Meta Question

Dog's avatar

Is it true that chat has spawned creativity mutiny lately?

Asked by Dog (25152points) November 14th, 2011

I was not around much last week but I heard that some fun stuff happened.

Anyone finding chat inspiring?

Anyone want to join us?

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32 Answers

Dog's avatar

Hey… we changed the description. Check it out before @augustlan notices!~

marinelife's avatar

I checked.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

My name breaks the chat. :(

Dog's avatar

No it doesn’t! You are just afraid we will make you walk the plank!~

Dog's avatar

It was fun guys! But I still did not get any info on the mysterious party a few days back!

@augustlan- do not worry- we cleaned up chat and left everything orderly. It was a bit difficult getting the alligator out but we managed.~

Bellatrix's avatar

What party??? Secret parties?

augustlan's avatar

If you’re talking about the yarnpocolypse, that was a while back. ;)

harple's avatar

Chat parties always happen after I go to bed!!!! Actually, that’s pretty true to life too! Never mind, carry on! ;-)

rooeytoo's avatar

I was surprised to find that there are now only 2 rooms! When did the others disappear? And usually when I go there, they are empty! I would love to chat, but I get tired of talking to myself.
I don’t know anything about secret parties???

Dog's avatar

Hmmmm… Maybe there was not a secret party.

We should PLAN a secret party!

Paul's avatar

Real secrective you aren’t you @Dog. I haven’t been on chat in a while but I’d be game for a chat party.

janbb's avatar

I have too slow a mind and fingers to keep up with chat if it is more than one-on-one.

Secret parties should be out in the open. :-)

JilltheTooth's avatar

I’m with the penguin on this. Her slow flippers, my slow paws…C’mon @janbb , let’s have our own secret party! Actually, I would love chat if it didn’t make my brain splode…

Dog's avatar

I LOVE open secret parties! Let’s have one here!!! I will get some snackies!

janbb's avatar

Drinks are on me and I’ll provide plenty of ice! Anyone bringing fish, perhaps?

JilltheTooth's avatar

I’ll bring some smelt for you @janbb as I dog, I love the name of that fish! if you bring me some snausages! And Beggin’ Strips for @Dog and pancakes and frizzer cake for all! Can someone please help me with this bottle of champagne? My paws are not equipped with opposable thumbs…

janbb's avatar

My beak does double-duty as a bottle opener.

Dog's avatar

@JilltheTooth I use my mouth and try not to drool much. ~ :D

janbb's avatar

It’s Animal House!!!

JilltheTooth's avatar

@janbb and @Dog : Oh you talented-with-your-mouth folks, you! And hey, I have always felt that drool is cool! That’s why they rhyme…

janbb's avatar

I could get saucy but perhaps better not. Anyway there’s food around!

Dog's avatar


JilltheTooth's avatar

<Licking lips> Not anymore!

janbb's avatar

No more potato chips and onion dip either! Where did it go??

Dog's avatar

I have more! Lots more!

And I also have mimosas and we can play pin the tail on the chupacabra!

janbb's avatar

(Slips on belly in excitement!)

Dog's avatar

Oh we need to install an ice rink in the mansion!

janbb's avatar

yup, yup, yup, yup…..sliiiiiiiide!

augustlan's avatar

Now where did I put my whip….

JilltheTooth's avatar

yip, yip, yip yip, ...<trip and sliiiiiide>

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