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Blackberry's avatar

Didn’t he just make a comment about women driving in reference to Danica Patrick’s crash? I don’t think there is a bigger asshole.

picante's avatar

Sadly, there are many who equal or top him in assholemanship. Controversy spells ratings in his world—but he may be an asshole in his own right, so I don’t cut him any slack.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Everything that comes out of his mouth just provides truth that he is a sociopath.

rebbel's avatar

I feel sorry for his mother.

annewilliams5's avatar

He does use his brain for a seat cushion-doesn’t he?

Dutchess_III's avatar

The man is just sick. I can’t believe that Christians want to claim him. In the 80’s I was in Christian circles and people used to gush about how great he was. I listened to one of his spiels and was so repulsed I never listened again. Why is he still on the airwaves?

linguaphile's avatar

At first I thought you were talking about Rush but you could have been talking about a Rush I know…

But since you’re talking about this Rush, no, not many people in the public eye are as bad as or worse than him.

Accurate Depiction.

tom_g's avatar



Lightlyseared's avatar

Well I’m sure if we looked hard enough we could find someone worse…

gorillapaws's avatar

Ahmadinejad is worse, but it’s a close contest.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Good Rush, Bad Rush LOLL!!

cheebdragon's avatar

Love him or hate him, that fucker is still doing better than most of us. And congrats, you just made him more popular.

Everyone is an asshole, its just a part of life. If you dont like what he says, ignore him, don’t give him more publicity.

FutureMemory's avatar

I think Anne Coulter is 10x worse.

I just want him to go away; I want Ms. Coulter to die in a car crash.

Rush is horrible, though. Definitely.

sinscriven's avatar

@tom_g : Well played!

I would have said Briebart myself. unlike Rush who’s just a vocal asshole, Briebart actually destroyed jobs, and organizations made to help low-income families for his sociopathic rightist agenda.

It’s poetically fitting that his heart called it quits and shut him up for good.

FutureMemory's avatar

And what’s up with him still having his radio show after his Oxycodone affair?

Dutchess_III's avatar

you spelled “a$$h@ole” wrog. It only has one ‘o’ in it.

linguaphile's avatar

@FutureMemory Agreed. Her and Michelle Bachman.

Rarebear's avatar

@tom_g Agree on Breitbart, although he certainly kept a lower profile than Rush.

@cheebdragon Point taken, although I doubt my little question on an out of the way website will matter much in the long term scheme of things.

DominicX's avatar

He’s a “fat old cunt”, according to my ex, and I’m inclined to agree with him. Obviously as a liberal, I hate him, but to think that some conservatives worship him is embarrassing…

LuckyGuy's avatar

Rush is a jerk. But Rick Sanitorium is a dangerous jerk.

Blackberry's avatar

Yeah, can we pretty much label the GOP and their followers assholes? Is social conservatism even needed in the 21st century?

Rarebear's avatar

Well, I wouldn’t go so far as the whole of the GOP as being assholes. I know plenty of “good” Republicans who are for fiscal conservatism but who believe in personal liberties. Sadly, few of them are in Congress and even fewer on the airwaves. The kind of Republicans I like are people like David Brooks and David Frum. Sadly, they are few and far between.

Sunny2's avatar

He laughs all the way to the bank. Unfortunately. Outrage as an entertainment is considered funny by many. Also, unfortunately.

Blackberry's avatar

@Rarebear Yeah, that’s my mistake. I feel bad for them, they’re like sober people in car full of drunks that won’t let them drive.

saint's avatar

He is an a$$h@ole to be sure. But so is the president. And the sun will come up tomorrow….

Dutchess_III's avatar

Gosh dangit! Can’t any one spell a$$h@ole right? How hard can it be??

Blackberry's avatar

Ass, hole?

FutureMemory's avatar

Leave it to josie to bring up Obama in a thread about Rush Limbaugh.

chyna's avatar

Rush bomb scare Too bad it wasn’t real.

GracieT's avatar

You are correct, there are some Christians that listen to and love Limbaugh. But there are many (like me and many of
my friends) that are repulsed
by the rather large waste of chromosomes that is Limbaugh. Luckily many of us are waking up and don’t follow the party line. We actually prefer to think for ourselves. Unfortunately there are many, far too many, who prefer to have other people do their thinking for them. Even if they don’t exactually agree with him, they don’t like to get their hands dirty and investigate things on their own.

Sunny2's avatar

I try not to hate, but I really have no charity for him at all. He’s despicable.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You know, the more I read about this the angrier I get. I tried to discuss it with a co-worker who didn’t know anything about it, really. She assumed that he was was referring to the “taxpayers” paying for the women to “have sex,” he was referring to welfare recipients. Never try to discuss issues with someone who has no idea what it going on but has Definite Opinions about it.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I think it’s my age @Dutchess_III, but I feel the same way you do. The more I sit with this, the more I want to sink him with his words.

tom_g's avatar

Jon Stewart talks about our friend here.

Rarebear's avatar

The advertiser count that have dumped rush is up to 24.

GracieT's avatar

@tom_g, I was watching that at a Red Lobster yesterday. (I live in OH, we don’t have many seafood places) I was laughing so hard I caught the attention of other diners and the waitress. Many of them had seen it also and understood my reaction. @Rarebear, I love that number, but there are still some that have stuck with him. It is great how the people have risen up for once and the businesses are paying attention!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Now 40, @Rarebear. Yay. I wonder if there is anyway to find a list of advertisers who are still with him, and write letters of protest and threats of a boycott?

I want a bumper sticker that reads “Abort Rush Limbaugh.”

Rarebear's avatar

@Dutchess_III I’m giving you a GA just break your 16,000

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well W00T @Rarebear! You are a true friend!

I found a list of advertisers on Rush Limppaws show:

linguaphile's avatar

Rush called his defected advertisers as insignificant as french fries lost at the bottom of a bag.


gorillapaws's avatar

@linguaphile by the looks of him, I don’t think Rush lets too many fries slip through the cracks in his meaty fingers.

linguaphile's avatar

@gorillapaws LOL That’s for sure!

DominicX's avatar

What’s the difference between Rush Limbaugh and the Hindenburg? One is a flaming Nazi gasbag; the other’s a dirigible.

I lol’d at that one…

GracieT's avatar

@Dutchess_III, when I clicked on that link I was sent to a site that was dated 2003? Am I not reading it correctly?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Good catch, @GracieT. But the blog reflects the current issue. Nope, it doesn’t! Oh well. The list may still be accurate anyway.

sinscriven's avatar

Interesting tidbit, today’s advertising data for Rush’s show according to Media Matters was 90% unpaid PSAs, and dead air. [source]

Dutchess_III's avatar

I hope that is true and above all I hope that it stays that way.

linguaphile's avatar

I have a new word in my vocabulary… a$$h@ole = as-shat-ole. I like that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@linguaphile It’s making me crazy because it implies that there are TWO 0’s in it, and their ain’t! It’s been bugging me for DAYS! Mo beer.

linguaphile's avatar

@Dutchess_III That’s why I converted it to as-shat-ole. Funny sounding. You could say it with an accent… asshuule but I like asshatole better :D

SpatzieLover's avatar

I prefer to read it asshat-Oh lay! :D

GracieT's avatar

@Dutchess_III, thanks for the compliment! :). I was just afraid that I was looking at it incorrectly. I read in the Reader’s Digest recently about Misophonia- a new “disease” where certain sounds elicit a desire in hearers to escape the vicinity, sometimes violently. Does this count?! :0)

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