Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

Which erogenous zone do the styles du jour emphasize this season?

Asked by wundayatta (58730points) November 8th, 2011

A few years ago, it was stomachs, but now that has disappeared, at least where I work. I work on a campus, so I see what young people are wearing these days.

What is it where you are? Which erogenous zone is being emphasized by the styles people are wearing? Which erogenous zone preceded this one? What’s your prediction about what will come next?

This is primarily about female fashion, since I’m not sure male fashion emphasizes erogenous zones at all. However, if you want to comment about male fashion, please do. I want to know what you think male fashion does. How does it enhance the appeal of a male individual?

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9 Answers

unused_bagels's avatar

Thighs, butt, and labia, judging from the amount of leggings I see. Not complaining in the least.

CaptainHarley's avatar

“Labia?” “Labia?” WTF, over?

unused_bagels's avatar

You obviously don’t go to the workout classes, malls, and restaurants that I do, good sir.

zenvelo's avatar

My daughter’s school outlawed leggings because of the camel toe issue.

I see a lot of high school girls around town and when I get my son after school who have at least one bare shoulder.

wilma's avatar

Cleavage. It has been that way for a few years now. We would never have been allowed in school in some of the tops that the girls wear today.

CaptainHarley's avatar

Well, over the years, I’m developed a rather strong attachment to legs. : ))

zensky's avatar

I love all parts of the female anatomy. Other than the obvious, I have always loved BOOBS of course, the navel and the underarms. I don’t know why.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@zenvelo I know, it’s like they all just saw Flashdance or something.

unused_bagels's avatar

oh yes. leg warmers are back. and one shoulder. lurve.

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