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RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Is it reasonable for a Cow to question the ways of a Duck?

Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies (30954points) February 15th, 2012

Cow – Why do you float around in the pond?

Duck – Because that’s what Ducks do.

Cow – But why don’t you graze in the grass like a Cow?

Duck – Because Ducks float around in the pond.

Cow – What’s it like?

Duck – It’s like grazing in the grass.

If there is a God, and we humans question the ways of God, do we have any ability to understand, even if God answered? Or are we more likely to interpret the ways of God as the ways of humans?

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14 Answers

janbb's avatar

Is it reasonable for a wife to question the ways of a husband?

Blackberry's avatar

Since it’s rhetorical: yes, we do. If god gave us an answer like, “Those children have to die because my plan is this…”, we could say “Hey, how about we do this instead, and those kids can have a decent life?”

It doesn’t matter how big and awesome you are, if you’re an idiot, you’re an idiot.

tom_g's avatar

“If there is a God, and we humans question the ways of God, do we have any ability to understand, even if God answered?”

Yes. I don’t understand physics, but a good physicist can communicate even the most complex topics in a way that I can understand.
In you hypothetical, it’s likely that this god is fairly powerful. S/he should be smart and/or powerful enough to come up with an explanation that I can understand.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Notice the Duck answered the Cow in a manner that the Cow could understand. But that in no way means the Cow really understands what it means to “float around in the pond”. Thus the Cow may be tempted to judge the Duck for not “grazing in the grass” in proper Cow fashion.

Point being, that if there is a God, and God explained everything in terms that humans could feel they understood, do humans have the capacity to truly understand Middle Knowledge? (a concept attributed to God-like powers).

And if God does possess the capacity for Middle Knowledge, then discussing the issue with humans to uncover a better solution for any problem is mute, especially when he knew in advance he would be compared to an idiot.

Blackberry's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies Yeah, I don’t see any point to some of this guy’s master god plans, so it’s difficult for me to wrap my head around some of his awesome methods. So it could be possible.

tom_g's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies: “Notice the Duck answered the Cow in a manner that the Cow could understand. But that in no way means the Cow really understands what it means to “float around in the pond”.”

Right. Well, ducks aren’t usually considered omnipotent (and we don’t usually see them speaking “cow”), so the duck is not capable of communicating the concept in a way that the cow can really understand.

I’ll admit right now that I am not familiar with the theology/philosophy of “middle knowledge” and don’t have the time to read that page you linked to. So, maybe I’m just missing out on understanding this whole duck/cow thing. But it seems to me that with omnipotence comes the power to….umm…well, do anything, including the ability to communicate a complex and foreign concept in a way that anyone can understand.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

The concept for Middle Knowledge is flawed to some degree. I’m just throwing it out there for conversation, as an apologetic for those who have faith.

But realistically, let’s say God could explain the flood killing all of humanity except for one pure family. Let’s assume that God realized that allowing humanity to continue on a wicked course would ultimately end in total human destruction anyway, later, when the world became exponentially more populated. The logic of destroying the current population is to avoid an even greater population from destroying itself later on.

But with Middle Knowledge, God should have known all this from the beginning. Why go through the effort?

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

And if one pure family was saved from the flood, then surely God knew that human wickedness would arise again later on anyway.

Coloma's avatar

Reminds me of my ex MIL

She: I just don’t understand why you want to have pet geese of all things.
Me: Well..I don’t understand why you collect Mickey Mouse clocks. Oh brother. lol

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

@janbb “Is it reasonable for a wife to question the ways of a husband?”

My XXXwife thought so.

But heaven help the husband who questions the ways of his wife. That shall not be tolerated ever.

SpatzieLover's avatar

^You’ve learned something about the ways of the omnipotent powers that be, then. Huh @RealEyesRealizeRealLies? ;)

lazydaisy's avatar

It’s like trying to teach bears about Heaven. They don’t know and they don’t care. Totally out of their box.

flutherother's avatar

Cows and ducks get along just fine although they are different. Man is the only animal that reasons questioning everything and causing chaos.

Man – Why do you wander around all day eating grass

Cow – Because that’s what cows do.

Man – Seems a bit pointless doesn’t it?

Cow – I never thought about it.

Man – I tell you what I’ll do, I’ll give you a purpose. Your purpose is to feed me. Here is a field with grass and here is an abattoir.

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