Social Question

Blackberry's avatar

When politicians are caught in a scandal, why do some resign, while others stay?

Asked by Blackberry (34005points) November 27th, 2011

What are some of the criteria for staying or leaving your position when you’ve been caught in a scandal? The Appalachian hiker resigned, but Gingrich didn’t, for example.

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11 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I don’t know, how much integrity one has…

Judi's avatar

Shamed or shameless.

everephebe's avatar

Some people are better at doubling down then others.
i.e. republicans

rebbel's avatar

I guess it depends on the scandal too; did a politician inhaled a funny cigarette in the sixties and today this fact has come to our attention, or did a (married) politician proven screw around with multiple trainees?
And for their decision it can also be important how the scandal is being perceived by the public and/or their colleagues in their political parties.
And what ⇈ they said.

Blackberry's avatar

@rebbel Yeah, it probably does come down to how the general populace perceives the incident.

Sunny2's avatar


philosopher's avatar


Some of them have not lived in reality for so long they believe they can fake their way out of anything. Honestly I think that is how most of them live. They do not perceive reality. They actually see themselves in the image they have created.
I have wealthy family that has little grasp on the reality most American’s face. They are so Narcissistic. They deny anything that might change their deluded, self absorbed perception of our world. They make me sick to my stomach and I have lost all respect for them.

marinelife's avatar

It depends on how bad it is. The old saw was never be caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy.

Paradox25's avatar

I think a simple response will actually give you the answer here: different personality types. Politicians are still human too, and they each have their own unique personality traits like ourselves. In the end it all comes down to how embarrassment affects each person in question.

Jaxk's avatar

Actually Gingrich did resign back in 1999 as Speaker of the House. Although Clinton did not. Anthony Weiner resigned while Charlie Rangel did not. It all depends on how the media portrays it and how the public receives it. As well as who holds power in congress. Nothing is as simple as you’d think.

Blackberry's avatar

@Jaxk I think so too. And I didn’t know Gingrich resigned in ‘99, thanks :)

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