General Question

srmorgan's avatar

Is there a way to insert foreign alphabetic characters into a g-mail message?

Asked by srmorgan (6773points) January 17th, 2012

I use G-mail. I had a need to insert a letter from a European alphabet (Norwegian) into a message but I can’t figure out how to do it.
I can do it in Word, using the insert command but is there a way to do it in G-mail.

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6 Answers

digitalimpression's avatar

I would think that you should be able to download a European alphabet font and then just use the alt characters like so—> † ╒

Fly's avatar

You should just be able to copy it from the internet or Word and paste into your e-mail. I just tried this with several different symbols/foreign letters on my G-mail and it worked just fine.

Jeruba's avatar

I agree that copying and pasting should work. But I’d also experiment first by sending myself a message containing those characters just to see if they come through all right. Do you have another account of any sort that you could send it to, to test the effects outside the Googleverse?

I’d say Google it—but Google’s blacked out now. So’s Wikipedia. They’ve done it.

It looks like Gmail is still working, though.

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IzzyAndHerBeans's avatar

Isn’t there a ‘label’ for that? There are gadgets you can insert to your Gmail account to make things like this easier. For example, there’s a gadget to SMS people.

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