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rebbel's avatar

Its MasterChef Fluther; With which dishes can you impress?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) November 17th, 2011

You have two hours two prepare and cook some dishes starter and/or main and /or dessert to impress your guests.
What is/are your signature dish(es)?
Your time starts….., now!

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13 Answers

bongo's avatar

I can make some cracking cheese on toast….
I am also pretty good at making something out of nothing.

I’m a student

Therefore I would probably cook whatever someone else paid for plus a bottle of cheap wine. It’s pretty impressive how quickly a student will learn to cook with new ingredients if someone else pays. It’s not an option to mess up a dinner, you always have to eat. There isn’t another option.

marinelife's avatar

My starter would be homemade humus.

I make a wonderful Moroccan lamb tagine with olives and lemons. I would serve it with an artisan loaf of bread.

Pandora's avatar

Under 2 hours. I can make a lasanga, a quick salad with chopped up ham,crotons and shredded cheeze, lettuce and tomatoes and salad dressing and a dash of salt and pepper, and an apple pie.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Heirloom (small colored kind) potatoes with onion wedges and fresh rosemary
Wash and dump potatoes in a large baking pan, cover with the wedged onion, sprinkle with sea salt, freshly cracked black pepper and rosemary needles you slide of the sprig. Pour a bunch of olive oil over them, cover with foil and bake at 400 degrees for 40 minutes or so.

Glazed lamb chops
Separarte a rack of lamb, rub freshly crushed black pepper, sea salt and fresh garlic mince into the meat. Pour a little bit of wine and pomegranate syrup into a large freeze ziplock bag to coat and marinate the chops in for a half hour. Broil them on a cookie sheet for a few minutes on each side until your desired doneness.

Broiled cheese bread
Sliced sourdough bread spread with mashed feta chunks in herbed oil. Broil until cheese mixture browns.

Steamed then broiled artichoke hearts
Cut off all the leaves and scrape the top of the heart free of choke fur. Steam until tender, coat in melted butter and broil until just a bit glazed. Squirt some fresh lemon juice over before putting on the plate.

Fresh grapes for dessert

blueiiznh's avatar

I am actually doing it right now for a friend who is in town:
app – tomato and basil bruschetta
1st – Corn Chowder
2nd – Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad with homemade cornbread croutons
After – Grilled Pineapple w/ Brown Sugar
Desert – Baked Alaska

no time for signature dishes

ragingloli's avatar

chicken curry with rice

ucme's avatar

Bon appetite!
Impresses the hell outta me anyway.

anartist's avatar

easy stuff—
gazpacho, hummus, salads of all kinds [I make my own dressings]

WestRiverrat's avatar

With what I have on hand.

Wilted spinach salad.

Pizza made from the leftover alfredo sauce, shrimp, jalepeno and pineapple with a mix of feta, havarti and blue cheese, on a homemade whole wheat crust.

Warmed apple sauce over cottage cheese, with cinammon and brown sugar.

Dessert will be pumpkin custard.

fundevogel's avatar

My homemade pizza dough takes two hours to rise. And I can’t make my infamous spinach handpies without it. Clearly I have no place in this competition.

Instead I will slice up some apples & radishes, toss them with a little oil, lemon juice & fresh dill and settle in to watch the rest of you rush about the kitchen.

WestRiverrat's avatar

@fundevogel when I make pizza dough I make some extra up and partially bake it. Then I freeze it for when I need some dough in a hurry. This works better with thin crusts.

It may not be as good as fresh, but it beats most of what you can get in the supermarket.

fundevogel's avatar

@WestRiverrat That’s a good idea…but it wouldn’t really work for handpies.

jazmina88's avatar

saffron snow roast – perhaps brisket cut, with squash, carrots, water chestnuts, mushrooms, snap peas

nice parsnip mash, i like it thicker than puree

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