬(

Blackberry's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central I apologize, I was really drunk when I typed that lol :(

Berserker's avatar

@HungryGuy So how was it?

I don’t really have any subject that I think shouldn’t be touched during dinner. That is, when it comes to content. Talk about shit or opening up dead people all you want, mine is a stomach of iron. Talking personally, of course.

What I think should be avoided are the types of conversations that could start arguments and fights. Way to ruin a good dinner. I’ve witnessed that quite a few times, and it isn’t nice.

jonsblond's avatar

Any discussion related to the drainage of a sebaceous cyst.

also, thigh pies

Berserker's avatar

@jonsblond The fuck are thigh pies?

jonsblond's avatar

@Symbeline A thigh pie is what happens when a woman of considerable weight sits down and her thighs press together in a manner as to look like a vagina.
“Excuse me, miss, I can see your thigh pie.” ~Daniel Tosh

HungryGuy's avatar

@Symbeline – I haven’t seen it yet. I signed up for an alert from Amazon when it’s available. I hear it’s in black-and-white, which sucks. But I don’t really know anything more.

Berserker's avatar

@HungryGuy Black and white, the hell?

Lightlyseared's avatar

@Symbeline as dull as the first one.

HungryGuy's avatar

@Symbeline – Yeah, that’s what I say :-(

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