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rebbel's avatar

Can you provide me with some Fantasy writers?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) November 18th, 2011

My girlfriend is crazy about fantasy stories.
She is real enthusiastic when she tells me parts of the story of Sylvana from World of Warcraft or books by Tolkien.
In this genre I know nothing about it myself and have no affinity with it too of fantasy stories, can you give me one or more writers that are similar/write similar stuff?
Preferably big names so that there is a chance that I can order their book(s) in Greek assuming that great writers are translated in Greek.
Thanks in advance!

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8 Answers

jrpowell's avatar

She might like the Space Trilogy by C. S. Lewis.

flutherother's avatar

Jack Vance is good. She could start with “The Eyes of the Overworld”. Or maybe The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis.

glenjamin's avatar

I’m a big fan of the Drizzt series by R.A. Salvatore. He has written several of those, but start with the dark elf trilogy (homeland, exile, sojourn). Prob not available in Greek, but still a worthy read.

Linda_Owl's avatar

You might try Anne McCaffrey. She wrote the Dragons of Pern series (including The White Dragon & Dragonquest). She also wrote the marvelous book The Ship That Sang about a time in the future when children who are born with tremendous physical birth defects but whose brains are highly intelligent – are given the opportunity to become the brains for sleek rocket ships after extensive training. They were then allowed to choose the person who would be the physical captain of the ship. Each of the brain ships excelled in various activities related to mental capacity & each of their bodies were encapsuled in the rocket ships & cared for by the automatic relays built into the ships, they can all speak & share in the decision making with the physical captain. The ship in the story sings. She has a marvelous voice & becomes quite well known. The story is well worth reading & the plot is outstanding.

Berserker's avatar

Take a look at The Belgariad series by David Eddings, and Fred Saberhagen’s‘s works. He’s pretty good. Nothing like a nice fantasy story about some guy chopping off his toe to feed it to a baby dragon.

If she’s a fantasy fan though, she probably already knows these. :/

Also, ask your girlfriend if she’s familiar at all with The Eye of Argon lol.

rebbel's avatar

Thank you, Jellies, for the suggestions you all gave me!
I bookmarked the page for future (Christmas) use.

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