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rebbel's avatar

"Fluther Ink": What tribute tattoo are you going to take?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) February 8th, 2012

While having dinner, we are usually watching LA Ink because right after that What Not To Wear is on, a favorite of my girlfriend.
No offence to all the people (both on the show and here on Fluther) who go there and have an ink done, but lately I get a bit tired of all the sad stories behind their tribute tattoos.
Some put a tribute tattoo for their child (deceased or sick or fighting obesity), others for their deceased grandpa “because he taught me to live my life/he took me fishing for merlin, etc.”, but others still, have an ink done because they “escaped death cos just not being hit by a car” or “as a tribute and a reminder for the hard trip that my move from NYC to LA was”.
Tears flow….
I jokingly said to my girlfriend that in a parody it would be nice to have someone take a tattoo as a tribute to all people who have tribute tattoos, or someone that puts a big turd on his chest to remind him “of the difficult time he had when he couldn’t go to the loo for a few days….... Next day a guy comes in who pays tribute to….., cheese, and he has a big Edam (or Gouda) done….:-/
Anyway, amuse me: what would you want to pay tribute to, and what image/ink goes along with that?

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11 Answers

SavoirFaire's avatar

I don’t know if I can do any better than referring you to this old question.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I’ll do it! I’ll get a tribute to the Internet as a whole and have a computer keyboard tattooed across my belly. That way someone can type on my and tickle me at the same time.

SuperMouse's avatar

I would probably have this guy tattooed on each of my breasts.

Blueroses's avatar

“fishing for merlin” makes me smile.
Those LOTR fanboys need more fresh air.
If someone drew that for me, it just might be my tribute tattoo.

augustlan's avatar

I have seriously (no, really) been considering getting a tattoo of an “A”, superimposed on a feather. It would be a tribute to a few different things, all important to me. “A” stands for ‘augustlan’ (obviously), but also for ‘atheist’. The feather stands for freedom (to me). And, the “A” and the feather combined stands for my favorite literary character of all time, Atticus Finch. (Finch>bird>feather) I was actually just discussing this with my husband, minutes ago. Get out of my head, @rebbel.

rebbel's avatar

@augustlan Every phone (be they dumb or otherwise) in your hands becomes instantly smart!
And have you ever considered an “R”?

JilltheTooth's avatar

3 of my 4 mean something, and now I feel silly. Well, actually the first one just means I lost a bet in 1977. The boob frog. But hey, it’s still cute, and still sorta frog shaped.

Berserker's avatar

Well obviously, I’d get a tattoo of a zombie. A zombie head, an entire zombie, a small horde of zombies perhaps…either way. I can’t think if a better tribute I would personally like to champion. Having a zombie on my thigh or a small pack of zombies on my lower back would be great. A few random heads here and there.
I’d also pay a tribute to pillows everywhere, by getting a pillow tattoo done on one of my ass cheeks. (the other cheek would have a zombie)
Or an inverted cross on my forehead. Not to pay tribute to anything, but just because it would be awesome.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I have three tribute tattoos already: my husband’s name and my childrens’ names. =0)

If I had to get another tribute tattoo, I could always go with something related to chocolate!

ucme's avatar

Awesome baby maker scrolled around the head of my penis.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I haven’t got any tattoos because I know my boyfriend isn’t a fan but if I were to get some I would get a pirate ship on my back, a lighthouse starting under my boob down to my hip and a mermaid (gothic rather than cartoony) on my arm. They are all images that relate to the sea which is a tribute to my dad who spent many years in the Navy and passed on his love of the sea (or any big body of water) to me.

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