Social Question

creative1's avatar

Are you this Jelly? The Jelly below me_Part 33?

Asked by creative1 (12071points) December 14th, 2011

The game rules are:

Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
The Jelly below me drinks 10 cups of coffee daily

The response might be:
False! I hate coffee or,

Then they might state:
The Jelly below me has blond hair.

There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.

Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Hopefully most all Jellies will join in.

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452 Answers

creative1's avatar

TJBM is happy there is finally a part 33 (sorry it took so long got busy with the holidays)

AmWiser's avatar

True. now you know how I feel:-}

TJBM hopes this game never ends.

reijinni's avatar

of course not
TJBM wants a cell phone implant.

bongo's avatar

No way. Gross.
TJBM is rather peckish right now.

smilingheart1's avatar

Just took care of that.
TJBM loves bologna sandwiches.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

No thanks…
TJBM took a painkiller a few hours ago.

Ayesha's avatar

TJBM is really hungry.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM is about to head home from work.

bongo's avatar

nope, lying on my boyfriends bed revising on the internet, as a student I don’t really work…. He’s doing uni work…
TJBM is wearing lace knickers…!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Oh wee, yes I am wearing lace knickers :)

TJBM wants some lasagne tonight.

blueberry_kid's avatar

I’m always up for anything with pasta and cottage cheese.

TJBM has never had a lover.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM farts when standing in line.

TheIntern55's avatar

False, I fart and dart:)
TJBM is excited for tommorrow.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Damn right! I get a day off to magically get our drawers filled with clean underwear & the closets stocked with ironed shirts.

TJBM has tingly sinuses right now, not sure if it’s allergies or a cold.

dabbler's avatar

Could it be fumes from idling buses today?
..Or smoke from some chestnut vendor roasting them on charcoals?
..Or is it fumes from tourist helicopters idling at the heliport ?
[ NYC tour helicopter deaths related to Manhattan takeoffs 2009: 5, 2011: 3. ]
[ Allow me to discourage you from taking a NY helicopter tour that does not depart from a real airport. ]
hack! houof! Erk! gasp! Maybe tingly isn’t the word.

TJBM got their exercise today ! You’re way ahead of me!

jazmina88's avatar

True, if the grocery store counts :(

TJBM has a pet by their feet.

Some_Ghost's avatar

No. I don’t even have feet. I’m a flying blanket.

TJBM knows how badass Southern Mexico is.

TheIntern55's avatar

True, them BAMFS.
TJBM is glad to see @Some_Ghost flying around again.

Coloma's avatar

True. He/she is a funny ghost. ;-)

TJBM likes the actor Owen Wilson

Fly's avatar

False! Owen Wilson is just obnoxious.

TJBM is listening to Christmas music right now.

Coloma's avatar

False. I am listening to silence, well, the heat just clicked on. haha
I love Owen Wilson, he’s hilarious!

TJBM is having a late dinner


Yes I did. Got home late. :(

TJBM has the Christmas album (or the songs to) “Carpenters Christmas Portrait”.

josrific's avatar

TJBM still has to put up their Christmas tree, like me.

reijinni's avatar

gotten lazy about putting one up.
TJBM “waters” their tree with a “special” liquid.

Coloma's avatar

False. My “tree” is an eclectic, red foil tree hoop that goes over a lamp shade.
It is on an asian table on a pedestal with a black and gold teak wood oriental screen backdrop with a spray of light up red plum blossoms and red lights bordering the table. The effect is quite nice. :-)

TJBM likes to decorate in unconventional ways —one year my “tree” was a living Palm tree with lights and ornaments—


This year, yes. I made a Christmas light ornament from scratch, using a tomato ring trellis. I turned the conical metal trellis upside down, attached Christmas lights to it and decorated it with balls and garland. Then I placed the thing on top of our entrance light post in front of our house. When I plugged it in, the whole thing blinked and matched the rest of the Christmas lights outside.

TJBM uses Christmas bags for people’s gifts rather than wrapping them up in Christmas paper.

erichw1504's avatar

True, for certain gifts.

TJBM is a Christmas gift wrapping pro.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM always needs help when wrapping gifts.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

False, I enjoy the wrapping of gifts almost more than what the gifts are.

TJBM thought it was further along in their work day than what time it really is.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM wants to become a cyberman.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM wants to play Scrabble.

TheIntern55's avatar

True! I play quixotic. Your turn!
TJBM has a good memory.

creative1's avatar


TJBM plays an instrument

MilkyWay's avatar

Keyboard :)
TJBM wants to play Scrabble on facebook.

Coloma's avatar

False. But, it seems my last Scrabble thread has been woefully abandoned. :-(

TJBM makes a killer spaghetti sauce Mmm, almost done!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yup, just cook it all day.

TJBM makes a great stew.

Coloma's avatar

Not on forever, sounds great though. :-)

TJBM is calling it an early night—zzzz—-

DaphneT's avatar

yes, good night all

TJBM is just waking up…


No, I’m going to bed pretty soon.

TJBM once swallowed a live earthworm.

creative1's avatar

Nope ick!!!

TJBM is going to make a special holiday dinner next week

erichw1504's avatar

False, but my wife is.

TJBM saw the Dark Knight Rises prologue in theaters before M.I.:4.

Coloma's avatar

Maybe, I don;t remember.

TJBM has seen ” Limitless” and thought it was interesting.

erichw1504's avatar

@Coloma You don’t remember? How could you not remember something that has only been playing since Thursday night?

False, but I want to.

TJBM has seen I Love You, Man and thought it was hilarious.

Coloma's avatar

@erichw1504 , I don’t keep up on the movie scene much, I was at the movies awhile back and didn’t remember seeing the preview, didn’t know it just came out yesterday

False. Maybe put it in my netflix queue

TJBM has built a snowman this week

erichw1504's avatar

False, no snow to do such a thing yet.

TJBM has built a dirtman, since there is no snow.

geeky_mama's avatar

Nope..but it sure looks like it’s going to be a brown Christmas.

TJBM is expecting some goodies to arrive by mail or package delivery soon.

Coloma's avatar

Maybe. :-) All my orders have already arrived, but might get a surprise myself.

TJBM is enjoying their decorations nothing like turning off all the lights and admiring the Xmas lights in the dark

blueberry_kid's avatar

Oh boy! Am I. If only my momma would plug it in…

TJBM feels insecure when watching food shows.

Coloma's avatar

Haha, no, why?

TJBM had a banana for breakfast

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM had a doughnut for breakfast.

Coloma's avatar

False. Banana and blackberry Yoplait yogurt

TJBM is cccccold right now

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM is wwwwwwarm right now.

Coloma's avatar

Getting there, cranked up the heat ;-D

TJBM likes ranch dressing on baked potatos

OpryLeigh's avatar

Sounds good.

TJBM played some sport today.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM once made up their own game.

blueberry_kid's avatar

Oh my gosh! When I was 9, we had a volleyball, and I came up with the game Balance. You had to throw the ball using only the tips of your thumbs. Then you had to catch it with the top of your hand and hold it for at least five seconds. The point of the game was to not take a step to throw or catch a ball. It was fun!

TJBM knows what whoopie pies are. (so yummy!)

TheIntern55's avatar

True, and my mom makes a killer one.
TJBM is watching old Popeye cartoons. Popeye the sailor man….

Coloma's avatar

False, I am baking a blackberry pie and about to drive up to my mailbox

TJBM has a mailbox that they have to drive too, well…sometimes I walk but it takes 15 minutes round trip and I’m lazy today lol

geeky_mama's avatar

Not really. It’s on the neighbor’s property..and so I sometimes drive up to it to get the mail..but only when I’m real and truly lazy. It’s a short walk. Usually the kiddos get the mail after they get off the school usually the mail gets delivered right into my hands by my 5th grader!

TJBM is smarter than a 5th grader.

blueberry_kid's avatar

3.5 GPA count?

TJBM knows what it feels like to have the flu. <sniffles>

TheIntern55's avatar

False, knock on wood.
TJBM loves Nancy Drew books.

Coloma's avatar

True! When I was about 12 I devoured them, I read about one every 2 days. haha

TJBM read all the Black Stallion books as a kid @blueberry_kid Feel better soon

reijinni's avatar

never read the books.
TJBM collects old textbooks.

dabbler's avatar

If you mean I still haven’t thrown them out thirty years later, yes, I am a packrat. I have science, math, programming, languages and philosophy still around.
[ heck, calculus hasn’t changed since Sir Isaac, and Rousseau isn’t writing anything new about republics ]
And I do acrete another geeky book now and then. (Latest addition is an Arduino programming book, which I have barely touched so far).

TJBM got their holiday cards mailed out already.

DaphneT's avatar

Not even close.

TJBM won’t be celebrating Christmas as a holiday.

Coloma's avatar

Not sure what you mean? I’ll be celebrating the usual way with family, food and gifts, but not in a religious sense.

TJBM wants to run a marathon when they are 80

reijinni's avatar

I’ll be lucky if I can still move at that point.
TJBM wants to host an clothing optional New year’s party.


Sure, that’s a titillating idea. But where shall I put my horn after I blow it?

TJBM will buy something for him/herself for Christmas.

creative1's avatar

I usually only do this for my birthday so no

TJBM cant wait to open their first present

reijinni's avatar

@MRSHINYSHOES, you can place it on the nearest table
I can hold off.
TJBM has been on the playground without their clothes.

TheIntern55's avatar

False? I hope there aren’t children around when someone does that…
TJBM is doing all their Christmas shopping today. oh procrastination…

Coloma's avatar

False. Finished on Thurs. except for the food shopping.

TJBM’s house is sage green with white trim

dabbler's avatar

Apartment here, but there is some sage/grey in the front hall, and white baseboards.

TJBM likes their bagels split with a fork, Not cut with a knife.

Coloma's avatar

I’ve never split a bagel with a fork. As long as it gets split and buttered and jellied or honeyed or creme cheesied it’s all good. ;-p

TJBM is up before sunrise

geeky_mama's avatar

Wow. No..I slept in nice & late today.

TJBM is having a busy weekend filled with fun.

dabbler's avatar

Busy yes, but chores. Prep for a party next week – I better clean my room.

TJBM likes their kitchen very much (favorite part?).

TheIntern55's avatar

False, it’s small and my mother owns it. There’s an invisible line we can’t cross.
TJBM has done/ still does ballet.

Coloma's avatar

False. But I am a good dancer. I’m more the hiking, biking, horseback riding, rafting, swimming, type. In other words, I’m an ATG All terrain girl ;-D

TJBM is an all terrain, outdoorsy type

TheIntern55's avatar

True, love all the things you mentioned.
TJBM lives in an old house.


Not too old, 9 years old.

TJBM acknowledges the Wal-Mart greeter by saying hello and smiling back everytime he/she walks into the store.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM acknowledges the S.A. bell ringer with a one-finger gesture.


Oh my. No.

TJBM is going to shop at one of these stores today——Wal-Mart, Home Depot, or Best Buy.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is sad Woolworths shut down :(

reijinni's avatar

Still have Foot Locker.
TJBM would give S.A. washers and rocks instead of money.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM loves cola bottles…

DaphneT's avatar

TJBM has a sister who calls with insane plans for the the holidays.

TheIntern55's avatar

No, but my mother does.
TJBM texts in full sentances.

dabbler's avatar


TJBM has a favorite sweater.

TheIntern55's avatar

True, and I’m wearing it!
TJBM is going to build a fire tonight.


I love small fires, but not tonight. I got a BBQ pit in the backyard.

TJBM is thinking about a person right now.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM is going to North Korea for spring break.

blueberry_kid's avatar

No! But I’m going to Colombia!

TJBM is done with all their Christmas shopping. hallelughia!

TheIntern55's avatar

True, except for my dad! Everything he wants someone else is getting him.
TJBM looks at @blueberry_kid‘s avatar and craves blueberries. Or is that just me?

Coloma's avatar

False. I look @blueberry_kid and think she jinxed me with her flu which I now have. :-(

TJBM sees fog out their window right now


No, it’s a pretty clear night here. A bit of wet snow, though.

TJMB is near a mirror——either on the wall, on a desk, table, etc.

MilkyWay's avatar

True, it’s on the wall opposite me.
TJBM recently changed the layout of their bedroom

blueberry_kid's avatar

I actually did! My room is now in fueng-shui! sorry @Coloma! Damn you, internet germs!

TJBM will make a bowl of soup for @Coloma and me. (I still have it.)

MilkyWay's avatar

Sure, I learnt how to make a smashing chicken and vegetable soup :)
TJBM loves cooking

Coloma's avatar

True, I have a few specialties I love to make. Soup coming up and I am flopping in my giant bean bag loveseat with all my blankies. @blueberry_kid How many days is your flu lasting? Psht!

TJBM likes Butterscotch pudding

MilkyWay's avatar

True, though I haven’t had some in ages.
TJBM will share some Butterscotch pudding with me.

blueberry_kid's avatar

Of course I would! @Coloma, 3 days now!
TJBM uses Skype.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM has found out that Kim Jong-Il is dead.


False. He is?

TJBM is as surprised as I am about Kim Jong II’s death.

dabbler's avatar

Holy cow, just found out here. I’d say good riddance but his nearly-as-crazy son is in line to succeed him.

TJBM wonders how many countries will be left in the EU (using the euro) in five years.

Coloma's avatar

False. I am not politically oriented, it is what it is.

TJBM woke up feeling refreshed

blueberry_kid's avatar

Urrrrrgh! I feel more like an awoken mummy than refreshed.

TJBM uses Vicks Vaporub®. I sure have

erichw1504's avatar

True, sometimes.

TJBM asked a least three question on Fluther in the past week.

Coloma's avatar

False. I rarely ask questions, once in awhile, but I am more an answerer than an asker.

TJBM is enjoying a cozy morning with coffee right now

erichw1504's avatar

Half true. Coffee, but not very cozy at work.

TJBM is hardly working instead of working hard.

Coloma's avatar

True. This is my off season, and it better ramp up in the New Year or I’m in deep shit. lol

TJBM is self employed

geeky_mama's avatar

No, but my husband is. I work from home for a verrrry large company.

TJBM has LOTS of Christmas cookies in the house.

erichw1504's avatar

False, not yet.

TJBM is a cookie monsta.

Coloma's avatar

I can be, yes! Lately I have been a pie and mixed nut monster. lol

TJBM has a sweet tooth, or 30

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM likes tacos.

OpryLeigh's avatar


TJBM is waiting for a phone call.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM has seen every episode of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

Coloma's avatar


TJBM sees that @erichw1504 has doubled up his Q LOL

DaphneT's avatar

TJBM hears the wind howling.


No, it’s a pretty calm night out there.

TJBM still has some cleaning up and tidying up to do before Christmas.

Coloma's avatar

A little, but, nothing major Hey, @erichw1504 edited his double away, really, I’m not crayzee! LOL

TJBM has their stockings hung by the chimney with care

DaphneT's avatar

No stockings this year. Hoping to get some Christmas cookies done though.

TJBM is rocking his baby to sleep.

Coloma's avatar

False. I am blowing my nose to sleep Haha..damn cold-flu, whatever it is! Bah!

TJBM is contemplating a bedtime snack I think I will have a big, fat, juicy orange :-)


True. I think I will have some scrambled eggs.

TJBM is starting to feel “Christmasy”.

creative1's avatar

Began feeling in that way day after Thanksgiving

TJBM is going to make some eggnog

reijinni's avatar

TJBM is going to hug the toilet.

erichw1504's avatar

False, maybe in 11 days.

TJBM is going to a New Years Eve party.

Coloma's avatar

Not that I am aware of, yet anyway. I only go out on New Years if I have a Taxi, Chauffeur and a hotel lined up. No way am I driving on that night.

TJBM has a white bathrobe

erichw1504's avatar

False, green.

TJBM has a blue car.

Coloma's avatar

False. Champagne silver

TJBM has a cold

erichw1504's avatar

False, I have a warm.

TJBM wants to be a DJ.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM hates tuna.

TheIntern55's avatar

False, love tuna salad.
TJBM feels like the week is dragging on so sloooooowwwwly.

Coloma's avatar

True, because I am stuck in the house sick..but, I am done with almost everything, so, that’s a positive. :-)

TJBM had a UPS delivery today

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM needs some ‘alone’ time

Coloma's avatar

False, I am having lots of alone time in quarantine over here, well..Fluther is keeping me company. ;-)

TJBM is having a bad hair day

TheIntern55's avatar

Everyday’s a bad hair day in internworld.
TJBM still reads newspapers.

dabbler's avatar

I read everything. But I don’t subscribe to any daily newspapers anymore, too much paper piling up.
I do grab the WallStreetJournal where a colleague tends to leave it at the end of the day, its pages fit the birdcage better than most and I read bits while I lay the pages out. Some of it’s pretty good, the writing is always good.
The content however, in particular the editorial page, is astounding in its immorality so that gets special placement where it will be sure to catch some commentary from above.

TJBM is having a holiday party soon !

DaphneT's avatar

True. Christmas Eve, Christmas Day. All Family, Swinging Door.

TJBM will be wrapping up a great project at work.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM is a workaholic.

Coloma's avatar

Hell no! I do not aspire to the soul killing work ethic that runs this world. Bah Humbug! I work to live, not live to work.

TJBM always chooses time over money if possible

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM likes turkey burgers.

Coloma's avatar

Sometimes, yes, but, I admit, I do like a good beef burger now and then.

TJBM has a morning temps in the 20’s right now Damn, I hate driving on icy roads

erichw1504's avatar

False, 45 here.

TJBM will have a white Christmas, according to the weatherman.

Coloma's avatar

False. Frosty and sunny, but no snow. Maybe in Jan./Feb.

TJBM is going to the doctor today

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM has no choice but to be TJBM.

Coloma's avatar

Well..I have a choice, so I choose to fill the slot instead of ignore it. lol

TJBM will be the TJBM and the TJAM at the same time

erichw1504's avatar

Fal… crap.

TJBM works out routinely.

Coloma's avatar

Sadly, no. I have really fallen off the workout wagon the last few years after years of a routine. I am determined to get my groove groovin’ again this year. Right after the holiday buffets LOL

TJBM is afraid of black ice


True. I once went half-way through a red light because of black ice, and I still braked ahead of time. Luckily, it was really early in the morning, so no car was going the other way at the time.

TJBM once took a bad fall from slipping on a patch of ice.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM once tripped over their own foot.


Yes, and I was wearing my shiny black leather men’s dress shoes at the time too. :(

TJBM once missed a step on a set of stairs while walking down or up.

reijinni's avatar

sometimes on purpose.
TJBM recycles their puke.

josrific's avatar

False! How would you do something like that and why?
TJBM just had neighbors come and bring holiday goodies!

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM still has some Christmas shopping to do.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is tired

TheIntern55's avatar

True. Can’t wait til the weekend!
TJBM is prepared for the zombie apocolypse.

AshLeigh's avatar

I’m already prepared.
TJBM missed me! D:

TheIntern55's avatar

True! I was worried you’d run away from fluther forever. We’re not that bad…
TJBM thinks jellies are the best kind of people;)

AshLeigh's avatar

I’d never run away!!! My internet it just down, for a while. D: I’m at the library. :)
They are indeed.
TJBM agrees.

Coloma's avatar

@AshLeigh !!! Damn kiddo, I thought the polar bears got you! Good to “see” you back! :-)

I do! There’s only one jelly I’d love to see get the axe, they need their beanstalk chopped down. lol

TJBM believes in magic beans

dabbler's avatar

That’s hysterical, last night saw “The Office” episode that has the garage sale. Dwight, after trading up from a thumbtack through several other successively more valuable items to a telescope trades that to Jim for some “magic beans”.

TJBM can tell a frog from a toad.

TheIntern55's avatar

True. Actually, I caught a toad yesterday in class that had somehow slipped in. I was the only one who correctly identified it. I’m so proud of myself…
TJBM is a photographer.

DaphneT's avatar

False, but my niece hopes to be.

TJBM should be on Dancing with the Stars.

TheIntern55's avatar

True! I’m actually a pretty good dancer. Just don’t ask me to dance to pop music! I just jump up and down usually…
TJBM is easily distracted. Must finish essay…

Coloma's avatar

Sometimes. Accordingly to a silly personality test I am ” The Inventor” which translates to smart but ditzy. lol

@dabbler Hilarious!

TJBM will come clean my house before Xmas haha


Sure, I’m good at cleaning things. Especially myself. Lol.

TJBM prefers white pepper over black pepper.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM loves pretzels.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Nooooooooo! Hate them.

TJBM is attending some kind of party or social gathering tonight.

erichw1504's avatar

False. Forever alone.

TJBM likes Fluther games.

Coloma's avatar

I do! The Scrabble thread has been completely abandoned, boo hoo.

TJBM knows what their true love gave on the 5th day of Xmas

erichw1504's avatar

Umm… a fruitcake?

TJBM likes fruitcake.

Coloma's avatar

False! I have NEVER met a fruitcake I like. Gah!

TJBM likes custard pie

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM prefers cats over dogs.

Coloma's avatar

Very true. I like dogs but do not want one, they are so high maintenance.

TJBM loves Xmas lights

erichw1504's avatar

True, went light looking last night. Got to drive creepily slow in front of stranger’s houses. Lots of fun!

TJBM decorated their house like a crazy person this year.

Coloma's avatar

In a way, yes. I have a lamp shade that mimics a Xmas tree, it looks really cool, on a backdrop of an asian teak wood screen with lite up Plum Blossoms and red led lights. It’s charming and eccentric, just like me. haha

TJBM reads magazines on the potty

erichw1504's avatar

False. I play Angry Birds.

TJBM has an iPhone.

Coloma's avatar

False. I live in a no reception zone, sooo, a cell phone is a waste of money for me.

TJBM has had a speeding ticket

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM has had a parking ticket.

Coloma's avatar

True. But no speeding tickets, amazingly. lol

TJBM has run over an animal :-(

erichw1504's avatar

True, two birds. Not so much as run over, but smacked.

TJBM has run over roadkill.

Coloma's avatar

Ewww, yes! I live in roadkill alley up here, always trying to dodge the mangled squirrels, skunks, raccoons, deer. :-(

TJBM likes dark beers

erichw1504's avatar

False, more of a light beer kind of guy.

TJBM likes red wine.

Coloma's avatar

Occasionally, but I love champagne. :-)

TJBM likes red lipstick

erichw1504's avatar

False. I just use lip balm. People make fun of me when I put on lipstick.

TJBM is a hipster.


Somewhat, yes. I’m more hip than a hipster though. :D

TJBM is looking for some peaceful time from all the hoopla this Christmas.

Coloma's avatar

False. I have had 5 days of peaceful time being sick this week, I am READY to rock-n-roll and have some FUN! I should be feeling much better by tomorrow and Saturday. Yay!

TJBM is doing a buffet instead of a formal sit down dinner

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM will answer True to this.

TheIntern55's avatar

TJBM chooses ninjas over pirates.

Dutchess_III's avatar

33. Wowl
Um. Yeah. Ninja’s are more better than pirates.

TJBM is exhausted from Christmas preparations already.

Coloma's avatar

False. I’m all done except for cleaning my house saturday morning. :-)

TJBM makes a mean salmon souffle

Dutchess_III's avatar

Not a souffle, but a Salmon dip to die for! 1 can salmon. 8 oz cream cheese. Batch of green onions. One TBLS each of smoke sauce and lemon juice and viola! Serve with good crackers!

TJBM hates to cook but is really good at it.

Coloma's avatar

True and false. I’m a pretty good cook but I wouldn’t say I love to cook. @Dutchess_III Mmm..sounds great!

TJBM has been having static electricity issues…shit, I’m electrified

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes! I hate this time of year! I get out of the car and I KNOW I’m going to get shocked when I reach for that metal door knob! I hate that!

TJBM can’t take a bath or get wet because his/her static electricity issues are so bad.

Coloma's avatar

Haha…it’s touching the car door and my poor cats, zzzzap..they run when I reach for them, and my hair…OMG! It was wild today! lol

TJBM likes ice cold root beer

Dutchess_III's avatar

I do..with ice cream in it!

TJBM was just handed a letter from her 8 year old granddaughter who wrote that it was an “honor” to be spending the night here!

Coloma's avatar

False Awww…honorable grandmother

TJBM needs to make a phone call and decline an invitation and they don’t want to yay, I am sick sooo, it’s not an excuse. haha

Dutchess_III's avatar

No…because everyone is coming here and if anyone declines I’ll cancel Christmas altogether. For everyone. Even Santa. They know I’ll do it too!

TJBM’s grandkids HATE the song “Gramma go run over by a reindeer!”

reijinni's avatar

what grandkids?
TJBM has swatted a fly with an iPad.

geeky_mama's avatar

Nope. We discourage swinging around electronics at our house.

TJBM has yet to start wrapping Christmas presents. Crazy stressed out here!

blueberry_kid's avatar

Actually, I wrapped all of my gifts. And not just mine, but my mom’s and dad’s gifts to everyone. 47 gifts. I think thats a cry for help.

TJBM has overcome thier winterly-cold. I just did!!!

Coloma's avatar

@blueberry_kid Yay!

False..I’ll hit my third day on antibiotics tomorrow, feeling about 30% better tonight though, should be pretty good by Xmas eve. :-D

TJBM likes candy canes


True. I normally don’t like candy and chocolate, but I do have a soft spot for candy canes. Love peppermint.

TJBM has just gotten over a bad cold like me. :(

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM is a college basketball fan.

geeky_mama's avatar

Not so much.

TJBM has not gotten sick (yet) from this Epic Cold everyone else is mentioning.

erichw1504's avatar

True. I take my vitamans.

TJBM works 40 hours a week.

Coloma's avatar

False. I freelance write, work in home design and moonlight at my local river rafting thrift store.Some weeks I only work a few hours, others more, rarely 40…just the way I like it!

TJBM has a diverse work life too

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM has a tendency to cry over Christmas films

Coloma's avatar


TJBM has lots of birds flitting around their yard this morning


Yes! A lot of house sparrows.

TJBM lives near a big pond.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM is placing mistletoe on the frogs.

TheIntern55's avatar

False…but if I find one I will.
TJBM got a stuffed animal as a Christmas gift.

Coloma's avatar

False. I got a REAL, huge, fluffy, new cat from the shelter 3 weeks ago today. He has blended purr-fectly with my other cat and they are romping and playing together like they have been friends for years! Yay! :-D

TJBM will be taking Xmas pictures of their pets

TheIntern55's avatar

False. We couldn’t get my dog to be still for a picture any time of the year.
TJBM just wants video games for Christmas.

Coloma's avatar

False. But, I got my daughters boyfriend a $50 gift card for Game stop. He’ll be a happy guy. ;-)

TJBM loves lighting Xmas candles all over the house at night

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM has at least 5 days off for Christmas vacation.

MilkyWay's avatar

True, I’ve got 3 weeks :P
TJBM is bored

Coloma's avatar

False. Still easing into my day since I am sick this week

TJBM plays a musical instrument

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is having trouble with family

Coloma's avatar

False. A minor mis-communication the other day but, it’s all fixed now. I like to get things worked out quickly. :-)

TJBM is sitting in a ray of sunshine aaah, bliss out

TheIntern55's avatar

False, the sun just went down.
TJBM is trying to make cookies…again. first ones were terrible

reijinni's avatar

I don’t make them, I eat them.
TJBM has no need for prayer.

Coloma's avatar

For the most part, no. I don’t pray, but, I take no issue with those that do.
I’m more new agey/ philosophy oriented in my spiritual pursuits

TJBM has a diverse spiritual orientation

DaphneT's avatar

False. True. Can’t decide.

TJBM knows the entire lyrics for 10 songs.

Coloma's avatar

Probably, but I’d have to think about it for a long time lol

TJBM likes raspberry jello

blueberry_kid's avatar

I love respberry anything. Hell, berry anything!

TJBM wears contacts that annoy the crap out of them.

DaphneT's avatar

False. they annoyed me so much that I can’t wear them anymore.

TJBM feels ___________ at Christmas.

blueberry_kid's avatar

Hmmmm… Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

TJBM likes mistletoes.

DaphneT's avatar


TJBM knows how to use mistletoe.

reijinni's avatar

sure, attach to belt buckle.
TJBM likes that little joke.

blueberry_kid's avatar

So funny, I forgot to laugh.

TJBM agrees.

DaphneT's avatar


TJBM has a romantic soul.

TheIntern55's avatar

False. I’m not the romance type.
TJBM is at their families house.

reijinni's avatar

I’m at home right now.
TJBM wants to give their church a bunch of cuckoo clocks.

TheIntern55's avatar

False, but we do need clocks of some sort. The youth group broke them all. Oops.
TJBM loves to destroy stuff!

Coloma's avatar

False. The only time I destroy stuff is on the extremely rare occasions I have a minor tantrum all by myself. Last time I smacked my garden hose nozzle against the fence because it was stuck, it ended up going even more cockeyed and sprayed me in the face. Instant karma. lol

TJBM has company coming at 1 o’ clock Aaagh..still have a lot to do

TheIntern55's avatar

False, but we’ll have plenty of company tonight.
TJBM loves hound dogs. Mine just found a friend. Hope they play nice.

Coloma's avatar

True! Hounds are my favorite dog breed. I used to have a Plott/Walker hound cross named “Ruckus”. Love dem hound doggies! :-)

TJBM has little kids in their family that still believe in Santa Claus

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM never believed in Santa Claus, even when they were a kid

TheIntern55's avatar

False. I believed in Santa until I found the receipt for the chalkboard I recieved that year. I wanted to be a teacher.
TJBM likes candy canes.


I do.

TJBM likes to pop Christmas crackers with a loved one.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM is having a great Christmas Eve? :)

reijinni's avatar

I am and I am still figuring out Quake 4.
TJBM has some ok gifts today.

TheIntern55's avatar

I had some great gifts! All my presents are open already and it’s a quarter after midnight.
TJBM just realized they’ve been up since 5:30. like me

AshLeigh's avatar

Nope. I woke up at noon… I love life when I don’t go to school.
TJBM is very glad to have a brother who looks out for them, and loves them, even when they steal his clothing. :D Like me!

TheIntern55's avatar

True, even though mine called me a whore today.
TJBM is not a whore.

AshLeigh's avatar

I like to believe so… >.<
TJBM will punch @TheIntern55‘s brother for calling her that.


I wouldn’t punch him, but I’d give him a good, stern lecture.

TJBM is going to sleep in tommorow before opening presents.

Coloma's avatar

False. It is tomorrow now, 7:11 a.m. on the west coast, we opened our gifts last night, and today is just relax and make a nice dinner. :-)

TJBM likes all their gifts and everyone liked theirs

TheIntern55's avatar

True. My little cousin is a Jets fan and everything he got last night was Jets related. He was so happy.
TJBM had a crazy Christmas Eve. Oh my family…

Coloma's avatar

Haha…well, I wouldn’t say crazy, but we did a lot of eating and a lot of talking and laughing. Watched bits and pieces of some misc. DVD’S, opened gifts, played with my new cat who was all excited about having strangers in the house, then, after everyone went home I floated in my hot tub under the stars and enjoyed the silent night and the Christmas lights twinkling all around my little mountain. :-D

TJBM has so much food in the house…OMG! I am afraid to weigh myself this week, so, I won’t haha

TheIntern55's avatar

True, but all of us older cousins are hanging out here later, so I’m sure there won’t be alot of food later.
TJBM is watching A Christmas Story play on TBS over and over and over…

reijinni's avatar

nope. hoping the watch Doctor Who later on.
TJBM is watching their new DVD titles instead.

TheIntern55's avatar

I was watching one earlier. But I have plenty of time to watch them tommorrow.
TJBM hurt themselves. Darn stairs…

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM likes Robert Pattinson’s music more than his movies


I’ve never heard of him.

TJBM will tell us who Robert Pattinson is.

TheIntern55's avatar

He’s the guy who plays Edward in the Twilight films. But I’ve never heard him sing…
TJBM will show us what Robert Pattinson sings like.

reijinni's avatar

why bother, don’t like the guy.
TJBM is sick of the stupid Twilight.


I was never familiar with it in the first place, but yeah, all the advertisements I saw out there made me sick of them.

TJBM thinks it’s a very quiet day and night here on Fluther.

TheIntern55's avatar

True, eveyone’s playing with their presents.
TJBM has a singing tie.

AshLeigh's avatar

What? Sure…
TJBM is @TheIntern55

AshLeigh's avatar

How did you know? :D
TJBM thinks @MRSHINYSHOES is psychic!

TheIntern55's avatar

Of course. What am I thinking @MRSHINYSHOES?
TJBM is their new pajamas. Mine are so comfy!

dabbler's avatar

Yep ! But, coffee at my side, have to get ready for work shortly.

TJBM has Christmas cookies for breakfast today.

geeky_mama's avatar

True. And other yummy Christmas leftovers.

TJBM is working today (Boxing Day).

Coloma's avatar

No. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of boxing day

TJBM has seen “Heavenly creatures” bizarre story

reijinni's avatar

TJBM has taken pock shots an Santa.

TheIntern55's avatar

I don’t know what pock shots are.
TJBM has a long travel day ahead. 6 hour car ride. Yuck! :P

Coloma's avatar

False. I opted out of traveling this year.

TJBM wants to see the new Spielberg movie “War Horse” that is going to be released on the 28th

geeky_mama's avatar

No, doesn’t appeal to me..but I do have good news to pass’s already in theaters. It’s release date was yesterday, Dec. 25th. So…if you want you can go to your local theater and see it today.

TJBM loves a slice of orange in their (iced) tea.


Hmm….sounds nice. Never tried it, but will do.

@TheIntern55 You’re thinking about what you’re going to do today?

TJBM has seen the movie “Tin Tin” and will tell me what he/she thought of it.

Coloma's avatar

False..not yet anyway.

TJBM is going out to lunch today

reijinni's avatar

no, feasting on leftovers.
TJBM is glad that she no longer has to ‘bless’ their food before eating.

AshLeigh's avatar

I do anyways…
TJBM is glad Christmas is over. Phew. Too much to do!

reijinni's avatar

TJBM is on foursquare.

DaphneT's avatar

False. Not sure what that means.

TJBM Has gone back to work. :(

AshLeigh's avatar

I have not.
TJBM is confused right now! :O


True. I’m confused as to whether I should drink apple-flavored sake, brandy on the rocks, or a french cognac liqueur. I think I’ll drink the latter tonight. Part of my Christmas fun. Lol.

TJBM has had wine or some other alcoholic drink in the past three days, in celebration of Christmas.

DaphneT's avatar

True. Should have skipped it, the depression is kicking in.

TJBM has more holiday parties to host or attend.

AshLeigh's avatar

I do not. Gladly.
TJBM is sad for me, because my heater is being a douche, so it’s 50 degrees in here, and getting colder.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I certainly don’t envy you, I hate being cold!

TJBM is at a relative’s house right now!

InkyAnn's avatar

False, I am in my own bed.

TJBM wanted to be the tree topper on their Christmas tree this year.

erichw1504's avatar

False, that would hurt.

TJBM is ready for 2012.

geeky_mama's avatar

Yes, very. I am leaving on a jet plane for my favorite part of the world on Jan 1 – -so bring on 2012!!

TJBM takes down (or tosses out) the Christmas tree before New Years each year.

erichw1504's avatar

True, I did the day after Christmas.

TJBM had a real tree this year.

Coloma's avatar

False. I had a light up lampshade “tree” on an alter with red lights and plum blossom lights, it looks really cool, got a lot of complements on the creativity. :-)

TJBM is saturated with sweets and has thrown out all the leftover pie, fudge, cobbler, cake, cookies. party in the woods last night for the critters. haha

erichw1504's avatar

False. Gimme moar treats!

TJBM is hungry.

reijinni's avatar

just ate.
TJBM needs more sweets.

Coloma's avatar

F-K NO! lol

TJBM is a Capricorn like me ;-)

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM has not one, but two new year’s resolutions for next year.

Coloma's avatar

True. Get back into an exercise routine and pay off my credit card. lol

TJBM wants a big snowstorm to hit

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM wants to build a massive snow fort.

reijinni's avatar

too lazy to do anything.
TJBM is always lazy.

Coloma's avatar

False. Sometimes my body is lazy but my mind is always active. lol

TJBM is a seeker of wisdom and knowledge

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’d like to think that is true!

TJBM thinks that Christmas lights look best when they’re strung BEHIND the wreath or the tree, instead of glaring out from the front.

geeky_mama's avatar

I’d never thought of it before – but yes, I agree. They do look better sort of “glowing from within”.
I’ll bet your Christmas decorations look really nice @Dutchess_III.

TJBM made traditional decorations of some sort this year. (We made Pomander balls.)

Dutchess_III's avatar

(Yeah…well…I didn’t think of it until after everything was hung, so when I took the wreath and the grassy stuff down, I hooked all the lights up behind them. Don’t know how the grassy garland stuff will look becuase I put it away, but I plugged the wreath in and it does look MUCH nicer! And then I put it away too.)

Uh…no. The only thing we did that’s becoming “traditional” is having all of the grandkids over for a night around this time.

TJBM is ready to go back to work!

geeky_mama's avatar

True. Already there. Started back yesterday.

TJBM has a big trip coming up.

erichw1504's avatar

True, heading up North to visit family for Christmas.

TJBM has driven at least 500 miles before.

Coloma's avatar

True. I covered 5 states in a 2 week road trip in 06. It was great!

TJBM loves the southwest, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona

Dutchess_III's avatar

I do. I want to go there someday.

TJBM has moments when they want to strangle their children.

Coloma's avatar

Sometimes still, yes, and she’s been on her own now for the last 3 years. lol

TJBM likes to watch clouds

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM has to go to the store today.

Coloma's avatar

True, and the post office and the feed store and….yeah, I need to get my ass in gear LOL

TJBM has 3 stamps and 7 bills

Dutchess_III's avatar

AND a partridge in a pear tree. Ever hear on online bill paying @Coloma? (you need to get into the chat room NOW!!)

TJBM is making dasterdly plans against another jelly in the Chat room.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM is looking forward to electing new congressmen.

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM has 8 fingers.

Coloma's avatar

False. At least at last count. lol
@Dutchess_III I do pay some online, but others are the jugglers. haha

TJBM finds the chat room too fast paced to keep up

reijinni's avatar

nope, I find them empty.
TJBM drinks jaeger and eggnog.

creative1's avatar

The eggnog yes but never had jaeger before

TJBM has someone to kiss at midnight to ring in the new year

geeky_mama's avatar

Yes I do. One of the many perks of marriage. :)

TJBM is preparing their nengajou and is displaying their kadoumatsu.


Lol…Half of me is Japanese and I’m not even familiar with the custom! Argh.

TJBM is going to stay home this New Year’s Eve.

Coloma's avatar

Most likely.

TJBM only goes out of they are staying in a hotel and don’t have to drive anywhere

creative1's avatar

If I go out and there isn’t someone else to drive I don’t drink, with 2 kids I need to come home

TJBM is ready for 2012 to begin

AshLeigh's avatar

Eh. A change of number won’t change anything.
TJBM is afraid of creepy attics

erichw1504's avatar


TJBM is afraid of creepy basements.

Coloma's avatar

False. I like creepy old houses with basements.

TJBM knows someone that drives them nuts with their nonstop talking

creative1's avatar

Yup my 3 yr old, she is nonstop talking but I love her to pieces

TJBM likes nuts on their salad

geeky_mama's avatar

True. I’m going thru a phase where my most favorite meal is an arugula salad with candied walnuts and goat cheese and just a tiny drizzle of balsamic vinaigrette on top. I am crazy for arugula lately.

TJBM has phases where they have a favorite food for long stretches before their tastes change.

AshLeigh's avatar

Nope. Ice Cream forever.
TJBM noticed that people have started abbreviating here, and object to it!

Coloma's avatar

I haven’t really noticed, I’ll be watching now. ;-)
@geeky_mama I do! I am currently on a creme cheese with sweet chili sauce and water crackers jag. lol

TJBM is having one of those days where they are all over the place but nothing is actually getting done

DaphneT's avatar

Nope. my two sisters were that way, so I was elected sane today

TJBM is quietly perusing the evening reading options.

AshLeigh's avatar

Nope. I’m watching NCIS. :) Reading later though.
TJBM has a date this week? :O


Yes. A date with my little ones to go to “Build A Bear.”

TJBM has a “Build a Bear” teddy bear.

AshLeigh's avatar

It’s a moose.
TJBM is talking on the phone, like me. :)

Coloma's avatar

False. I am eating peppermint chocolate baaad

TJBM still has christmas goodies lingering around

OpryLeigh's avatar

Yep. I’m not a huge chocolate lover (I only like it in very small doses a few days apart) so I will probably have it lying around for a long time unless my boyfriend takes it off my hands!!!

TJBM will be in a big city tomorrow.

dabbler's avatar

Yep ! I’m here around the clock… except we will be getting out of town for NewYear’sEve to avoid the crowd who come to watch the ball drop.

TJBM has a New year’s Eve ritual.

geeky_mama's avatar

Erm, more like traditions than ritual I suppose. My traditions are an odd mix (like me) of Japanese/American customs.

TJBM is at work today and needs to get a lot done.

Coloma's avatar

False. But, I have a lot to do, and everything is in complete opposite directions of each other, it’s a cruise the county day. lol

TJBM stayed up too late last night and is tired


True. And I got to work today too. :(

TJBM is looking forward to the long weekend.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM slept in extra late today! :)

Coloma's avatar

False. Went to bed at 2am and woke up before 8.
I have a micro-farm that makes a lot of noise if the barn door is not opened by 7:30 at the latest. lol

TJBM likes bubble baths

AshLeigh's avatar

I do.
TJBM has a Snuggie. :D

creative1's avatar

Nope but my puppy got one for Christmas from my mom LOL

TJBM is having some left over desserts from Christmas tonight

Coloma's avatar

More than likely, yes. lol

TJBM knows what time it is on the west coast right now

AshLeigh's avatar

Pfft. I don’t know what time it is anywhere.
TJBM never knows what time it is.

MilkyWay's avatar

False, I’ve always got a watch on.
TJBM has a thing for watches, and rings, and ringwatches…

DaphneT's avatar

It is 9:15+n, n being the number of minutes from the quarter hour, on the west coast, I usually know how to figure western hemisphere time, and I don’t wear rings or watches.

TJBM has a working thesis on anything.

TheIntern55's avatar

False, I’m only a freshman.
TJBM hasn’t been in reach of the internet for a few days. Still catching up…

AshLeigh's avatar

Mhm. :D
TJBM is having dinner.

TheIntern55's avatar

False, but I’m about to move on to the ice cream.
TJBM puts whipped cream on their ice cream.

DaphneT's avatar

When I have it.

TJBM can make anything work.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is good at making relationships work

reijinni's avatar

nope, never had one.
TJBM is on a holiday.


Nope. :(

TJBM thinks there will be a big, big natural disaster in 2012. :(

Coloma's avatar

Who knows, guess we’ll find out.

TJBM likes Jamba Juice Orange Dream Machine

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM is going to be a rebel, like me, and not drink prune juice when they’re old. :D


True! I’ll just eat the prunes. Lol.

TJBM is going to be anti-establishment and sneak in snacks into a movie theater without letting anyone know.

TheIntern55's avatar

True, I’ve already done it. My band teacher wears a trench coat filled with everything she needs except popcorn.
TJBM has already taken down their Christmas tree.

Coloma's avatar

False. But, it all comes down by Monday

TJBM has finicky cats jeez…third morning of bad cat food flavors lol

geeky_mama's avatar

Nope. Our cats eat whatever dry stuff we leave out for them and seem happy with it.

TJBM is about to be absent from Fluther for a few days.

Coloma's avatar

Not that I am aware of, I suppose I could die today. lol

TJBM likes to go outside early in the morning for a little walk around their yard

MilkyWay's avatar

True, in my garden :P
TJBM is job hunting

reijinni's avatar

sort of
TJBM wants to play El Gran Dictat.

AshLeigh's avatar

… No. I’m good.
TJBM has a busy day today! :)

TheIntern55's avatar

True! I get to party tonight! with the church youth group. PARTY!
TJBM is making brownies for a party. they smell good…

Coloma's avatar

False. I am trying to polish off all the leftover candy.

TJBM is enjoying a mellow afternoon on a gloomy day

reijinni's avatar

not that gloomy. @TheIntern55, will there be pot and/or ex-lax in those brownies?
TJBM is going to celebrate New Year’s early.

TheIntern55's avatar

False, celebrating in the “downtown” section of my town tommorrow. It’s actually just a traffic circle. @reijinni Sorry, I had forgotten to pick some up before making the brownies :P
TJBM is shocked at how little they’ve done today.

DaphneT's avatar

Not at all. Many days are spent getting little to nothing done.

TJBM has a cause.

TheIntern55's avatar

Not right now.
I propose we make the Give-Me-A-Cause….cause.
TJBM had a Christmas party today. Good fun, but terrible food :P


Nope. Had that a few weeks ago.

TJBM is going to leave the Christmas decorations on until a few weeks into January.

Ela's avatar

False. I’ll probably pack ‘em up Tues or Wed.
so I can get v-day’s up soon ; )
tjbm has already taken their decorations down

AshLeigh's avatar

I wish. I hate them.
TJBM will help me hunt down and murder whoever stole my new $300 Camera. >:’(

Coloma's avatar

True/false! Don’t murder them, just tie them to a tree naked for a week or two. lol
@AshLeigh I’m sorry, that’s just rotten, any suspects?

TJBM will help @AshLeigh and @Coloma devise a good punishement for the theif

reijinni's avatar

how about tie him up naked and throw him to a hippo.
TJBM hates the awful nonsense fees.

TheIntern55's avatar

@AshLeigh That’s terrible! Let’s grab our torches and pitchforks and go on a manhunt!
TJBM will share their New Year’s resolutions with us.

MilkyWay's avatar

Don’t really have any. Just do well in my exams, get a job, do well in college…
TJBM was nervous when they joined college

AshLeigh's avatar

I haven’t joined College. :P
No suspects… :(
TJBM is annoyed right now.

Ela's avatar

True. Somewhat, yes : (

tjbm is super happy to see Miss @AshLeigh : )

AshLeigh's avatar

I see myself every day. I am happy to see @EnchantingEla though!
TJBM thinks @EnchantingEla is way too cool. :D

Ela's avatar

False! I’m not nearly as frosty as you girly girl!
you get your lappy fixed? soooo duper-duper good to see you! <squishy bears hugzz>

tjbm is having an awesome possum day!

AshLeigh's avatar

Nope. I’m just stealing my momma’s. :D She never uses it anyways. XD
Eh. I’m fighting with someone. Haha.
On the up side… I found my camera!!!
TJBM has an annoying puppy in their house.


My Akita used to be a little annoying as a puppy (but really cute too), but he’s all grown up now and is sooo calm and dignified. He rarely barks unless it’s necessary.

TJBM has both a cat and a dog.

AshLeigh's avatar

I do.
TJBM suspects @MRSHINYSHOES doesn’t even wear Shiny Shoes. O.o

Ela's avatar

False. I’ve seen piccies so it has to be true!

tjbm has also seen pics of @MRSHINYSHOES shiny shoes

AshLeigh's avatar

No. :( I feel left out.
TJBM also feels left out.


Nope, because I’m wearing my shiny shoes at this very moment! Lol. ;)

TJBM has red high heels.

AshLeigh's avatar

I own one pair of heels, becuase I can’t walk in them. They are black and white.
TJBM is glad to see the Shiny Shoes! :)

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM just finished watching the New Year celebrations on TV

reijinni's avatar

not yet, debating on whether to be awake for them.
TJBM wants to see @AshLeigh‘s heels.

Coloma's avatar

Not really, I’d rather see Shiney Shoes. lol

TJBM will hear gunshots at midnight It’s the new years rednecks up here lol


Not gunshots, but I heard my family and I shout out “HAPPY NEW YEAR!” and the popping of new year crackers. It was fun.

@Coloma ok, here they are, these Steve Madden dress boots that I also own, and wear when I’m not working, when I’m out with the family that is——seriously——lol——

TJBM jumped up and down cheerfully during the New Year’s celebrations at midnight.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Nope. I am not very well so I had a quiet evening last night.

TJBM has cried whilst watching Free Willy.

DaphneT's avatar

False, haven’ t seem Free Willy.

TJBM believes this will be a Great New Year! when I get to work today everyone will be super polite and cheerful!

TheIntern55's avatar

Not sure, signs aren’t looking good at the moment, but I hope so!
TJBM is watching the Twilight Zone marathon.

reijinni's avatar

TJBM thinks that the new year is already in the crapper.

Coloma's avatar

False. I just woke up and it is only 8 hours and 15 minutes into the New Year, so far, so good.

@MRSHINYSHOES Haha, you’re too sexy for your shoes

TJBM is making a steak dinner today

geeky_mama's avatar

False. Today (and for the next 23 consecutive hours) I will be in transit on my way to the other side of the planet. Though last night for New Years Eve we had a nice steak dinner.

TJBM loathes flight legs 11 or 12 hours in length.

Coloma's avatar

True. My last international flight was 13 hours to Taiwan from San Francisco…I did sleep a good amount, left at midnight from SFO and slept most of the way across the Pacific, woke up somewhere with about 5 hours to go. Yay Xanax and one big bloody mary. lol

Where are you going geeky mama?

TJBM is enjoying a frisky, frosty morning.

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM has had a good day

Dutchess_III's avatar

True! I’ve been quite lazy today AND my husband has actually taken it upon himself to clean the house! WOW!

TJBM wonders if everyone on Fluther is DAID!

reijinni's avatar

TJBM has eaten unicorn.

Dutchess_III's avatar

A unicorn? That would be sad, so no.

TJBM has never eaten bread pudding because it sounds, and looks, gross.

Ela's avatar

That might be true since I don’t eat gross looking food unless it smell delish.

tjbm has a junk food fetish


Sometimes, and it negatively affects the swimming and speedskating that I do. I’ve gained 2 pounds over the Christmas holidays on all the junk food. :(

Dutchess_III's avatar


TJBM had a peaceful, uneventful holiday. No fighting, no doing stupid things ‘cause you had too much to drink!

Coloma's avatar


TJBM noticed that the shiney shoe man forgot to ask TJB him lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

True dat! So I just defaulted to “false.” Seems safer that way!

TJBM is eating some awesome left over Christmas food, like pinto beans boiled up with some Christmas ham!

TheIntern55's avatar

False, we were everywhere but home for Christmas. We had to do a big shopping trip yesterday.
TJBM went for a long walk today. My legs hurt:(

Dutchess_III's avatar

No…I should have. It’s unseasonably warm today.

TJBM has gained weight over the holidays.

TheIntern55's avatar

Probobly, but I don’t care. I’m on the swim team, we start practicing again Tuesday.
TJBM watches The History Channel often.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, I wish! We just have basic cable, so there is a lot I miss. Nat Geo, History, all that good stuff. But when NOVA and stuff does come on it’s a real treat.

TJBM is cleaning up dog vomit.

reijinni's avatar

no more pets here.
TJBM is playing either Simcity 4 or quake 4.

Coloma's avatar

False. I am cooking dinner and listening to the neigh-bors going off
it’s donkey dinner time too lol

TJBM has Lemon Merangue pie Mmmm

creative1's avatar

Nope but it sounds yummy

TJBM makes their own pies

TheIntern55's avatar

False, I’m a terrible baker. But my mother makes the best cheesecake ever.
TJBM has seen Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and will tell me if it’s as sad as it looks.

AshLeigh's avatar

I haven’t even heard of it…
TJBM will give me a lecture, about being good. ‘kaythanks.

TheIntern55's avatar

AshLeigh, you need to be good because if you aren’t good, bad things happen, and if bad things happen….well….bad….good…
Oh, screw this, I suck at lectures.
TJBM will give @AshLeigh her good lecture and me a lecture on how to give lectures.

reijinni's avatar

I suck at lectures as well.
TJBM has written their own obit.

AshLeigh's avatar

TJBM is an adult who is good at lecturing teenagers, who are in need of such… XD

creative1's avatar

Yes but I can’t say they don’t tune me out sometimes, my neices and nephews sometimes need guidence from someone whom isn’t mom or dad so auntie does the trick for them.

TJBM likes to cook different foods

AshLeigh's avatar

I can’t cook.
TJBM is a bad apple. Like me. ;D

Ela's avatar

Yep and between you and me we spoil the whole bunch, baby!

tjbm is an apple pie with a dollop of cool whip on top ; )

AshLeigh's avatar

A bad apple pie… XD
TJBM has coffee, and will share.

Ela's avatar

Psht! No such thing as bad apple pie ; )
False. I don’t drink coffee, I just love the smell of it.

tjbm has coffee will share with tjam!

AshLeigh's avatar

I’m going to make some.
TJBM wants some of the coffee I’m about to make. :)

Ela's avatar

Waits for a volunteer from the audience otherwise it’s gonna be the AshLeigh & Ela Show here <winks>

<—is making cookies and will share

OpryLeigh's avatar

Nope, don’t drink coffee, enjoying my cup of tea though.

TJBM is enjoying their last day of freedom before they have to go back to work/school.

Coloma's avatar

False. But I did ebjoy my last slice of pie and now, today, it’s back to some discipline and diet ;-/

TJBM has eaten more sugar in the last 2 weeks than they have in a year

MilkyWay's avatar

TJBM is stressed

Coloma's avatar

Not yet, but, I am expecting a call from a friend this morning that broke up with her live-in BF yesterday, should be good for some drama, hers, not mine. lol

TJBM is worried that their state is going to experience a drought this year shit, no rain in over 6 weeks here and none predicted through mid-month!

AshLeigh's avatar

Not really worried.
TJBM isn’t worried either.

reijinni's avatar

just tired.
TJBM has taken an arrow to the knee.

Coloma's avatar

False. But, I was shot AT by a bow hunter on my horse once. It zinged off a tree. Scary!

TJBM is in hibernation mode today

Dutchess_III's avatar

No..I’m in battle mode today. : (
TJBM hopes his or her answer field is all white so they can see if their new avatar looks cool.

josrific's avatar

False, I rarely change my avatar.
TJBM wonders if riding a bike is better exercise than walking.

MilkyWay's avatar

False, I know it isn’t, although it is more fun :)
TJBM loves cycling.

DaphneT's avatar

False, but it can sometimes be easier on my knee joints.

TJBM prefers yoga

AshLeigh's avatar

Nah. I run.
TJBM runs.

geeky_mama's avatar

Not unless I’m being chased.

TJBM does Zumba.

Coloma's avatar

False, but I do practice some yoga

TJBM is starting their New Years detox diet The no sugar zone is here again

OpryLeigh's avatar

Nope but I am looking forward to starting my exercise programme again tomorrow.

TJBM is glad to be back to normal after the Christmas/New Year chaos.

AshLeigh's avatar

Yes I am.
TJBM doesn’t think I should have to go back to school tomorrow! :D

Coloma's avatar

True. More vacation for @AshLeigh :-)

TJBM has a rooster that crows in their neighborhood

TheIntern55's avatar

True, but there used to be more of them and they all crowed at the same time. Annoying.
TJBM wants snow. A foot in October but none now? Come on, man…

MilkyWay's avatar

Most definitley.
TJBM thinks that there should always be snow in December, January and February.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Not on my tropical beach.

TJBM likes ( it’s the season ) mixed nuts.

MilkyWay's avatar

Very much.
TJBM will state what their favourite edible and digestible nut is.

creative1's avatar

I would say the left one but then you said digestible so I will go with brazil nuts

TJBM will follow me to Part 34

creative1's avatar

whooo whooo

MilkyWay's avatar


blueiiznh's avatar


MilkyWay's avatar


creative1's avatar


Paul's avatar


TheIntern55's avatar


creative1's avatar


Ela's avatar

misses fishes kissesssssssssssssssssssssssss

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